Water(水) milk(牛奶) tea(茶) rice(米饭) orange(橙汁)juice(果汁)bread(面包)
I _________this ___________that___________
watch _______child _______photo ________diary _________
day________ foot________ book_______ dress ______________
tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____________
thief _______ man______ woman_______ paper_______ juice_______
water________ milk________ rice__________ tea_____
          pen                      bag   
         apple                    big apple 
         banana                    orange 
        oranges                  orange pen   
chinese  中国人 Japanese日本人
sheep  绵羊 deer  鹿  fish  鱼   
注意:fish①当一条鱼讲时,单复数同形,如three fish.②当各种各样的鱼讲时,即强调鱼的种类时,要加es. ,
如:all kinds[kaindz] of fishes .各种各样的鱼    ③当鱼肉讲时,不可数。
1.  I have two_____ (knife)
2.  There are many _____ here. (box)
3.  There are many _____ on the road. (bus)
4.  A few _____ are drawing on the wall. (boy)
5.  The _____ are playing football now. (child)
1、orange          2、class           3、text        4、monkey         
5、piano           6、child           7、shelf           8、bed          
9、country      10、family         11、toy           12、foot     
13、Japanese       14、radio        15、photo      16、army          
radio的复数形式17、tomato         18、fox      20、knife         22、sheep          
1、There         on the wall .They are very beautiful.
A. are photoes      B. are photos
C. is a photo        D. is photos
2.  This kind of car      made in  Shanghai.
A.  is  B .are  C .were  D .has
3.  There are four      and two          in the group.
A. Japanese, Germen    B Japaneses, Germen
C. Japanese,German    C.Japanese, Germans
4. That’a          art  book.
A. an  B. a  C. the  D are
5. The boys have got        already.
A.  two bread        B.  two breads
C.  two pieces of bread  D.  two piece of bread
6. The old man wants          .
A.  six boxes of apples  B.  six boxes of apple
C.  six box of apples    D.  six boxs of apples
7. There      some      in the river.
A. is ,fish  B. are, fishs
C. is, fishs  D. are ,fish
8. There    two    in  the box.
A. is watch  B. are watches
C. are watch D. is watches
9. We should clean      twice a day.
A .our tooth  B. our tooths
C. teeth    D. our teeth
10.The _____ meeting room is near the reading room.
A. teacher  B. teacher’s  C. teachers’  D. teachers
11. In Britain _____ are all painted red.
A. letter boxes  B. letters boxes
C. letter box  D. letters box
1.  I have two_____ (knife)
2.  There are many _____ here. (box)
3.  There are many _____ on the road. (bus)
4.  A few _____ are drawing on the wall. (boy)
5.  The _____ are playing football now. (child)
1) 写出下列名词的复数形式。
1.bag _______            2.orange _______          3.family _______
4.wish _______            5.shelf _______            6.knife _______
7.key _______            8.baby _______            9.tooth _______
10.foot _______          11.woman _______          12.sheep _______
13.Japanese _______      14.potato _______        15.radio _______
16.child _______          17.fish _______          18.photo _______
19.Frenchman _______    20.man doctor _______    21.watch _______
22.  bus _______          23. sheep _______          24. foot _______
1.  They come from different ______
A. country    B. countries    C. a country    D. countrys
2.  How many ______ do you see in the picture?
A. tomatos    B. tomatoes  C. tomato      D. the tomato
3.  They are______.
A . woman teachers      B. women teachers
C. women teacher      D. woman teacher
4.  Would you like _______ ,please?
A. two glass of  water      B. two glasses of  water
C. two glass of  waters    D. two glasses of  waters
5.  Most of ______ live in _______.
A. Germans, German    B. German, Germen
C. Germen, Germany    D. Germans, Germany
6.  There are some ______ in these _______.
A. knifes…pencil-boxes    B. knives…pencils-box
C. knives…pencil-box      D. knives…pencils-boxes
7.  ______ like ______ by air.
A. Greens, travelling      B. The Green, traveling
C. The Greens, travel      D. The Greens, traveling
