语法专项:名词的单数与复数姓名:____________________ I. 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。
1. 如果以元音字母加y结尾,则直接加s,如:
day ________ key ________ way ________ toy ________ boy ________
2. 有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,如:
man ________ woman ____________, child __________, sheep _________
this ________ that _________
II 用所给名词或代词适当形式填空。
1. They are my ______________ (parent).
2. These are my ______________ (sister)
3. __________ (this) jackets are blue.
4. __________ (that) are my jackets.
5. Are your ____________ (grandparent) in China?
6. Mary has two _____________ (brother).
7. These __________ (photo) are Tom's.
8. My parents have two ____________ (child), my sister and I.
9. Jessie and I are good ____________ (friend).
10. Who is that ________ (girl). She is my __________ (cousin).
III 用is/are 填空。(注意判断主语的单复数)
1. Here _________ five photos of me. And here ________ a photo of my family.
2. My sister ________ in the first picture.
3. This _______ my book, and those __________ his books.
4. His father and mother ________ in Shanghai now.
5. There ________ seven people in Frank's family.
6. My family _________ having dinner.
IV 按要求改写句子。(注意主系表结构单复数的一致问题)
1. This is my sister. (改为复数句子)
_______ _______ my ________.
2. That is his brother. (改为复数句子)
_________ _________ his _________.
3. It is my key.(改为复数句子)
________ ________ my _________.
4. Those are cups. (改为单数句子)
_______ ________ _______ ________.
5. They are Helen's daughters. (改为单数句子)
________ _______ Helen's _________.
6. Are they your brothers? (改为单数句子)
________ ________ your __________?
IV. 语篇理解,(在语篇中填入名词时,注意单复数问题)
Hi, I'm Gina. Those are my f____________. Their n_________ are Jack, Grace and Frank. Jack and Grace are b_________ and s___________. There _________ four people in their family, and their p___________ are teachers. They also have a d_________. The name of the dog is Coco. Frank is in a big f____________. Here is a p________ of his family. There are four c___________ in his family. He has two s___________ and a b___________. His aunt and uncle _______ also in the picture. They have a d____________. Her name is Cindy.
