1.Often this earliest form of advertising involved a newly arrived ship loaded (load) with goods.
2.The famous old temple dating back to the Tang Dynasty was eventually (eventual) removed.
3.With all the money used up, the man had to make a living by begging (beg).
4.My friend is a reliable (rely) person, and you can rely on it that he will give you a hand when you are in trouble.
5.Not many people agree with the government’s prediction (predict) that the economy will improve.
6.You are supposed to get rid of carelessness (careless), for it often leads to many errors.
7.This research center attached (attach) to the famous university is in the charge of Professor Smith.
8.The President agreed, adding that he hoped for a peaceful solution (solve) to the dispute.
9.All the sites are free to the public and accessible (access) to anyone with an Internet connection.
10.Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially designed to help them succeed academically (academic) and personally.
1.Now many of us teenagers attach much more significant to our phones than to our friends. significant→significance
2.Meat soon goes badly in hot weather if it isn’t put in fridge. badly→bad
3.Sally is a talented girl, who can create atmosphere that allows her students to communicate free with each other. free→freely
4.What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special one. ordinarily→ordinary
5.In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. eighteen→eighteenth
Around the world, malnutrition(营养不良) has become a problem that costs $3.5 trillion per year, accor
ding to the latest Global Nutrition Report, 1._______ gives an analysis of food and nutrition issues each year.
Although most countries have fallen short in their efforts 2._______(deal) with poor nutrition and food insecurity, the US appears to be badly off track, the report found. The world’s 3._______(large) economy continues to suffer from high rates of obesity, diabetes and anemia(贫血), according to the data, and has more than a million overweight children.
“Malnutrition is responsible for more ill­health 4.________ any other cause. 5._______ health consequences of overweight and obesity contribute to four million deaths 6._______(globe).” Corinna Hawkes, director of the Center for Food Policy, 7._______(write) in the report.
According to the study, most countries have at least two issues related to malnutrition. The most serious issues are children who are either overweight, anemic, 8._______ suffer from undeveloped growth. Overall, malnutrition contributes to about half of all childhood deaths, the research showed. And those 9._______(affect) may not be able to get as good a job as they could have, if they had been fed well. It also prevents them 10._______(be) able to contribute to society, and the economy, as well as they would have in a healthier environment.
1.which解析:考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处应用which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“Global Nutrition Report”。故填which。
2.to deal解析:考查非谓语动词。此处应用不定式作定语修饰名词“efforts”。故填to deal。
3.largest解析:考查形容词的最高级。根据空格前的“the US”可知,此处应表示“世界上最大的经济体”,应用形容词的最高级来修饰“economy”。故填largest。
4.than解析:考查介词。句意:营养不良导致的健康问题比任何其他原因都更加严重。比较级more 和than搭配。故填than。
5.The解析:考查冠词。根据语境可知,空格后的“health consequences”应特指“超重和过度肥胖的健康后果”,应用定冠词the来修饰。故填The。注意首字母大写。
7.wrote解析:考查动词的时态。根据空格后的“in the report”可知,此处应用一般过去时。故填wrote。
10.being解析:prevent sb. (from) doing sth.是固定搭配,意为“阻止某人做某事”。故填being。
Most people expect their birthdays because of the presents they receive them.I have been getting my birthday presents but none of which have been remarkable so far.My parents always give me books which is fine but ordinary.Then, on my seventeen birthday, I got the best present ever.There was a white envelope.I opened it and find a key and a note.“Happy birthday, my dear nephew!” was written on hand.It was from his Aunt Jess.I looked at the key more closely but I realized it was a car key.This was best present.I became the owner of my own car thanks to my generously aunt.
Most people expect their birthdays because of the presents they receive ① them
\.I have been getting my
birthday presents but none of which
①them have been remarkable so far.My parents always give me books which
fine but ordinary.Then, on my
①seventeenth birthday, I got the best present ever.There was a white envelope.I
opened it and
①found a key and a note.“Happy birthday, my dear nephew!” was written
①by hand.It was from
①my Aunt Jess.I looked at the key more closely
①and I realized it was a car key.This was
①the best present.I
became the owner of my own car thanks to my generously
①generous aunt.
1.Surrounding yourself with people who’ll provide you with respect support can be very beneficial (benefit).
2.I’d like to place things where it is convenient (convenience)to get them easily.
3.The police managed to save the two tourists stuck (stick) in the valley.
4.Good opinions are worth (worthy) sticking to because they can benefit us all.
5.Henry made a list of all the possible solutions(solve), but none can help get rid of the trouble.
6.When we use our limited(limit) natural resources, each of us should be more aware and careful.
7.he company consisting of 5 small factories is facing a serious financial (finance) crisis.
8.Bob is moody(喜怒无常的), so I don’t want to talk with him about the business.
9.I intend to take up a part­time job, through which I’d like to have my horizons broadened (broad).
10.He kicked his three­pack­a­day cigarette habit, and overcame his addiction (addict) to alcohol.
1.When the fire happened, he kept coolly and survived lly→cool
2.If he hadn’t had a work permission, he wouldn’t have been given an opportunity to work in this company. permission→permit
3.Fitness is important in sport, but of at least equally importance.
4.The aim of the project is to clean up the polluting land as soon as possible.
5.After the TV station moved into new accommodation, its operation seemed to be less satisfied.accessible反义词前缀
People use the word “friend” in a 1._______ (various) of ways. A friend can mean anything from an acquaintance(泛泛之交) to someone you’ve known. Whoever they are, friends are an important part of life at every stage.
For some people, making friends is easy. For others, it can be 2._______ struggle. It’s easy for people who know how to connect with others. But you don’t need to be clever or 3._______ (charm) to make friends. People who make friends easily know how to be 4._______(they). There’s an old saying:“A friend is someone who knows
