1. Introduction (介绍  )
Comparatively speaking, as a general rule, in general,  in one sense,  to some extent,  in my view,  as for me,    on a personal level,    in some cases,    in some respects,  in a sense,  on a larger scale,  to take the idea further,  putting the discussion in a wider context,  traditionally,  unfortunately,    practically speaking,  undoubtedly,  finally speaking,  in terms of,  in a way
2. Classification ( 分类 )
According to…, on the basis of,    based on,    depending on,    in the category of,  belong to,  fall into,  be classed with,    contain,    consist of,  constitute,  there be…
3. comparison (比较  )
Have…in common,  equally important, like,  similarly, likewise,  in the same way,  the same as,  both…and…
4. Exemplification (例证  )
In illustration of,    by way of examples,  be an example of,  for instance,  as an example, as a case in point,  similarly,  as an illustration,  namely,  that is, like,  say
5. Enumeration (列举  )
In the first place,  initially,  first and foremost,  to begin with,  to start with,  in the second place,  next,  besides,  furthermore,  moreover,  in addition,  what is more,  beyond that,  for one thing, for another,  finally, eventually
6. Cause (理由 )
Owing to, due to,  on account of,  as a result of,  because…, as,  since,  for,  as a result of
7. Result ( 结果 )
As a consequence, for this,  on that account,  it follows that…, for this reason,  therefore, accordingly, thus, consequently,  hence, as a result
8. Concession ( 让步 )
Although, even though…, granted that…, it is true…, but,  in spite of,  still,  even so,  nevertheless,  however,  yet,  admittedly
9. Emphasis ( 强调 )
More often than not,  needless to say,  above all,  chiefly,  especially,  indeed, in fact,  certainly,  particularly,  to be sure,  actually,  surely,  most important of all, even worse
10. Summary (概要 )
Lastly, in the last place,  last of all,  eventually,  by and large,  by doing so,  at length,  to sum up, in conclusion,  on the whole,  to conclude,  in a word,  in short,  in brief,  altogether,  to summarize,  in all,  as has been said,  that is, in summary
11. Contrast ( 对比 )
In contrast,  conversely,  rather than,  whereas,  in sharp contrast,  unlike,  on the one hand,  otherwise,  on the other hand,  on the contrary
12. Addition (层进  )
In the second place,  for another,  also, too,  thirdly,  besides this,  in addition to,  furthermore,  moreover,  after that,  in other words, in the same manner, what is more important, besides,  and then,  equally important
〈 表示前面的词用起来不如后面的高级,而= 表示两者的高级程度基本相同。
Big < huge < large < vast < immense = enormous = tremendous = colossal
Ample < abundant
Small= little < tiny < minute < petit < miniature < diminutive = microscopic
Brave < fearless < bold < courageous = valiant < heroic < gallant= lion-hearted= audacious=adventurous= intrepid
Afraid< fearful < cowardly= timid < weak-kneed
Real= true< actual < genuine=valid< authentic < legitimate
Fake < phony < artificial < counterfeit = mock < adulterated < bogus
Pliable = flexible= bending =pliant < responsive < relenting < tractable < yielding
Inflexible < unbending <=rigid < stubborn < obstinate < bullheaded < uncompromising
Active < spirited < lively < energetic < vigorous < dynamic < animated < vivacious < brisk < sprightly
Slow < inactive < sedentary < idle < indolent <torpid < slothful <shiftless < languid < listless < sluggish < droopy 
Abandon    absence    acceptable  accessible 
allusion,    illusion    accidentally  amend 
Across      accused      acquaintance  apartment 
appealing  appearance    apology,      appreciate, 
approaches,  appropriate ,  approximately,  amendment,
application,  apparent,      acquire,      arrangement, 
arbitrary,    arrangement,    architect,      artificial,
assistant,    attendant      alleviate,    adaptation, 
accustom,    modern,    create
1. 不用太通俗的表达(slangs),这是很重要的技巧和写作态度,如:
A lot of people ( ) ---- a large number of people
A lot of trouble    ---- a large amount of trouble , a great deal of trouble
Thanks a lot      ----Thank you very much.
