        摘 ;要: 课程思政是高校实现立德树人根本任务的一种实践探索。本文以习近平总书记提出的网络强国战略思想作为着力点,深入挖掘计算机网络课程所蕴含的思政元素。在教学过程中采用多种不同的方法与形式开展思政教育,从而实现知识传授和价值引领的有机统一。
        关键词: 立德树人;课程思政;网络强国;计算机网络
        中图分类号: TP393; G642.3 ; ;文献标识码: A ; ;DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6970.2020.08.062
        本文著录格式:寇晨艳. 融入网络强国教育的《计算机网络》课程思政探索[J]. 软件,2020,41(08):226-228
        【Abstract】: Curriculum ideology and politics is a practical exploration of realizing the fundamental task of morality-oriented education in the university. This paper takes General Secretary Xi Jinping's ideas of network power as the focal point, deeply digs into the ideological and political elements contained in the computer network course. In the pro
网课程cess of teaching, a variety of methods and forms are used to carry out ideological and political education, so as to realize the organic unity of knowledge transmission and value guidance.
