Put simply, a Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of computers and other devices that are connected together over a network and are all in the same location—typically within a single building like an office or home. But, let’s take a closer look.
简⽽⾔之,局域⽹(LAN)是⼀组计算机和其他设备,这些计算机和其他设备通过⽹络连接在⼀起,并且都位于同⼀位置(通常位于办公室或家庭之类的单个建筑物内)。 但是,让我们仔细看看。
什么是局域⽹? (What is a LAN?)
So we know two things about a LAN just from from the name “Local Area Network”—the devices on them are networked and they’re local. And it’s that local part that really defines a LAN and distinguishes it from other types of networks like Wide Area Networks (WANs) and Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs).
因此,仅从名称“局域⽹”就知道LAN的两件事-它们上的设备已联⽹并且它们是本地的。 真正定义局域⽹并将其与其他类型的⽹络(如⼴域⽹(WAN)和城域⽹(MAN))区分开的是本地部分。
LANs are typically confined within a small area—usually one building, but that’s not a firm requirement. That area might be your home or small business, and it could contain just a few devices. It might also be a much larger area, like an entire office building that contains hundreds or thousands of devices.
局域⽹通常被限制在⼀个很⼩的区域内(通常是⼀栋⼤楼),但这并不是⼀个严格的要求。 该区域可能是您的家庭或⼩型企业,并且可能仅包含⼀些设备。 它也可能是更⼤的区域,例如包含数百或数千个设备的整个办公⼤楼。
But regardless of size, the single defining characteristic of a LAN is that it connects devices that are in a single, limited area.
The advantages of using a LAN are the same advantages as having any devices networked together. Those devices can share a single internet connection, share files with one another, print to shared printers, and so on.
使⽤LAN的优点与将任何设备联⽹在⼀起的优点相同。 这些设备可以共享⼀个Internet连接,彼此共享⽂件,打印到共享打印机等等。
On bigger LANs, you’ll also find dedicated servers that host services like global user directories, email, and access to other shared company resources.
局域⽹中使⽤哪些技术? (What Kinds of Technology Are Used in a LAN?)
The types of technology used in a LAN is really dependent on the number of devices and the services provided on the network. The two basic connection types used on modern LANs—no matter the size—are .
LAN中使⽤的技术类型实际上取决于⽹络上提供的设备数量和服务。 ⽆论⼤⼩如何,现代LAN上使⽤的两种基本连接类型是 。types是什么意思
On a typical home or small office LAN, you might find a modem that provides an internet connection (and a basic firewall against intrusion from the internet), a router that lets other devices share that connection and connect to one another, and a Wi-Fi access point that lets devices access the network wirelessly. Sometimes, those functions are combined into a single device. For example, many ISPs provide a combination unit that serves as a . Sometimes, you might also find devices called switches that let you split up a single Ethernet connection into multiple connection points.
在典型的家庭或⼩型办公室LAN上,您可能会到提供Internet连接的调制解调器(以及⽤于阻⽌来⾃ Internet⼊侵的基本防⽕墙),使其他设备共享该连接并相互连接的路由器以及Wi- Fi接⼊点,使设备可以⽆线访问⽹络。 有时,这些功能会组合到⼀个设备中。 例如,许多ISP 提供了⼀个组合单元,⽤作 。 有时,您可能还会发现称为交换机的设备,这些设备可让您将单个以太⽹连接拆分为多个连接点。
On bigger LANs, you’ll typically find the same kinds of networking gear, just on a much bigger scale—both in terms of how many devices are used and how powerful they are. Professional routers and switches, for example, might service many more simultaneous connections than their home counterpoints do, provide more robust security and monitoring options, and allow a good bit more customization. Professional level Wi-Fi access points often allow management of many devices from a single interface, and provide better access control.
例如,专业路由器和交换机可能⽐其本地对等点提供更多的同时连接服务,提供更强⼤的安全性和监视选项,并允许更多的⾃定义。 专业级Wi-Fi接⼊点通常允许从单个界⾯管理许多设备,并提供更好的访问控制。
那么,什么是WAN和MAN? (So, What Are WANs and MANs?)
Wide Area Networks (WANs) and Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) are actually pretty similar. You’ll even see the term Campus Area Networks (CANs) popping up occasionally. They are all somewhat overlapping terms, and nobody really agrees on a firm distinction. Essentially, they are networks that connect together multiple LANs.
⼴域⽹(WAN)和城域⽹(MAN)实际上⾮常相似。 您甚⾄会偶尔看到“校园⽹(CAN)”⼀词。 它们都是有些重叠的术语,没有⼈真正同意严格的区分。 本质上,它们是将多个LAN连接在⼀起的⽹络。
For people who do make the distinction, a MAN is a network made up of multiple LANs that are connected together via high speed networks and are all contained within the same city or metropolitan area. A WAN is also made up of multiple LANs, but spans an area greater than a single city and may be connected by different types of technologies, including the internet. And a CAN, of course, is a network made up of multiple LANs that spans a school campus.
对于确实做到这⼀点的⼈来说,MAN是由多个LAN组成的⽹络,这些LAN通过⾼速⽹络连接在⼀起,并且全部包含在同⼀城市或⼤都市区域内。 WAN也由多个LAN组成,但是所覆盖的区域⼤于单个城市,并且可以通过不同类型的技术(包括Internet)进⾏连接。 当然,CAN是由跨越整个校园的多个LAN组成的⽹络。
Really, though, if you want to just think of all of them as WANs, it’s okay with us.
For a classic example of a WAN, think of a company that has branches in three different locations across the country (or the world). Each location has its own LAN. Those LANs are connected together as part of the same overall network. Maybe they’re connected via dedicated, private connections, or maybe they’re connected together over the internet. The point is that the connection between the LANs is not considered as speedy, reliable, or secure as the connections between devices on the same LAN.
对于WAN的经典⽰例,想想⼀家在全国(或世界)三个不同位置设有分⽀机构的公司。 每个位置都有⾃⼰的局域⽹。 这些LAN作为同⼀整体⽹络的⼀部分连接在⼀起。 也许它们是通过专⽤的专⽤连接连接的,或者它们是通过Internet连接在⼀起的。 关键是,局域⽹之间的连接不像同⼀个局域⽹中的设备之
In fact, the internet itself is just the worlds biggest WAN, connecting together many thousands of LANs across the world.
Image Credit: /Shutterstock and /Shutterstock
图⽚来源: /快门和 /快门
