Over the course of this article, we shall learn the various features and functions of the Python library, NumPy
NumPy is one of the Python libraries, that supports multi-dimensional, substantial arrays as well as matrices. It also
supports a large collection of mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. NumPy provides a strong base for many other data science and data visualization libraries.
NumPy是Python库之⼀,它⽀持多维的,实质性的数组以及矩阵。 它还⽀持在这些数组上运⾏的⼤量数学函数。 NumPy为许多其他数据科学和数据可视化库提供了坚实的基础。
In this article we will create, index and manipulate arrays using NumPy. (You will need to have prior knowledge on how and work in Python.)
在本⽂中,我们将使⽤NumPy创建,索引和操作数组。 (您将需要具有有关和在Python中如何⼯作的先验知识。)
First, we’ll look at NumPy arrays. A NumPy array consists of values that can be indexed with slices, but also with boolean or integer arrays (masks). The shape of an array denotes the size of an array along each dimension and it is expressed using a tuple of integers as well. For a standard 2D array, the shape gives the number of rows followed by the number of columns.
⾸先,我们来看⼀下NumPy数组。 NumPy数组由可以⽤切⽚索引的值组成,但也可以⽤布尔或整数数组(掩码)索引。 数组的形状表⽰数组在每个维度上的⼤⼩,它也使⽤整数元组表⽰。 对于标准2D数组,形状将给出⾏数,然后是列数。
Before we start, make sure you have all the necessary libraries installed in your system.
Using conda:
conda install numpy
Using pip:
pip install numpy
使⽤NumPy创建数组(Creating arrays using NumPy)
>>> import numpy as np>>> a = np.array([1,22,333])>>> print(a)[1 22 333]
Let’s play around with arrays a little before we get into more of NumPy’s features and functions. We can check the size of our array in Python using the ‘.shape’ function.
在深⼊了解NumPy的特性和功能之前,让我们来研究⼀下数组。 我们可以使⽤'.shape'函数在Python中检查数组的⼤⼩。
>>> print(a.shape)(3,)
Here we see the shape is (3, ) which means we’ve a 1 dimensional array of size 3. If we want to look at specific elements within the array, we use the same notations as we do in Python lists.
>>> print(a[0])1>>> print(a[1])22>>> print(a[2])333
Change a value at a specific index:
>>> a[0] = 11>>> print(a)[  11 22 333]
As you can see, the element at the first position has now changed from 1 to 11.
使⽤NumPy创建2D数组 (Create a 2D array using NumPy)
>>> b = np.array([[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])>>> print(b)[[4 5 6]  [7 8 9]]
Print the shape
>>> b.shape(2, 3)
This shows us that we’ve 2 rows and 3 columns.
Now to look at the individual elements in the 2D array we can do the following:
>>> print(b[0,0])4
We can make numpy arrays of different values, not just integers
>>> c = np.array([9.0, 8.7, 6.5])>>> print(c)[9.  8.7 6.5]
其他NumPy函数来构造数组 (Other NumPy functions to construct arrays)
NumPy provides different functions to create arrays. For example, If I wanted to create an array that is filled with zeros, I can do so easily using NumPy’s ‘.zeros’ function as shown below
NumPy提供了不同的函数来创建数组。 例如,如果我想创建⼀个由零填充的数组,则可以使⽤NumPy的'.zeros'函数轻松实现,如下所⽰>>> d = np.zeros((5,6))>>> print(d)[[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]  [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]  [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
Similarly we can make an array filled with 1’s using the ‘.ones’ function
>>> e = np.ones((5,6))>>> print(e)[[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]  [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]  [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]  [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]  [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]]
Furthermore, you can create an array that is filled with some constant value by using the ‘.full’ function wherein you will
rows函数的使用方法及实例need to mention the size of the array in the first part of the parenthesis and mention the constant value in the second part
of the parenthesis. An instance of this is shown below where we create a 3x3 array filled with the value ‘7.8’ .
量。括号。 下⾯显⽰了⼀个实例,我们在其中创建了⼀个3x3数组,其中填充了值'7.8'。
>>> f = np.full((3,3), 7.8)>>> print(f)[[7.8 7.8 7.8]  [7.8 7.8 7.8]  [7.8 7.8 7.8]]
NumPy also provides the random function. Using this we can create an array that consists of random values between 0 and
NumPy还提供随机函数。 使⽤此⽅法,我们可以创建⼀个由0到1之间的随机值组成的数组
>>> g= np.random.random((4,4))>>> print(g)[[0.21243056 0.4998238  0.46474266 0.24573327]  [0.80314845 0.94159578 0.65609858 0.0559475 ]  [0.80367609使⽤NumPy进⾏索引 (Indexing using NumPy)
Numpy offers several ways to index arrays. Similar to python lists, NumPy arrays can be sliced. Since arrays can be multi-dimensional, you will need to specify the slice for each dimension of the array.
