(第1课时,共1 课时)
1.add to增加,增进 
eg.The heavy rain added to our difficulty.
Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.
add … to加进…  eg.Pleas add some salt to the soup.
add up相加 eg. He added these figures up.
Add up your score and see how many po ints you get.
He expressed his satisfaction,__________ that he would come here again. (adding)
add up to总计,所有这一切说明
eg. These figures added up to 1,000.
  I don't think these facts will add up to anything
2. agree with同意; (气候,食物)适合某人; 相一致
eg. I agree with him/what he said/his opinion.
The climate here agrees with sb.
His word didn’t agree with his action
This is where I agree .
This is what I agree with.
agree to同意; 同意做某事
eg.I agree to a plan/suggestion/ proposal / (an) arrangement
    He agreed to help the girl.
agree on sth 达成一致(主语为双方或多方)
eg.They agree on the date of the meeting
3. above all 首先,最重要的是 强调重要性
    eg. I want to choose a house. Above all, its environment is quiet.
first of all 首先;强调顺序
eg.First of all, let me introduce our honored guest.
in all 总共  eg. There are 100 books in all.
all in all总而言之 eg. All in all, the party was a success.
all but ; 几乎;差不多 egThe meeting was all but over when he arrived.
  at all [否定句]一点也(); [疑问句] 究竟; [条件从句] 果真
eg. I don’t like the book at all.            Does life exist on the Mars at all?
If you want to do it at all, try your best.
after all 毕竟;终究
Eg.Don’t blame him ._________ he is a little boy.
  I applied to the company many times. It didn’t give me a respond _________.
4.argue with sb about /over sth.
Eg;Do you _______ your family ________ which TV programme to watch?
argue sb into /out of doing sth 说服某人做、不做某事。
Eg ; He argued his father out of smoking.
5.arise from /out of …..产生; Accidents often________ _______carelessness.
6.allow doing sth     eg; His wife didin’t allow smoking at home.
allow sb to do sth  eg; His wife didn’t allow him to smoke.
allow sb sth        eg ; His wife allows him three cigarettes a day.
allow for顾及 eg; Allowing for the bad weather ,we should set off rignt now.
7.access ;  have access to  
eg; The rescue workers have access to the damaged buildings.
accessible—adj;易得到的 ;易进入的
eg; The internet is accessible through a computer
8.apply to sp for a job;
      eg;He applied to the company for a job.
apply A to B A应用于B
  egThe new technology was applied to the farming.
apply to ;适用于 
eg;Do the same rules apply to part-time workers?
apply oneself to doing 致力于
eg; He applied himself to improving the technique.
9.apart from /aside from 除了eg; apart from him ,I had no one to talk to.
  Take apart 拆开  tell apart 区分  come/fall apart 破灭 、碎了
10.appreciate doing  advise doing/sb to do  approve of    be admitted to/into  appeal to sb        ask sb for sth        attach importance to
(第1课时,共1 课时)
短语; break类;bring类;blow类;burst类;bear
break into pieces破成碎片 break one's word/promise食言, 说话不算数
break the law/rule违反法律/规章制度 break in two使破成两半
break the record打破纪录  break one's heart使某人心碎,使某人悲痛欲绝 
break away (from sb/sth)突然逃脱, 挣脱(束缚): The prisoner broke away from his guards.
break down (a)失灵, 失效:. Our car broke down on the motorway.
(b) 失败; 崩溃: Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.
(c)身体垮: Her health broke down under the pressure of work.
(d)感情失去控制: He broke down and wept when he heard the news.
(e)分成几部分, 细分: Each lesson is broken down into several units.
break in /break into sth强行进入屋内: Burglars had broken in while we were away on holi
突然开始(大笑、唱歌、欢呼等): As the President's car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause.
break in (on sth) 打断: Please don't break in on our conversation.
break off stop speaking 停止讲话: He broke off in the middle of a sentence. break (sth) off 中断They've broken off their engagement.
break out(火灾,战争)突然爆发: Fire broke out during the night.
break through突破: Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.
The sun broke through at last in the afternoon.
break up (a)强行驱散某物: Police were called in to break up the meeting.
