Technical Specification of Post Pressure Grouting
Double pressure grouting to be adopted for 800mm dia./40m long pile, i.e. side and bottom grouting. Two grouting pipes shall be arranged for bottom and side respectively.
2、注浆位置grouting position:
Bottom grouting: grouting pipe should penetrate 100-300mm below the bottom of borehole.
Side grouting: grouting pipes for 30m/40m piles should be embedded in sand strata 20m/25m underground, or 500mm above the intersection of 15-20m/20-25m silty sand and clay sand. Exact positions shall be reasonably decided as per out-coming soil condition in test boring and actual piling. Grouting position for the same structure (building) is preferably identical. (see diagram 2)
Length of grouting pipe: shall be as per actual borehole depth and should be 0.6m longer than borehole depth.
4、注浆管采用DN20、δ=2.75的焊管,相邻注浆管采用丝扣连接,并用14#铁丝绑扎固定在钢筋笼的外侧。注浆管底端用丝堵封闭,距底端400mm长度范围内对称均匀钻12个φ6的注浆孔,用胶带及图钉封孔。注浆管顶部应高出砼面0.5以上,且高出地面0.2-0.3m。 管顶要用丝堵封闭且用不同颜的胶带缠绕,将桩底注浆管与桩侧注浆管区分开来。
Grouting pipe type: DN20、δ=2.75 welded pipe to be adopted, and adjacent pipes to be connected with threads and tightly fixed to the outer side of rebar cage with 14# galvanized wire. Bottom end of grouting pipe to be sealed with plug and 12 nos ofφ6 grouting holes to be evenly drilled within the bottom 400mm of grouting pipe, and the same should be sealed with tapes and thumbnails. Top of grouting pipe should be 0.5m above concrete level and 0.2-0.5m above ground level. Pipe tops to be sealed with plugs and wrapped with tapes of different colors to differentiate bottom and side grouting pipes.
5、注浆压力:桩侧:桩长30m为1.5 MPa,桩长40m为2.0 MPa ;桩端:桩长30m为2.0 MPa,桩长40m为2.5MPa。
Grouting pressure: pile side: 1.5MPa for 30m piles and 2.0Mpa for 40m piles; pile bottom: 2.0MPa for 30m piles and 2.5 for 40m piles.
Grouting material and quantity: normal OPC 42.5 grade cement to be adopted and 30t of cement for each pile. Initial grouting water-cement ratio should be 1:1, volume should be 200L and trailing water-cement ratio should be 8:1.
Water to be injected into grouting pipes after 2 days of pile concreting completion so as to clean grouting pipes and pressure grouting to be carried out within 28 days of pile completion
Grouting sequence: first pile sides and then pile bottom and minimum 2 hours interval to be maintained between the two; first outer and then inner and minimum clearance between pressure grouting pile and installation on-going piles should be at least 15m.
Condition for pressure grouting suspension: two references to be considered, i.e. grouting pressure and grouting quantity whereas the latter should be taken as primary and the former secondary.
Chimney foundation (excluding inner 4 circles),total 446nos
Ring beam foundation of three NDCT.Each CT 552nos,total 1656nos
Other foundations that requires pressure grouting—to be discussed with the Owner at site.
三、施工方案 methodology
1、工艺流程technique steps:
后压浆工艺流程为:制作压浆管 →安装压浆管 → 检查压浆管质量 → 灌注混凝土→打开压浆管,并做注水试验→配制水泥浆,桩侧压浆→ 配制水泥浆,桩底压浆→养护。
Steps of post pressure grouting: grouting pile fabrication---grouting pipe installation---grouting pipe quality inspection-concreting---open pressure grouting pipe and water injection test---cement slurry mixing and side grouting---cement slurry mixing and bottom grouting---curing
2、注浆管制作grouting pipe fabrication:
1)注浆管材料grouting pipe material:
Welded pipe of DN20 and 2.75mm thick
Tthread技术hread to be made at two ends of grouting pipe with threading machines and length of each thread should be 50mm. Threads made should be smooth and even, and distorting or sliding threads are not allowed. In case distorted or slide threads are made, the same should be chopped and remade. Finished threads should be wrapped with 3-5 rounds of thread tape, and then straight coupling shall be tightly fixed to one end of the pile with pipe wrench so as to avoid leakage or disconnection during pressure grouting. Grouting pipes shall be prepared in view of pile depth and threads of connections shall be made as required.