--(1)显示到当前日期和时间为止试图登录SQL Server的次数。
select getdate( ) as '当前日期和时间',@@connections AS '登录的次数'
--(2)创建一个@myvar 变量,然后将一个字符串的值“This is a test”放在变量中,最后输出 @myvar 变量的值。
declare @myvar char(20)
set @myvar='This is a test'
print @myvar
--(3)定义一个变量@rows ,通过查询把学生总数赋值给变量,并输出@rows的值。
declare @rows int
set @rows=(select count(s_no) from student)
print @rows
--(4)使用 LTRIM 函数删除字符变量“ Five spaces are at the beginning of this string.”中的起始空格,
----输出时和字符串“Here is the string without the leading spaces:”进行连接后再输出。
declare @string varchar(100),@str varchar(100)
set @string=' Five spaces are at the beginning of this string.'
set @str='Here is the string without the leading spaces:'
print @str+ltrim(@string)
select month(getdate())
select datepart(month,getdate())
print host_name()
print @@Servername
create function st_score(@s_no char(8))
returns char(8)
declare @avg numeric(4,2),@等级 varchar(8)
set @avg = (select avg(score)
from choice
where s_no=@s_no)
if @avg between 85 and 100
set @等级='优'
if @avg between 75 and 84
set @等级='良'
if @avg between 65 and 74
set @等级='中'
if @avg between 0 and 64
set @等级='差'
return @等级
select dbo.st_score('111')
create function kccj(@s_name char(10))
returns table
return select course.c_name,choice.score
from student join choice join course on student.s_no = choice.s_no on course.c_no=choice.c_no
where s_name = @s_name
--使用join on 错误
create function kccj(@s_name char(10))
returns table
return select course.c_name,choice.score
from student, choice ,course
where student.s_no = choice.s_no and course.c_no=choice.c_no and s_name = @s_name
select *
from kccj('李平')
create function xbxs(@s
_depart char(10))
returns table
return select s_no,s_name
from student
where s_department = @s_depart
select *
from xbxs('计算机')
exec sp_helptext _kccj
alter function _kccj(@s_no char(10))
returns table
return select student.s_name, course.c_name,choice.score
from student, choice ,course
where student.s_no = choice.s_no and course.c_no=choice.c_no and sudent.s_no=@s_no
select *
from kccj('111')
drop function xbxs