一、 选择题
1. I don’t know the exact number of the deaths in the disaster, ___, seventy.
A. privately        B. roughly            C. severely        D. accurately
2. ---I don’t care for basketball.
    ---How can you say you don’t like something ______ you ‘ve never even tried it.
  A. till            B. after            C. unless        D. when
3. I’m afraid I’m not ___ to help with the show, for I am fully occupied with my own project.
    A. dependable    B. convenient                      C. available          D. accessible 
4. One of the minners _______ underground for a long time last week.
A. was trapped    B. have trapped
C. has trapped    D. were trapped
【详解】考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意:上周,其中一名矿工被困在地下很长时间。根据句意可知,此处应该是被困在地下,再结合时间状语last week可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态。故选A
5. My schedule is quite ______ I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.
A. impressive        B. deliberate      C. ambiguous        D. flexible
6. ______ he ______ today, he would get to London by Saturday.
  A. Were, to leave  B. Was, leaving    C. If, leaves      D. Would, leave
7. ---The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demandingWho do you think can do the job? 
---________ my students have a try?
AShall        BMust                  CWill            DMay
8. The British Isles is a group of islands that lie        the west coast of Europe.
A.on            B.along        C.to        D.off
9. Fully _____ in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy various activities in the club.
A. attached          B. occupied        C. contributed        D. devoted
10. “It is a       to get the award and I’d like to owe it to all the people who love me.” said the actress excitedly when she was announced to be “ the best actress of this year”.
A. preparation              B. presentation                C. privilege                D. preference
11. The “eat-up” campaign, ______ by Xu Zhijun and his three friends, has raised awareness of food waste all over the country.
A. started    B. starting    C. to be started    D. to start
12. A great number of students               said they were forced to practise the piano.
A. to question      B. to be questioned 
C. questioned        D. questioning
解析:考查非谓语动词作定语。questionstudents 存在被动关系,question表示的动作也已完成,故用过去分词。
13. An average of 130000 Chinese _________ abroad for studies every year over the past few years, boosting exchanges in the educational fields
A. was going                    B. have been going
C. has been going                D. are going
14. Not until _______ at school did he realize that he had left his book at home.
  A. he arrived    B. did he arrive      C. he would arrive          D. would he arrive
15. Don’t forget to ______ your files when you have finished keyboarding them.
A. leave                B. save                C. hold                D. get
16. Which do you enjoy_______ your spare time, reading or playing chess?
  A. to spend      B. spend      C. spending      D. being spent
二、 完型填空
17. I can never forget Mr. Green. He taught eighth-grade   41  . On the first day of class, he gave us a lecture about a creature called the cattywampus, an ill-adapted nocturnal (夜间活动的) animal that   42  during the Ice Age. He passed around a skull (头骨) as he talked.  We all took notes and later had a quiz. 
When he   43  my paper, I was shocked. There was a big red × through  44    of my answers. I had failed. There had to be some mistake! I had written down exactly what Mr. Green said. Then I realized that everyone in the class had   45  . What had happened? 
Very simple, Mr. Green explained. He had made up all the stuff about the cattywampus. There had never been any such animal. The information in our  notes was ,  46  , incorrect. Did we expect   47  for incorrect answers? 
Needless to say, we were extremely  48   . What kind of test was that? And what kind of teacher? 
We   49  have figured it out, Mr. Green said. After all, at the very moment he was passing ar
ound the cattywampus skull(in truth, a cat’s), hadn't he been telling us that no trace of the animal  50  ? He had described its amazing night vision, the color1 of its fur and a number of other facts he couldn't have known. He had given the animal a ridiculous name, and we still hadn't been suspicious. The zeroes on papers would be recorded in his grade book, he said. And they   51 