Numpy提供了⼏种索引数组的⽅法。 与python列表类似,可以对NumPy数组进⾏切⽚。 由于数组可以是多维的,因此您需要为数组的每
Let’s create a two-dimensional array with random values.
>>> i = np.array([[12,23,34], [45,56,67], [78,89,90]])>>> print(i)[[12 23 34]  [45 56 67]  [78 89 90]]
For this example, lets use slicing to pull out the a part of the array that consists of the first 2 rows and columns 1 and 2
>>> j = i[:2, 1:3]>>> print(j)[[23 34]  [56 67]]
A slice of an array (as shown above) is a view into the same data.
>>> print(i[0,1])23
You can change the value at any position in the array.
>>> j[0,0]=75>>> print(i[0,1])75>>> print(i)[[ 1 75  3]  [ 4  5  6]  [ 7  8  9]]
NumPy中的布尔数组索引 (Boolean array indexing in NumPy)
Boolean array indexing type of indexing is used to select the elements of an array that satisfy some condition. So lets create an array of some random values, apply a certain condition and see how boolean array indexing works.
索引的布尔数组索引类型⽤于选择满⾜某些条件的数组元素。 因此,让我们创建⼀个包含⼀些随机值的数组,应⽤⼀个特定条件,然后看看布尔数组索引是如何⼯作的。
>>> k = np.array([[26,78], [51,42], [30,89]])>>> print(k)[[26 78]  [51 42]  [30 89]]>>> print(k>50)[[False  True]  [ True False]  [False  True]]
We can also use boolean array indexing to create a new one dimensional array consisting of all the elements that are
actually greater than 50
>>> print(k[k>50])[78 51 89]
NumPy数学函数 (NumPy Math Functions)
Basic math functions operate element wise on arrays. Which means that an element in one array corresponds to an element in another array in the same position. You can use both math operators or the functions provided by NumPy. Both give us the same outputs. Lets perform a few math operations on arrays.
基本数学函数在数组上按元素进⾏运算。 这意味着⼀个数组中的元素与相同位置的另⼀个数组中的元素相对应。 您可以使⽤数学运算符或NumPy提供的函数。 两者都给我们相同的输出。 让我们对数组执⾏⼀些数学运算。
1. Addition
>>> l = np.array([[1,2], [3,4]])>>> m = np.array([[5,6], [7,8]])>>> print(l+m)[[ 6  8]  [10 12]]
This adds elements in the arrays according to their corresponding positions. We can acquire similar results using the NumPy function.
这将根据元素在数组中的相应位置添加元素。 我们可以使⽤NumPy函数获得类似的结果。
>>> print(np.add(l,m))[[ 6  8]  [10 12]]
In addition to this, NumPy has functions for subtraction, multiplication division and computing the sum of the array as well.除此之外,NumPy还具有⽤于减法,乘法除法以及计算数组和的功能。
2. Subtraction
# Subtraction using math operators>>> print(l-m)[[ -4 -4]  [-4 -4]]# Subtraction using NumPy functions>>> print(np.subtract(l,m))[[ -4 -4]  [-4 -4]]
3. Multiplication
# Multiplication using math operators>>> print(l*m)[[ 5 12]  [21 32]]# Multiplication using NumPy functions>>> print(np.multiply(l,m))[[ 5 12]  [21 32]]
4. Division
# Division using math operators>>> print(l/m)[[0.2 0.33333333]  [0.42857143 0.5 ]]# Division using NumPy functions>>> print(np.divide(l,m))[[0.2 0.33333333]  [0.
5. Sum
>>> print(l)[[1 2]  [3 4]]#sum of all the elements>>> print(np.sum(l))10#sum of columns>>> print(np.sum(l, axis=0))[4 6]#sum of row>>> print(np.sum(l, axis=
You can find the code for this tutorial .
I hope you enjoyed this article. Thank you for giving it a read!
希望您喜欢这篇⽂章。 感谢您阅读!
[1] NumPy⽂档: :
