1.Food is essential for life.
2.The test showed he was the superior player.
3.Let’s count the people who are present.
4.I will have another glass if you insist.
5.At least I’m not afraid of disciplining my kids.
6.I yelled in my dream, which startle my roommate out of his sleep.
7.Our four-week course will qualify you to teach English overseas.
8.This is considered an exception to the rule.
9.The ascent of the mountain is proceeding as expected.
10.Despite the fact that she is short, she’s an excellent basketball player.
11.The establishment of the regional government in 1980 did not end terrorism.
12.I wonder why he comes here.
13.The nuclear weapon is vitally dangerous to human being.
14.She was awarded prize for both films.
15.The scientist has made great achievements environment protection.
16.They traded land for goods and money.
17.The bomb and other explosives exploded.
18.They had the right to administer their own internal affairs.
19.They try to create an active learning atmosphere in the class.
20.He laid the foundation of the science bacteriology.
21.Lots of celebrities were at the film premiere.
22.The mountain was finally conquered by climbers in 1980.
23.The purpose of the law is to protect the right of the individual.
24.I contributed a pound toward Jane’s leaving present.
25.The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority.
26.He has been very arrogant.
27.Nobody can tell what the consequences may be.
28.Dirt and disease are adversely to the best growth of children.
29.Prejudice sometimes hampers a person from doing the right thing.
30.He had met the challenge and triumphed.
31.The external features of the building are very attractive.
32.The book stimulated her imagination.
33.Seeing him again after so many years was a strange sensation.
34.He is a man alert to the problem.
35.He has to maintain his wife and two children.
36.The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.
37.I admired the general who was a master of strategy.
38.Would you be able to identify the man who robbed you?
39.He was afraid she would reject him because he was
a foreigner.
40.This is a progressive sourse in English study.
41. The flowers at the foot of the hill appeal to bees every year.
42. The company advertised their new products for sale.
43. My teacher suggested me to think about my reading plan again
44. The superficial glamor soon goes.
45. The bookstore manager recommended me the popular novel yesterday afternoon
46.For college students, necessary entertainment activities are beneficial for their health
47. His ambitious plan makes him a bitter man.
48. Don’t interfere in the old couple’s private life by interviewing them so often.
49. The two young men leased the house together to share the rent last term.
50. In order to fulfill his dream in music, he practiced and trained a lot for many years.
51. You have to remain objective about these things.
52. Rabbits breed quickly.
53. The couple lives in perfect harmony.
54. The skyscraper dominates the city.
55. The sun emerges from behind the cloud.
57. She manufacuresd a false story to hide the facts.
58. Over 10,000 people were assembled at the airport to honor the President’s visit.
59. The facts sustain his theory.
60. She has worshipped her ancestors.
1.她坚持认为自己是无辜的She kept insisting her innocence.
2.他说的那番话后来证明是一派胡言His statement turned out to be false.
3.这项法律适用与所有欧洲国家,英国也不例外。The law applies to all European countries, Britain is no exception.
4.警察就在爆炸的那个时刻赶到了。The police arrived right at the moment of the explosion.
5.他的承诺没多大价值。His promises don’t count for much.
6.你似乎对广州颇为熟悉。You seem to know your way around Guangzhou.
7.中国运动员在跨栏比赛中创造了一项新的世界纪录。The Chinese set a new world record in the hurdle race.
8.我们对有参加第二轮比赛的资格吗?Will our team qualify for the second round?9.她的成功与她的努力密不可分。Her success is closely
link to her hard word.
10.我不是的他是否会出席这次会议。I wonder if he will
attend the meeting.
11.得知他因病缺席的消息,我们深表遗憾。Learning of
his absence on illness, we expressed our deep regret.
12.中美两国有着悠久的贸易史。America and China have
a long history of trade.
13.他在电影界取得了最大的成就。He made a great
achievement in the field of film industry.
14.他们的友谊是于一场足球赛。Their friend ship
started with a football match.
