The investigation of an autonomous intelligent mobile robot system
for indoor environment navigation
S Karelin
The autonomous mobile robotics system designed and implemented for indoor environment navigation is a nonholonomic differential drive system with two driving wheels mounted on the same axis driven by two PID controlled motors and two caster wheels mounted in the front and
back respectively. It is furnished with multiple kinds of sensors such as IR detectors ,ultrasonic sensors ,l
aser line generators and cameras,constituting a perceiving system for exploring its surroundings. Its computation source is a simultaneously running system composed of multiprocessor with multitask and multiprocessing programming. Hybrid control architecture is employed on the rmbile robot to perform complex tasks. The mobile robot system is implemented at the Center for Intelligent Design , Automation and Manufacturfing of City University of Hong Kong.
Key words:mobile robot ; intelligent control ; sensors ; navigation Introduction
With increasing interest in application of autonomous mobile robots in the factory and in service environments,many investigations have been done in areas such as design,sensing,control and navigation,etc. Autonomousreaction to the real wand,exploring the environment,follownng the planned path wnthout collisions and carrying out desired tasks are the main requirements of intelligent mobile robots. As humans,we can conduct these actions easily. For robots however,it is tremendously difficult. An autonomous mobile robot should make use of various sensors to sense the environment and interpret and organize the sensed information to plan a safe motion path using some appropriate algorithms while executing its tasks. Many different kinds of senors have
been utilized on mobile robots,such as range sensors,light sensors,force sensors,sound sensor
s,shaft encoders,gyro scope s,for obstacle awidance,localizatio n,rmtion sensing,navigation and internal rmnitoring respectively. Many people use infrared and ultrasonic range sensors to detect obstacles in its reaching domain.Laser range finders are also employed in obstacle awidance behavior of mobile robots in cluttered space.Cameras are often introduced into the vision system for mobile robot navigation. Although many kinds of sensors are available,sensing doesn’t mean perceiving. The mechanical shape and driving type are commonly first taken into consideration while implementing a rmbile robot. A robot’s shape can have a strong impact on how robust it is,and DC serve rmtors or stepOper motors are often the two choices to employ as actuators. The shape of a robot may affect its configurations of components,ae sthetics,and even the movement behaviors of the robot. An improper shape can make robot run a greater risk of being trapped in a cluttered room or of failing to find its way through a narrow space. We choose an octahedral shape that has both advantages of rectangular and circular shapes,and overcomes their drawbacks. The framework of the octahedral shaped robot is easy to make,components inside are easily arrange and can pass through narrow places and rotate wrath corners and nearby objects,and is more aesthetic in appearance. The perception subsystem accomplishes the task of getting various data from the
surroundings,including distance of the robot from obstacles,landmarks,etc.Infrared and ultrasonic controller翻译中文
range sen}rs,laser rangefinders and cameras are utilized and mounted on the rmbile robot to achieve perception of the environment. These sensors are controlled independently by some synchronously running microprocessors that are arranged wrath distributive manner,and activated by the main processor on which a supervising program runs. At present,infrared and ultranic sensors,laser rangefinders are programmed to detect obstacles and measure distance of the robot from objects in the environment,and cameras are programmed for the purpose of localization and navigation.
The decision-making subsystem is the most important part of an intelligent mobile robot that organizes and utilizes the information obtained from the perception subsystem. It obtains reasonable results by some intelligent control algorithm and guides the rmbile robot. On our mobile robotic system intelligence is realized based on behaviourism and classical planning principles. The decision-making system is composed of twa levels global task planning based on knowledge base and map of working enviro nment,reactive control to deal with the dynamic real world. Reaction tasks in the decision-making system are decomposed into classes of behaviors that the robot exhibits to accomplish the task. Fuzzy logic is used to implement some basic behaviors. A state machine mechanism is applied to coordinate different behaviors. Because many
kinds of electronic components such as range sensors,cameras,frame grabbers,laser line generat
ors,microprocessors,DC motors,encoders,are employed on the mobile robot,a power source must supply various voltage levels which should are stable and have sufficient power. As the most common solution to power source of mobile robots,two sealed lead acid batteries in series writh 24 V output are employed in our mobile robot for the rmtor drive components and electronic components which require 24 V,15V,士12V,+9V,士5V,variously. For the conversion and regulation of the voltage,swritching DC DC converters are used because of their high efficiency,low output ripple and noise,and wride input voltage range. Three main processors are Motorola MC68040 based single board computers on which some supervisory programs and decision-making programs run. These MC68040 boards run in parallel and share memory using a VMEbus. Three motorola MC68HC11 based controllers act as the lower level controllers of the infrared and ultranic range senors,which communicate with the main processors through serial ports. The multi-processor system is organized into a hierarchical and distributive structure to implement fast gathering of information and rapid reaction. Harmony,a multiprocessing and multitasking operating system for real-time control,runs on the main processors to implement multiprocessing and multitasking programming. Harmony is a runtime only environment and program executions are performed by downloading
