Energy and Buildings
(1)A new methodology of evaluation of overheating in
buildings,by A.Laouadi,M.Bartko,M.A.Lacasse,Article
Abstract:Overheating in built environments during climate
extreme heat events is a major concern to human health,
particularly for people vulnerable to prolonged exposure to heat
and humidity.However,currently available methods for assessing
the risk of overheating lack robust procedures to evaluate the
effects of overheating on the comfort and health of vulnerable
occupants residing in the various different dwellings.This paper
developed a general methodology to define and characterise
overheating events and evaluate the risk to reduced comfort and
undesirable health effects of building occupants exposed to
extreme heat events.Criteria to declare overheating were
developed based on heat-related health outcomes related to limits
for body dehydration and core temperature of healthy average-age
and older adults.The methodology was then applied to a case
study of a residential building with typical local construction
practice for cold climates and compared with existing methods for
assessing risk from exposure to extreme heat events.The results
showed that all the methods predicted that highly insulated and
airtight buildings are more prone to overheating than older
buildings that are less well insulated and airtight.However,only
the proposed methodology described in this paper predicted that
natural ventilation through opening windows significantly reduced
the overheating risk to below the threshold value.Furthermore,
multi criteria methods might be difficult to apply in practice in
that it is not guaranteed to violate all the criteria to declare a
building space is not overheated.The proposed methodology sets
the groundwork for establishing a benchmark model from which
different overheating metrics can be compared.
Keywords:Residential buildings;Interior overheating;Heat
wave;Climate change;Global warming;Occupant comfort and
(2)Balancing investments in building energy conservation
measures with investments in district heating-A Swedish
case study,by DmytroRomanchenko,Emil Nyholm,Mikael
Odenberger,Filip Johnsson,Article110353
Keywords:District heating;Energy demand;Buildings;
(3)Improving cooling load prediction reliability for HVAC
system using Monte-Carlo simulation to deal with uncertainties
in input variables,by Chengliang Fan,Yundan Liao,Guang
Zhou,Xiaoqing Zhou,Yunfei Ding,Article110372