1.bring about/result in/lead to/contribute to/account for/cause/make for
A happy parent makes for a happy child.
3.in particular=particularly=especially
in peace=peacefully
in silence=silently
in harmony=harmoniously
in part=partly
in evidence=evidently
4.be accused of=be charged with
5.in advance=ahead of time=ahead of schedule
6.put forward=come up with
put up with=stand=bear=withstand=tolerate
7.at random=randomly
8.object to doing something
=oppose to doing something
=be opposed to doing something
=raise an objection to doing something
9.support=be in favor of=favor=subscribe to=side with
10.date back to=date from=be traced to=be traced back to
The friendly intercourse between our two countries can be traced back to last century.
< behalf of=represent;symbolize
The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the end of the Cold War between East and West. Unit2
< top of/apart from/aside from
=besides=moreover=furthermore=in addition
=as well as
Besides his girlfriend,his mother also went to see the movie.
Everyone attended the meeting but Mary.
13.a variety of+n./varieties of+n.=various+n.
=all kinds of=all sorts of
14.make full use of=make the most(best)of=take advantage of
15.show up=turn up=appear
show off
sport=to have or wear sth in a proud way
She was sporting a T-shirt with the company's logo on it
16.cause sb to participate in sth=involve sb in sth
17.be related to=be associated with=be linked to=be connected with跟…有关
18.put off doing=delay doing=postpone doing
19.approach=deal with=cope with=handle=tackle
The government is determined to tackle inflation.
20.have an effect/impact/influence on=affect
21.an approach to doing sth.=a way of doing sth.=a way to do sth.=How to do sth.
a class consisting of50students=A class made up of50students
< one’s own=by oneself=alone=independently
24.be aware/conscious of=realize=recognize
25.escape from=flee
26.at the same time=meanwhile
be identical to
identity identify
29.at hand=handy=convenient
30.account for=make up=take up=occupy
31.be accessible to=be available to
The legal aid system should be accessible to more people
32.be drunk with=be addicted to=be hooked on=be obsessed with
Hook:If you are hooked into something,or hook into something,you get involved with it.
be absorbed in=be lost inaccessible的近义词
I get so absorbed in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me.
33.be consistent with=be in line with=correspond to=agree with=consist with=conform to=comply with
The translation does not quite correspond to the original.
differ from=be different from
tell the difference between A and B=make a distinction between A and B
=tell/distinguish A from B
34.manage to do something=succeed in doing something
< be honest/frank/strict=honestly/frankly/strictly speaking
to be precise=precisely speaking
36.as soon as=upon/on doing
On hearing the news,he burst into tears.
37.make fun of=laugh at=tease=mock
mock:You use mock to describe something which is not real or genuine,but which is intended to be very similar to the real thing.
She went from a D in her mocks to a B in the real thing
38.be responsible for=take responsibility for=answer for=be liable for
You should answer for what you said.
39.be tired/sick of=be bored with=be fed up with
He had become fed up with city life
40.have an edge/advantage over
=be superior to=be better than…
be inferior to=be worse than
The company needs to improve its competitive edge
41.the remaining money=the money left
42.face sth=be faced with sth
facing sth=faced with sth(状语)
Faced with crisis,people mobilized.
Confront something=be confronted with
She was confronted with severe money problems
43.beyond belief=incredible=unbelievable
I am strongly convinced that=I strongly
46.be unaware of=be unconscious of
=fail to notice
