(    ) 1. Have you got __________? I want to write a letter.
        A. any paper        B. papers          C. any papers          D. a paper
(    ) 2. Have you seen such big ________?
        A. a tomato          B. tomato          C. tomatoes            D. tomatos
(    ) 3. They got much __________ from those books.
        A. ideas            B. photos          C. information          D. stories
(    ) 4. There are a lot of _________ down there but hardly any __________.
        A. sheeps, people    B. sheep, people    C. sheeps, peoples        D. sheep, peoples
(    ) 5. –What can I do for you?---I’d like two ____________.
        A. bottle of orange    B. bottle of oranges  C. bottles of orange      D. bottles of oranges
(    ) 6. Several ___________ are talking under the tree. And their __________ are swimming in the lake.
        A. woman, children  B. woman, child      C. women, children      D. women, child
(    ) 7. Uncle Wang bought two ____________ yesterday.
        A. watchs          B. watches          C. watch                D. watched
(    ) 8. Tom has made __________ with Jim.
        A. a friend          B. friends            C. friend              D. some friends
(    ) 9. What can I do for you? I’d like two __________.
        A. box of apple      B. boxes of apples      C. box of apples        D. boxes of apple
(    ) 10. Let me give you ____________.
        A. an advice        B. some advice        C. advices            D. the advice
(    ) 11. He has spent a great _________ of money on his new house.
        A. deal            B. many              C. number            D. piece
(    ) 12. I only realized age when I found I had __________.
        A. much great hair    B. a little great hair    C. a few grey hairs      D. some grey hair
(    ) 13. That farmer has many _________ on his farm.
        A. geees            B. goosen            C. gooses              D. geese
(    ) 14. When we saw his face, we knew ________ was sad.
        A. some news        B. the news          C. a news              D. news
(    ) 15. The dentist didn’t tell me how many _________ I should pay for pulling out the tooth.
        A. money          B. dollars            C. funds                D. moneies
(    ) 16. Before we moved in the new house we bought many ___________.
        A. furnitures        B. furniture          C. pieces of furniture      D. equipments
(    ) 17. His friend lost _________ nylon stockings yesterday morning.
        A. two              B. a                C. a couple of              D. a pair of
(    ) 18. My family raise a lot of _________, including two ___________.
        A. cattles, cows      B. cows, cattle        C. cattle, cows              D. cow, cattles
(    ) 19. All the ________ are made of ___________, not plastics.
        A. glass, glass        B. glasses, glass      C. glass, glasses            D. glasses, glasses
(    ) 20. A group of __________ are eating ________ and_________ at the foot of the hill.
        A. sheep, grass, leaves  B. sheeps, grasses, leaves  C. sheep, grass, leaf      D. sheeps, grass, leaf 
(    ) 21. About 60 ________ of the population in our country ________ on farms.
        A. percent, lives      B. percents, lives        C. percent, live            D. percents, live
(    ) 22. The number of people invited ________ fifty, but a number of them ________ absent for different reasons.
A. were, was          B. was, was            C. was, were              D. were, was
(    ) 23. My father’s ________ is grey, but my mother has a few grey _________.
        A. hair, hair            B. hairs, hairs          C. hairs, hair              D. hair, hairs
(    ) 24. ----How many ____________ does a cow have? ----- Four.
        A. stomaches          B. stomach            C. stomachs              D. stomachies
(    ) 25. Father went to his doctor for ____________ about his heart trouble.
        A. an advice          B. advice            C. advices                D. the adviceradio的复数形式
(    ) 26. The _________ of buildings are covered with lots of _____________.
        A. roofs, leaves        B. rooves, leafs          C. roof, leaf            D. roofs, leafs
