摘要 (1)
Abstract (2)
1 绪论 (3)
1.1 该毕业设计的开发背景 (3)
1.2 主要功能和技术措施 (3)
2 系统需求分析 (4)
2.1 系统功能需求描述 (4)
2.2 系统功能模型 (5)
2.3 数据需求模型 (11)
3 系统设计 (14)
3.1 系统总体设计 (14)
3.2 用户模块详细设计 (14)
3.3 车辆信息模块详细设计 (15)
3.4 故障信息模块详细设计 (16)
3.5 维修订单模块详细设计 (16)
3.6 通知模块详细设计 (17)
3.7 零件管理模块详细设计 (18)
3.8 统计模块详细设计 (18)
3.9 数据库设计 (18)
4 系统实现 (22)
4.1 用户模块功能实现 (22)
4.2 车辆信息模块功能实现 (25)
4.3 故障信息模块功能实现 (28)
4.4 维修订单模块功能实现 (29)
4.5 通知模块功能实现 (32)
4.6 零件模块功能实现 (32)
4.7 统计模块功能实现 (33)
4.8 系统测试 (34)
4.9 系统测试报告 (34)
5 总结 (37)
5.1 主要工作和心得 (37)
5.2 遇到的问题和存在的不足 (37)
5.3 展望 (37)
参考文献 (38)
致谢 (39)
关键词: SpringBoot;汽车维修;维修管理
Design and Implementation of Automobile Maintenance Management System Based on
Abstract:With the continuous improvement of China's per capita car ownership, the demand for vehicle maintenance is also increasing, and the automobile maintenance industry has become a hot industry of social services. In traditional automobile maintenance enterprises, employees manage information through manual recording. With the increasing amount of data, this method is not only inefficient but also less secure. The automobile maintenance management system can realize the functions of online reservation of repair time, which can not only save customers' time and energy, but also facilitate the overall arrangement of automobile maintenance enterprises, so as to improve the service efficiency Therefore, the development of automobile maintenance management system has a strong practical significance and economic value.
The system uses B/S architecture, the front end uses Bootstrap + jQuery framework for data interaction, some modules are loaded using Ajax method; the background uses SpringBoot lightweight framework in Java, and the database uses MySQL data management system. The system mainly realizes the user information management, vehicle information management, fault info
rmation management, vehicle maintenance appointment, message notification, administrator information management, maintenance order management, parts management, view visitors and other functions; the user group of the system is mainly for all kinds of car owners (especially the car owners with less free time) and maintenance management personnel, the whole system interface is simple and beautiful, and the operation efficiency is high Line stability, simple operation, with strong interactivity.
Keywords:SpringBoot; Automobile Maintenance; Maintenance Management
1 绪论
jquery框架使用1.1 该毕业设计的开发背景
1.2 主要功能和技术措施
系统采用Java语言在IDEA中进行开发,服务器为Tomcat8.5,本网站是同的是Java中的SpringBoot轻量级框架作为系统的基础框架,它减少了大量的配置文件。数据库为MySQL ,选用Mybatis为持久化提供支持,可以通过Sql语句将实体对象持久化到数据库。前端使用Bootstrap 和 JQuery框架在浏览器端进行页面的渲染和生成,网页上部分内容采用Ajax异步获取数据,规避重新刷新界面获取数据。