CADMATIC tutorial
1. How to start CADMATIC(如何启动CADMATIC)
2. Cadmatic Desktop(Cadmatic桌面)
3. User interface(用户界面)
4. Plant Modeller main menu(Plant Modeller主菜单)
5. Views(视图)
6. Save and update(存储和更新)
7. Layout(布置图)
8. Piping(管道)
9. Document production(文件的产生)
1. How to start CADMATIC(如何启动CADMATIC)
To start CADMATIC, double click                                      icon in your desktop.
2. Cadmatic Desktop(Cadmatic桌面)
2.1 Cadmatic Desktop in PROJECT level(进入PROJECT子目录后的Cadmatic桌面)
Cadmatic project icon, double click this to go to WORKSPACE level.
(双击Cadmatic project图标进入WORKSPACE下一级目录)
2.2 Cadmatic Desktop in WORKSPACE level(进入WORKSPACE子目录后的Cadmatic桌面)
Cadmatic workspace icon, double click this to go to AREA level.
(双击Cadmatic workspace图标进入AREA下一级目录)
2.3 Cadmatic Desktop in WORKSPACE level(进入WORKSPACE子目录后的Cadmatic桌面)
Diagram icon, double click this to start P&ID drawing
Plant Modeller icon, double click this to start 3D modelling
(双击Plant Modeller图标启动3D建模)
Pipe icon, double click this to start isometric drawings
(双击Pipe 图标启动等比例制图)
3. User interface(用户界面)
There are some special commands which are needed in all software modules of Cadmatic. Below is a list of most important commands:
ESC  = CANCEL, forget active command, go to the previous step
(= 取消,取消现行的命令,回到前一步)
ENTER = function OK, DONE, SET DEFINED, accept what is highlighted
(= 功能 OK, 完成, 设置确定, 接受标注的东西)
SPACEBAR = point OK, placing accepted, this place is answer to the latest question
(=点 OK, 接受定位,这个位置是对最新问题的回答)
ENTER= Redo previous command when no command or menu active
(= 当没有命令或没有菜单动作时,再次重复刚才的命令)
3.1 Digitizing commands(数字化命令)
Most important digitizing commands are following(最重要的数字化命令如下):
•Zoom in  (放大)  1
•Zoom out(缩小)  3
•Change active view(改变视图)TAB or 4
•2D Hit dis-/enabled(2D Hit 关闭/开启) Ctrl+2
• Horizontal dis-/enabled(水平化关闭/开启) 5
• Vertical dis-/enabled(垂直化关闭/开启)  6
• Display location(显示位置),  (= 逗号)
•Show whole view (Extents)(全屏显示) ;
• Detail scale(具体比例)‘  (= 引号)
Digitizing, shade control commands(数字化,阴影控制命令)
• 7 Hide Objects(隐藏目标)
command affects all objects between view point and cursor in active view
• 8 Restore Visibility(恢复可视)
restores visibility of hidden objects in active view
• 9 Make Transparent(使透明)
• 0 Make Opaque(使不透明)
restores visibility of transparent objects in active view
Navigation commands(导航命令)
Navigating means moving your cursor in 3D-model. Navigating is done by moving mouse, arrow but-tons or by navigating commands. It is possible use several navigate commands sequentially before accepting the cursor location.
p= “intelligent picking”(智能检选)
= picks info from node(从节点中取得信息)
transparent中文翻译= right size, direction, compatibility(正确的尺寸,方向,兼容性)
= default hit distance 100mm(默认击中距离为100mm)
j= “most intelligent picking”(最智能的检选)
= same as “p”, but removes seam(作用同‘p’,但是移走接缝)
= pipes are automatically connected(管道自动连接)
q= “dummy picking”(虚拟检选)
= goes to connection, doesn’t pick info
= default hit distance 400mm(默认击中距离为400mm)
= can be used before “p” or “j”
(可在“p” 或”j”前使用)
w= nearest pipe geometry point
e= nearest vertex or end point of cylindrical primitive of equip or strc  (圆柱形设备或结构的最近的
c= ablosute x, y and coordinates
d= relative x, y and z coordinates
s= distance, fii and beta
f= nearest face (最接近的面)
S= nearest surface
r= point and normal
