1.Have you got    ? I want to write a letter.
A.any paper    B. papers    C. any papers    D. a paper
2.Have you seen such big    ?
A.a tomato    B. tomato    C. tomatoes    D. tomatos
3.They got much    from those books.
A.ideas    B. photos    C. information    D. stories
4.There are a lot of    down there but hardly any    .
A.sheeps, people    B. sheep, people    C. sheeps, peoples    D. sheep, peoples
5.–What can I do for you?
-- I’d like two    .
A.bottle of orange    B. bottle of oranges    C. bottles of orange    D. bottles of oranges
6.Several    are talking under the tree. And their    are swimming in the lake.
A.woman, children    B. woman, child    C. women, children    D. women, child
7.Tom has made    with Jim.
A.a friend    B. friends    C. friend    D. some friends
8.What can I do for you? I’d like two    .
A.box of apple    B. boxes of apples    C. box of apples    D. boxes of apple
9.Let me give you    .
A.an advice    B. some advice    C. advices    D. the advice
10.I only realized age when I found I had    .
A.much great hair    B. a little great hair    C. a few grey hairs    D. some grey hair
11.That farmer has many    on his farm.
A.geees    B. goosen    C. gooses    D. geese
12.The dentist didn’t tell me how many    I should pay for pulling out the tooth.
A.money    B. dollars    C. funds    D. moneies
13.Before we moved in the new house we bought many    .
A.furnitures    B. furniture    C. pieces of furniture    D. equipments
14.His friend lost    nylon stockings yesterday morning.
A.two    B. a    C. a couple of    D. a pair of
15.My family raise a lot of    , including two    .
A.cattles, cows    B. cows, cattle    C. cattle, cows    D. cow, cattles
16.All the    are made of    , not plastics.
A.glass, glass    B. glasses, glass    C. glass, glasses    D. glasses, glasses
17.A group of    are eating    and    at the foot of the hill.
A.sheep, grass, leaves    B. sheeps, grasses, leaves    C. sheep, grass, leaf    D. sheeps, grass, leaf
18.About 60    of the population in our country    on farms.
A.percent, lives    B. percents, lives    C. percent, live    D. percents, live
19.The number of people invited    fifty, but a number of them    absent for different reasons.
A.were, was    B. was, was    C. was, were    D. were, was
20.My father’s    is grey, but my mother has a few grey    .
A.hair, hair    B. hairs, hairs    C. hairs, hair    D. hair, hairs
21.----How many    does a cow have?    Four.
A.stomaches    B. stomach    C. stomachs    D. stomachies
22.As is known to us all,    travels much faster than    .

A.lights, sounds    B. light, sound    C. sound, light    D. sounds, lights
23.These    want to be    when they grow up.
A.girl-students, woman doctors    B. girl-student, woman doctors
C. girls-students, women doctors    D. girl-students, women doctors
24.What    ! Where did you get them?
A.a radio的复数形式big fish    B. big fish    C. a piece of fish    D. a piece of big fish
25.I saw    running about at the foot of the mountain.
A.a cattle    B. two cattles    C. much cattle    D. a head of cattle
26.    ! Let’s go climbing!
A.What a fine weather    B. How fine weather    C. What a fine day    D. How fine day
27.– Thanks for giving me    I wanted.
A.the information    B. an information    C. the informations    D. Information
1.I have two (    ) (knife)
2.There are many (    ) here. (box)
3.I received a lot of Christmas(    ) . (card)
4.There are many (    ) on the road. (bus)
5.Those (    )are enjoying the sunrise. (travel)
6.I have two (    ) . (friend)
7.A few (    )are drawing on the wall. (boy)
8.He has several interesting(    ) . (book)
9.The (    ) are playing football now. (child)
10.Yangtze River in one of the longest (    ) in China. (river)
