AfPS GS2019:01PAK
Product Safety Commission(AfPS)
GS Specification Testing and assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic
in the awarding of GS Marks-Specification pursuant to Article21
(1)No.3of the Product Safety Act(ProdSG)
-AfPS GS2019:01PAK
Date of issue:15May2019
部门:Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Table of Contents目录
Preliminary observations初步观察
3.1Risk assessment风险评估
3.3Test and Assessment测试和评估
4Transitional regulations/periods过渡性法规/时期
4.1GS mark certificates,issued from1July2020onwards
4.2GS mark certificates,issued before1July2020
1Aim and purpose目标和目的
2.1Brief description简要说明
2.3Chemicals and solutions化学品和溶液
3Preparation and measurement准备和测试
3.1Sample preparation样品制备
3.2Measuring procedure测量程序
3.3Special characteristcs特殊特征
Annex:Gas-chromatographic conditions(informative)
Testing and assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in
the awarding of GS marks
Preliminary observations初步观察
On4August2014the Product Safety Commission(AfPS)has determined the requirements of PAH testing in the awarding of the GS mark as specification according to Article21(1)No.3of the Product Safety Act(ProdSG).
On15May2019the requirements were reviewed and revised.The GS specification AfPS GS2014:01PAK shall be replaced by this document.The implementation is achieved by means of this PAH document.
2019年5月15日,我们对这些要求进行了审查和修订。GS规范AfPS GS2014:01PAK应由本文件取代。这个实现是通过这个PAH文件来实现的。
A GS mark may be awarded only if the prerequisites of Article21(1)of the Product Safety Act are fulfilled.Above all,GS certified he examined type in sense of Article21(1)sentence1of the ProdSG(Product Safety Act),shall comply with the essential requirements set out in Article3,and in case of consumer products, the additional requirements set out in Article6of the ProdSG.
Based on the general clauses(especially Article3(1)No.2and Article3(2)sentence 1of the ProdSG),the GS body is obliged to identify and evaluate known risks to health during a risk assessment.In addition to the ProdSG the GS body must consider also other applicable legal provisions such as the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance (ChemVerbotsV)or the Articles30,31of the German Food and Feed Code(LFGB) or the REACH Regulation(EC)No1907/2006,especially Annex XVII.
This document and,in particular,the testing instructions(Annexe)specify the requirements with respect to the contents of PAHs in products.Furthermore,the methodology for the evaluation by GS bodies is harmonised.
PAH contamination of materials is primarily due to the use of:
-PAH contaminated extender oils in rubber and flexible plastics(soft plastics)
-PAH contaminated carbon black as black pigment in rubber,plastics and paints
hydrocarbon solvent naphtha)
PAH contamination has previously been detected not only in rubber but also in various types of ABS,PP and in different synthetic fibers,natural latex, paints as well as in materials treated with naphthalene.
The GS body must take into account the following steps both in the process of awarding a new GS mark and within the framework of monitoring existing GS mark certificates:
1.Risk assessment风险评估
3.Test and evaluation试验与评估
3.1Risk assessment风险评估
The GS body must carry out a risk assessment and,in doing so,lay down which relevant contact/grip and operating surfaces of the product are to be considered for testing and which are not.And these shall be documented(this means that the GS body must first specify the contact/grip and operating areas,to which the requirements of the PAH document must be applied(specification of PAH relevance)). The risk assessment can be suspended with,where appropriate,if the respective Erfahrungsaustauschkreis(“Exchange of Experience Forum”,EK)has already defined a procedure for the product or product group regarding the contact/grip and operating surfaces to be tested.A reference to the EK’s definition shall be included in the documentation accordingly.
Materials that cannot be accessed or that can only be accessed using tools need not be considered,with the exception of samples with a conspicuous odour.Components that are rarely and only briefly accessible to the user during simple maintenance or expansion work do not need to be considered.
In principle,account must be taken of all contact/grip and operating surfaces that can come into direct contact with the skin or that can be put into the mouth(in the latter case regardless of accessibility)during intended or reasonable foreseeable use(but not misuse).1
1However,in order to ensure a consistent and appropriate procedure during the awarding of GS marks,it is not generally necessary to analyse all freely accessible surfaces.The intention of this document is that only relevant contact/grip and operating surfaces are to be considered.It is not expedient to test all product parts or surfaces in order“to be on the safe side”.
Depending on the results of the risk assessment,the corresponding product parts are then to be categorised(see Table1)and their actual PAH contents are to be analysed according to the analysis method as mentioned below.Existing test reports can be taken into account subject to compliance with the Grundsatzbeschluss(“principle decision”)ZEK-GB-2012-01rev.1of the ZEK(“Central Exchange of Experience Forum”)and the requirements of this PAH document.Categorisation can be dispensed with if the respective Erfahrungsaustauschkreis(“Exchange of Experience Forum”, EK)has already defined a categorisation of the contact/grip and operating surfaces for a product or group of products.
根据风险评估的结果,然后对相应的产品部件进行分类(见表1),并按照以下分析方法对其实际多环芳烃含量进行分析。现有测试报告原则(“原则决定”)上应符合ZEK(“中央经验交流论坛”)的标准ZEK-GB-2012-01版本1和本PAH 文件的要求。如果各自的经验交流圈(“经验交流论坛”,EK)已经定义了一个产品或一组产品的接触点和接触面的分类,则可以取消分类。
Table1presents the maximum limits of PAH in materials of products,which shall not be exceeded.
The provisions of this document regarding the PAH contents are not applicable,if in other legal provisions corresponding or further stricter requirements for the PAH content are provided.This applies only to the material,component,or component group but not to the integral product as a whole.Materials and parts of the product that are not covered by other legislative provisions must be assessed within the framework of the procedure for awarding the GS mark in accordance with the requirements of this PAH document.2
It must be ensured that for each single PAH component the limit of quantification of 0.2mg/kg can be actually achieved with the test procedure.
Meanwhile the influences of the procedure and the matrix,as well as measurement uncertainty and efficiency of extraction but also losses during purification must be
