1.I have a friend named Jenny. She lives in Canada. This is a picture of her family.我有个名叫詹妮的朋友。她住在加拿大。这是她家庭的照片。
2.Bob is older than Jenny. Lynn is younger than Jenny.鲍波比詹妮大。琳比詹妮小。
3.My mothers sister is my aunt. My aunts husband is my uncle.我妈妈的妹是我的姨妈。我婶婶的丈夫是我的叔叔。
4. My fathers brother is my uncle.My uncles wife is my aunt.我爸爸的兄弟是我的叔叔。我叔叔的妻子是我的婶婶。
5.My uncles daughter is my cousin.我叔叔的女儿是我的堂妹。
6. My friends look different.我的朋友们看起来不一样。
7.What colour are her/his eyes?她的/他的眼睛是什么颜的?
8. My mothers father is my grandfather.我妈妈的爸爸是我的外公。My fathers mother is my grandmother.我爸爸的妈妈是我的奶奶。
9.My grandfather has white hair. He wears glasses.我的外公长着白的头发。他戴着眼镜。
10.My grandmother has gray hair too. She wears glasses.我奶奶长着灰白的头发。她戴着眼镜。
11. I am taller than Jing.我比京高。
12.How many people in my family wear glasses?在我的家庭中有多少人戴着眼镜?
13. How do they go to work? 他们怎样去上班?
14. Do they work?他们工作吗?
15.He has a car. He drives to work.他有辆轿车。他开车去上班。
16.How doesgo2map地图北京 she/he go to work?她/他怎样去上班?
17.She works in a school. She goes to work on her bicycle.她在一所学校工作。她骑自行车去上班。
18. He walks to work.他步行去上班。
19. What do they do? What does he/she do?他们是做什么的?他/她是做什么的?(职业)
20.What do they like to do?他们喜欢做什么?
21.My father likes to play checkers. I like to play checkers with my grandfather. (背这一篇课文)
23.What are these? 这些是什么?What are those?那些是什么?
24.选择疑问句 Is Li Mings father shorter or taller than his mother?
李明的爸爸比他的妈妈矮还是高?Is Li Ming older or younger than his grandfather? 李明比他的爷爷年龄大还是小?
反义词long—short  curlystraight 
职业:waitress女服务员 bus driver公车司机  nurse护士  police officer 警官  cashier 收银员 carpenter 木匠
2.like to do 喜欢做某事。需用动词不定式的形式。
3.go to _____ to _____去某地点做某事。
4.常用动词短语 watch a movie  have supper  fly kites  watch the animals  buy clothes  play badminton  have fun  play chechers
go for a walk  read the newspaper  work on the computer  play ping-pong  play with her doll  play with my ball  skip with her skipping rope  read books  watch TV  eat noodles 
1.a map of the world 世界地图  a map of China 中国地图
a map of Canada加拿大地图  a map of the U.K.英国地图
a map of the U.S.美国地图  a map of Australia澳大利亚地图
2.China is red. China is where we live. 中国是红的。中国是我们居住的地方。
3.Canada is green. 加拿大是绿的。The U.S. is purple.美国是紫的。 The U.K. is blue.英国是蓝的。Australia is yellow.澳大利亚是黄的。
4. North points up on a map. South points down.  East points right.
West points left.北指向上,南指向下,东指向右,西指向左。
5.We live in China. We speak Chinese.我们住在中国,我们说汉语。
6.What is the capital city of China? Its Beijing. 
  What is the capital city of Canada? Its Ottawa.渥太华
  What is the capital city of the U.K.? Its London.伦敦
What is the capital city of the U.S.? Its Washington D.C.华盛顿(哥伦比亚特区)
  What is the capital city of Australia? Its Canberra.堪培拉
7.What country is east of China? The U.S. is east of China.
What country is south of Canada? The U.S. is south of Canada.
What country is west of the U.S.? China is west of the U.S.
What country is north of the U.S.? Canada is north of the U.S.
Where is the U.K.? Its west and a little north of China.
Where is Australia? Its south and east of China.
8.What do people speak in China? They speak Chinese.
  What do people speak in Canada? They speak English and French.
  What do people speak in the U.K.? They speak English.
  What do people speak in the U.S.? They speak English.
  What do people speak in Australia? They speak English.
9.Chinas flag is red. It has yellow stars.
Canadas flag is red and white. It has a leaf.
The U.S. flag has stars and stripes. It is red, white and blue.
The U.K.s flag is red, white and blue. Its the same colour as the U.S. flag.
Australias flag is red, white and blue. The stars are white. It has a little U.K.s flag inside.
10. China-------- Tiananmen Square    the Palace Museum
  Canada-------Niagara Falls    the Rocky Mountains
  the U.S.------ the White House  the Statue of Liberty
  the U.K.------Buckingham Palace
  Australia-------kangaroos  beautiful beaches
1. Lets go on a trip.让我们去旅行
2. I want to go to Beijing. 我想去北京。want to do sth.
3. I love to go on trips.我想去北京旅行。
4. I want Danny and Jenny to come. 我想让丹妮和詹妮来。
want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事
