1. 某人想到某事 (occur)
sth occur to sb=sth strike sb
It occurred to sb that=It struck sb that
2. 当说到...时(come)
When it comes to ...
3. 说起,谈起...
Speaking of/
4. ...的原因是... (reason)
5. 某人似乎要做/正在做/做了某事 (seem)
sb seem to do/ to be doing / to have done
It seems/
6. 某人碰巧做/正在做/做了某事 (happen)
sb happen to do/to be doing / to have done
It (so) happens/happened that
7. (某地)曾经有.../似乎有/碰巧有 (there)
There used /There seem /There happen
8. 牢记,记住…
sb bear/keep sth in mind…
sb bear/keep in mind that…(没有it)
9. 确保
ensure that…=make sure that…=see to it that…
10. 据说/据报道/据称
It is said/reported/=sb/sth be said/reported/claimed to do/have done sth
11. 人们/大家普遍认为
It is generally believed/thought/
It is (generally) =sb/sth be believed to do sth
12. 做...是没有用/好处的
It is no use/good doing sth做...是浪费时间的
It is a waste of time doing sth
13. 不是...而是...
14. 认为...理所当然(grant)
sb take sth for granted=sb take it for granted that=It is taken for
15. 很可能... (likely)
It is (very) =sb/sth be likely to do sth
16. 难怪,怪不得
(It is) no wonder (that) ...
17. 规定 (rule)
sb make it a
accessible的固定短语18. 对某人来说重要的是...
What matters to sb
19. 是....才是重要的。
that matter. = that count.
20. …使某人可能做某事
sth make it possible for sb to do sth
21. 某人表明…
sb make it clear that…
22. 某人觉得很难做某事
sb find it hard/difficult to do sth
23. 某人做某事有困难
It is difficult for sb to do sth
sb have difficulty (in) doing sth
24. 如果你能做…的话我将不胜感激。
I would appreciate it very much if you could do sth
25. 不尽如人意
far from satisfactory
26. 不久某人就要做某事了。
It won’t/will be long/ +一段时间 before sb does sth.
It was/wasn’t +一段时间 before sb did sth.
27. 这是某人第一次做某事。
It is the first time that sb have done sth
It was the first time that sb had done sth
28. ….由某人来定夺。
…is up to sb.
It is up to sb+to do/主语从句
29. 尽管天气不好(despite)
Despite the bad weather,
Despite the fact that the weather was bad,
30. 做…是没有意义的。(point/sense)
There is no point/sense (in) doing sth…
31. 某人没有必要做某事
There is no need for sb to do sth
32. 无可否认…
There is no denying that…
33. 有可能/不可能…(possibility/chance)
There is a/no possibility/chance that…
There is a/no possibility/chance of one’s doing sth
34. 消息传来说…
Word came that…
35. 让我印象最深的是….
What impressed/struck me most was…
36. 意想不到,意料之外
beyond/out of one’s expectation
37. 事与愿违,…
Contrary to one’s wish / Contrary to what sb wish for
38. 与某人预期的相反
Contrary to one’s expectation / Contrary to what sb (had) expected
39. 未必(not necessarily)
40. 从...来判断(judge)
41. 某人坚信...(belief)
sb hold a firm belief that…
42. 有迹象表明...(sign)
There is a
43. 向某人保证,使某人相信…(assure)
assure sb of sth ; assure sb that
44. ...一致认为…(agreement)
sb reach the
45. 得出结论
draw/come to/arrive at a conclusion
46. 某人刚要做某事突然...(about)
sb was about to do sth when sth happened=sb was on the point of doing sth when sth happened
47. 某人有接近…的方法,某人可获得..., 某人有...的权利(access)
sb have access to sth
48. 可接近,可进入; 可获得
sth be accessible to sb; sth be available to to
49. 别无选择只能做某事,不得不做某事(but)
have no choice/alternative/option but to do sth
50. 情不自禁做某事(help)
can’t help doing sth
51. 某人该为了...而受责备(blame)
sb be to blame for sth
52. 某人充分意识到...(aware/conscious)+名词短语/wh-宾语从句
sb be fully/well aware of sth/ wh-
sb be fully conscious of sth/wh-
sb be fully
53. 某人不妨做某事(may/might)
sb may/might (just) as well do sth
54. 到...为止,某人已经做了...(by the time)
By the time sb does sth, sb will have done sth(将来)
By the time sb did sth, sb had done sth(过去)
55. 使某人失望的是/使某人尴尬的是/使某人开心的是/使某人惊讶的是/使某人宽慰的是/使某人悲伤的是/使某人满意的是/使某人后悔的是
To one’s disappointment/embarrassment/joy/delight/surprise/astonishment/relief/sorrow/satisfaction/ regret
56. 某人深感荣幸做某事(honour)
sb feel it a great honour to do sth
It is a great honour for sb to do sth
sb feel much honoured to do sth
57. 把...考虑在内(take)
take sth into account/ consideration
58. 值得做某事
be worth doing/be worthy of being done/be worthy to be done/It’s worthwhile doing/to do
59. 该受责备
be to blame
