Lesson 1  A  private conversation  私人谈话
private  adj. 私人的
conversation  n.  谈话
theatre  n. 剧院,戏院
seat    n.  座位
play  n.  戏
loudly  adv. 大声地
angry    adj. 生气的
angrily  adv. 生气地
attention  n.  注意
rudely  adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地
complain to sb. 向某人抱怨
go to the theatre 去剧院,去看戏
see a play 看戏
pay attention (to)… 注意……
have a good seat 有个好座位
turn round 转身,回头
1. I had a very good seat.
2. They were sitting behind me.
3. I could not hear the actors.
4. It’s none of your business.
5. I looked at the man and the woman angrily.
6. This is a private conversation.
(1)主语的位置:主语一般放在句子之前,通常由名词或代词组成。例:My parents often take a walk after supper.
例:She began to play the piano ten years ago.
(3)表语的位置:放在联系动词之后,如:get / be / turn等。
例:I got angry.
例:I like this place. (及物动词宾语的位置)
There are many trees in this place.(介词的宾语的位置)
例: The school library has many books on agriculture.校图书馆有许多关于农业的书。(many和on agriculture,都修饰books,many在books的前面,on agriculture则在它的后面)
例: The Summer Palace is very beautiful.颐和园非常美丽。(very为状语,修饰形容词beautiful,放在beautiful之前)
I know him well.我十分了解他。(well为状语,修饰动词 know,放在know之后)
The students often go on a picnic.这些学生经常出去野餐。 (often为状语,修饰动词go,放在它的前面)
We take exercise every day.我们每天都运动。(every day为状语,修饰动词take,在宾语exercise之后)
例:I met a friend at the bus-stop.我在公共汽车站遇到一位朋友。
(8)介词的位置: 介词一般也放在名词或代词之前。
例:There is a map of China on the wall.墙上有一幅中国地图。
(9)连词的位置: 连词一般放在同类的词、短语或从句之间。
例: They worked quickly and efficiently.他们工作速度快,效率高。
He works just as hard as everyone else although he is over sixty.他尽管六十多岁了,仍和大家一样努力工作。
(10)感叹词的位置 感叹词常放在句子最前面。
例: Oh,it's you!啊,是你呀!
1. Last week I went to the theatre. 上星期我去看戏。
last week 上周 last year去年
the week before last上上周
the night before last前天晚上
the day before yesterday前天
the month before last上上个月
(b)go to the theatre 去看戏 = see a play
in the theatre  在剧院里工作
at the theatre    在剧院看戏
2. I had a very good seat. 我的座位很好。
go2map地图北京(1) have a seat/place = take a seat /place= get a seat/place
(2) seat 座位 vs. sit 坐
take a seat/take one’s seat/be seated : 座下来,就座
seat是及物动词,后面有宾语 seat sb. 让某人坐下
e.g. You seat him.
e.g. Lucy is sitting there
When all those presents(到场者)_D_ he began his lecture.(重点题)
A.sit  B. set C. seated  D. were seated
?¤? 讲解sit, sit down; seat, be seated; take a seat
3. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. 一青年男子和一青年女子坐在我身后,大声地说着话。
were sitting/ were talking为简单的过去进行时结构
过去进行时结构:was/ were doing
Look! They are playing football
They were playing football this time last Saturday, too
I am learning to ride a bike these days
I was learning to ride a bike last week
4. I could not hear the actors. 我听不到演员在说什么。
(1)hear v. 听,听见
基本用法:hear sb. 听到某人说的话
          hear of 听说
          hear from sb. 收到某人的来信
(2)辨析:hear/ listen to
      hear 强调听得结果; listen to强调听的动作和过程
例:Please speak loudly. I can’t hear you.
    We should listen to our teacher carefully.
5. They did not pay any attention. 他们丝毫没有注意。
attention n. 注意 pay attention… 注意……
拓展: e.g.  Attention , please. 请注意
pay attention to : 对什么注意
pay attention注意(在思想上)/notice: 注意(=see 眼睛看)
pay a little attention :稍加注意 
pay much attention :多加注意
pay more attention :更多注意   
pay no attention  :不用注意
6. I could not bear it. 我忍不住了。
bear(bore, borne) v. 容忍
bear, stand        e.g. I can't bear/stand you
put up with=bear=stand 容忍
bear n.熊 
bear hug :热情(热烈)的拥抱    e.g. give sb. a bear hug
7. This is a private conversation! 这是私人间的谈话
(1)private  adj.私人的 
It's my private letter/house ;private school:私立学校
privacy    n.隐私 
e.g. It’s a             (private/privacy)
public school ; public letter 公开信 ;public place :公共场所
private: 普通的    e.g. private citizen 普通公民  private life:私生活 
(2) conversation n.谈话
topic/subject of conversation:话题     
talk / conversation /dialogue(对话) /chat(闲聊)/gossip(嚼舌头,八卦别人)
let's have a talk / They are having a conversation.
China and Korea are having a dialogue. 正式
have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 八卦(gossip girl)
8. I said angrily. 我生气地说。
拓展:angry adj. 生气的
angrily adv.     
近义词:cross=angry 生气的; 
annoyed: 恼火的;
very angry
be blue in the face 气得脸发青
例: I was angry. He was cross.
I am blue in the face.
典型例题:The writer looked at the man and the woman angrily. He was very __c_____.
(a) sad    (b) unhappy  (c) cross  (d) pleased
        Lesson 2  Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?
