1. ⽤作名词,表⽰“变化”“改变”,通常⽤作可数名词。如:
He didn’t give any reason for the changes. 这些改动,他没有说出任何理由。
Are you for or against change? 你赞同还是反对改动?
2. 表⽰在某⼀⽅⾯的变化或改变,通常⽤介词 in。如:
There is a sudden change in the situation. 形势突然发⽣变化。
I hope there will be a change in the weather. 我希望天⽓会变⼀变。
⽐较以下⽤介词 of 的情形:
a change of meaning 词义的变化
a change of leadership 更换领导⼈
a change of address 住址的变更
3. 表⽰“零钱”“头”,是不可数名词。如:
Don’t forget your change. 不要忘记给你的钱。
I have no (small) change about me. 我⾝边没带零钱。
4. ⽤于 for a change, 意为“变⼀变”“变化⼀下”。如:
Many people think it’s time for a change. 许多⼈认为该变⼀变了。
We usually go there by bus, but this time we’ll go by bike for a change. 我们通常是乘公共汽车去那⼉,但这次我们想个⽅式骑⾃⾏车去。
5. ⽤作动词,⽐较以下句型:
(1) change…for… 意为“⽤……换来……”。如:
I’m thinking of changing my car for a new one. 我正考虑换辆新车。
c语言return的用法和搭配(2) change…into… 意为“把……变成(换成)……”。如:
He changed his dollars into francs. 他把美元换成了法郎。
We can change ice into water by heating it. 通过加热我们可以把冰变成⽔。
正:The camera isn’t good enough; I want to change it (for another).
误:The camera isn’t good enough; I want to change another.(www.hxen)
6. 在下列表达中,change 后的名词⽤复数形式:
You’d have to change buses [trains] at least twice. 你⾄少要换两次车。
Will you change seats with me? 你愿和我交换座位吗?
Let’s change places—you’ll be able to see better from here. 咱们换⼀下位置吧——你从这⼉看清楚些。
You don’t have to change at London. 你不⽤在伦敦换车。
If you are travelling north, you must change at Leeds. 如果你要去北⽅旅⾏,你必须在利兹换车。