中英文化差异对商务谈判的影响Impacts of Chinese-English Cultural Difference on Business Negotiation
Impacts of Chinese-English Cultural Difference
on Business Negotiation
Abstract: Nowadays, as the rapid movement toward a global economy international business negotiation
activities have become increasingly important and frequent. In view of the present world economic situation, people around the world have gradually recognize the importance of international business negotiation. Therefore, it’s obvious imperative for negotiators to learn about other countries’ culture before business negotiation in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and make the negotiation develop smoothly. China, as the largest developing country in Asia, has played a more and more important role in the business contact with western countries after joining the World Economic Organization. However, China’s business corporation with western countries is not always so successful because of a lack of full understanding of cross-cultural knowledge. This thesis makes an effort to highlight the impacts of Chinese-English cultural difference on business negotiation. As it is known that China and English represent the typical eastern culture and western culture, which vary in many aspects such as religion, politic, education and so on, to some degree, they represent totally different culture. So it’s of high significance to study both countries’culture. By analyzing the causes of the cultural difference between the two countries and contrasting their negotiation styles, the author makes it clear that successful international business is based on full understanding of cross culture. Besides, the thesis finally put forward some suggestions to overcome problems rising by cultural difference.
Key words: impacts,Chinese-English cultural difference,business negotiation.
Impacts of Chinese-English Cultural Difference
on Business Negotiation
1. Introduction
With the rapid development of world economy and trade, it’s wildly accepted that the international business communication has become more and more frequent. The international business negotiation is different from any other kinds of negotiations as a result of which involve parties from different cultures. It’s an interaction in a diverse world, as well as a challenge of intercultural communication. People around the world differ in race, religion, habit and so on, just as Confucius says: “Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart.”To achieve an ideal business goal, both parties should have a good understanding of each others’ culture.
In business negotiation, it’s unavoidable to come across some embarrassment for lacking full preparation. Knowing about some necessary cross culture may do a great favor to promote the successful negotiation. As English and China belong to two different cultures, businessmen’s views from both countries vary in many aspects: time, way of working, means of conducting business. Having a deep understanding of the causes of these difference, businessmen could overcome some cultural conflicts in business negotiation.
2. The Causes of Cultural Difference
2.1 Religions Traditions
As people’s world view originates in their religions traditions. To some degree, the responsibility of preserving the element of world view has been reflected by religions institutions. Through the teaching of Bible or Koran, people could feel a sense of belonging and find the answers of questions like“where am I from?”Religions traditions help people seek the outside world and explain the world. It’s the religions traditions that provide people of the world with advice, values and guidance. The proverb“A man devoid of religion is like a horse without a bridle”just highlights the significance of religions traditions.
In view of the world’s six main religions, we could draw the conclusion that Chinese and
English believe in two totally different religions--- Christianity and Buddhism. Christianity is one of the most influential religions with over a billion people scattered throughout the world, of course, English included. As a religion with thousands years of history, Christianity has affected its followers profoundly and wildly in many aspects since it was established. As the loyal followers of The Christians, English could be stricter to their principles as a result of being influenced by the regular organized worship in their daily life. Though membership in a church community is important to Christians, most of them maintain the notion that “Christianity discovered the individual.”, which partially led to the English’s present individualism. Richard E.Poter in his Communication Between Cultures says:“While these ar
e countless reasons for every cultural trait, we are now offering the connection that one of the reasons lies in Christianity –a religion that stress language.”The teaching of Bible has made English a low-context culture.
However, Chinese are somewhat different in terms of the above aspects. One of Buddhism’s essence is to find enlightenment within oneself, that is to say, people only can understand the puzzling problems gradually through the a great effort to make them clear by themselves. What’s more, in Buddhism people see a world view more concerned with humanism, all of these made China a high-context nation.
2.2 Languages
There is a saying in linguist and language course:“Language shapes the culture”, which emphasized the importance of language for the culture shaping of a nation. In other words, it is language and some other elements that made up the culture. Language is a powerful tool to make sure the across cultural communication go smoothly in international business negotiation.
The subjects of an English sentence suggest English regard people as the center of this world; more than 90 kinds of verb forms mean what people doing are interesting and important. In all, English is a l
anguage of action. Like most Indo-European languages, English reflects a belief in objective reality that can be understood through systematic observation, factual data, and logical proof. In their opinion, reality is measurable. When communicating, they would like to convey direct, explicit and personal information to express themselves clearly. As for silence, however, they may be less comfortable if not downright
