- 减号/横线 hyphen/dash/minus sign/
问号 question mark
, 逗号 comma
. 点号 dot/period/point
: 冒号 colon
; 分号 semicolon
” 双引号 quotation marks/double quote
‘ 单引号/撇号 apostrophe/single quote
` 重音号 backquote/grave accent
* 星号 asterisk/star
+ 加号 plus sign
- 减号/横线 hyphen/dash/minus sign/
= 等号 equal sign
/ 斜线 slash
\ 反斜线 backslash/escape
| 竖线 bar/pipe/vertical bar
_ 下划线 underline/underscore
$ 美元符号 dollar sign
@ at at sign
% 百分号 percent sign/mod
& and/和/兼 and/ampersand
^ 折音号 circumflex/caret
~ 波浪号 tilde
{} (左右)花括号/大括号 (left/right|open/close) braces
[] (左右)方括号/中括号 (left/right|open/close) brackets
() (左右)圆括号/小括号 (left/right|open/close) parentheses
<> 尖括号 angle brackets
< 大于号 less than
> 小于号 greater than
^ circumflex/caret
~ tilde/squiggle
´ acute
` grave
ç cedilla
# hash/sharp
* asterisk
+ plus/positive
- minus/negative/dash
/ slash/slant
\ backslash/escape
` backquote 反引号
~ tilde
! exclam
@ at
# numbersign,英语国家是hash,美语是pound,音乐里作sharp,如C#
$ dollar
% percent
^ caret
& ampersand
* asterisk,star(美语),数学公式中作multiply
( parenleft,opening parentheses
) parenright,closing paretheses
- minus;hyphen连字符,不读
_ underscore
+ plus
= equal
[ bracketleft,opening bracket
] bracketright,closing bracket
{ braceleft
} braceright
; semicolon
: colon
‘ quote
” doublequote
/ slash
\ backslash 反斜杠
| bar
, comma
< less
> greater
. period
space 空格
<  is less than
>  is more than
≮  is not less than
≯  is not more than
≤  is less than or equal to 小于或等于号
-  hyphen 连字符
≥  is more than or equal to 大于或等于号
‘  apostrophe 省略号,英文中省略字符用的撇号;所有格符号
%  percent
-  dash 破折号
‰  per mille
∞  infinity 无限大号
∝  varies as 与…成比例
( )  parentheses 圆括号
√  (square) root 平方根
[ ]  square brackets 方括号
∵  since; because 因为
《 》  French quotes 法文引号;书名号
∴  hence 所以
…  ellipsis 省略号
∷  equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例
¨  tandem colon 双点号
∠  angle 角
∶  ditto 双点号
semicircle⌒  semicircle 半圆
‖  parallel 双线号
⊙  circle 圆
/  virgule 斜线号
○  circumference 圆周
~  swung dash 代字号
△  triangle 三角形
§  section; division 分节号
⊥  perpendicular to 垂直于
→  arrow 箭号;参见号
∪  union of 并,合集
∩  intersection of 交,通集
∫  the integral of …的积分
±  plus or minus 正负号
∑  summation of 总和
×  is multiplied by 乘号
°  degree 度
÷  is divided by 除号
′  minute 分
″  second 秒
≠  is not equal to 不等于号
≡  is equivalent to 全等于号
℃  Celsius degree 摄氏度
≌  is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号
α Α alpha ['ælfa]
β Β beta ['bi:ta / 'beita]
γ Γ gamma ['gæma]
δ Δ delta ['delta]
ε Ε epsilon ['epsilan / ep'sailan]
ζ Ζ zeta ['zi:ta]
η Η eta ['i:ta / 'eita]
θ Θ theta ['θita]
ι Ι iota [ai'outa]
