“介词 + which / whom”引导的定语从句
  The man who/whom /that you spoke to is a teacher.
  =The man to whom you spoke is a teacher.
  1.“介词+关系代词”结构引导的定语从句中,关系代词只能用which(指物)或whom(指人) ,即:介词+which/whom
    1The man to whom you spoke is a teacher.
2The city in which she lives is far away.
3The little girl is reading a book,in which there are many cartoons.
    1)  The man (who/whom /that )you spoke to is a teacher.
2The citywhich/thatshe lives in is far away.
注:通常介词放在定语从句中动词后,也可以放在关系代词前面,但有些特殊动词短语搭配不能拆分,介词只能放在动词后,如: look for, look after, pay attention to ,take care of , look forward to, listen to等。
This is the pen that / which you are looking for.
The patient whom she is looking after is her father.
The words that /which we should pay attention to are written on the blackboard.
There are fifty patients who/whom/that we must take good care of.
练习:Are these sentences right?
    (1) The man with whom you talked is my friend.
    (2) The man(who/that) you talked with is my friend.
    (3) The man with who/that you talked is my friend.
    (4) The plane in which we flew to Canada is very comfortable.
    (5) The plane in that we flew  to Canada is very comfortable.
    I still remember the day when I came here.          ( on the day =when) 
    This is the house where I lived last year.            ( in the house= where)
  (3)当先行词为reason,定语从句中缺少表示原因状语时,通常用关系副词why引导,此时也可以用for which来代替关系副词why
    There are many reasons why people like traveling.      (for the reasons =why)
windows me三、关系代词前介词选择三原则:一先,二动,三意义(重中之重)
I never forget the day on which I came to this school.    (on the day)
This is the iPad on which I spent 3000 yuan.            (spend money on sth.)
This is my pair of glasses, __without which__I cannot see clearly.
1. Do you like the book __________ she learned a lot?   
2. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most ______ hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
3. The tower _________ people can have a good view is on the hill.
1. He was educated at a local grammar school, ____ he went on to Cambridge. 05山东卷)
A. from which B. after that  C. after which  D. from this
2.She was educated at Beijing University, ________ she went on to have her advanced study abroad. 06陕西卷)
 A. after that B. from that  C. from which D. after which
3.Gun control is a subject _________Americans have argued for a long time. (09陕西卷)
    A. of which  B. with which  C. about which  D. into which
4.Wind power is an ancient source of energy ______we may return in the near future. 10山东卷)
    A. on which    B. by which    C. to which    D. from which
5.The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people ,many of ________left their village homes for a better life in the city.(10浙卷)
A.whom      B.which    C.them    D.whose
6.The English play ______ my students acted at the New  Years party was a great success.  04全国I
A for which    B at which    C in which    D on which
7. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _____ the s ailing time was 226 days.  04广西)
A. of which  B. during which  C. from which  D. for which
8. Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ______ people were eaten by the tiger. (05广东卷)
A. in which      B. by which      C. which      D. that
9. She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction _____had taken more than three years. 11江西卷)
A. for which B. with which   C. of which   D. to which
10.The place ____ the bridge is supposed to be built should be  ___ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. (05江苏卷)
