active for em. Power
Explanation: 解释The lift remains in service on emergency power 在应急电源下电梯仍然服务
appl. loader
Explanation: 解释Softwareupdate for the modules is active. 软件升级使模块处于激活
at bottom floor
Explanation: 解释Indication that a hydraulic lift is at the home landing. 指示液压梯处于基本站厅
at check floor
Explanation: 解释The lift has reached a check floor. A journey to check floor is only initiated when input "shutdown light off" is set. 电梯到达检查层。当“关闭灯”的输入端被设置时,会开启行程到达检查层
at em. power floor
Explanation: 解释The pre-set emergency power floor has been reached. 预设置应急电源层已到达
At fire evacu. floor
Explanation: 解释The pre-set fire evacu. floor has been reached. 预设置消防撤离层已到达
at homing floor
Explanation: 解释The lift has reached the homing floor. A journey to a homing floor is only initiated when the input "shutdown light off" is set. 电梯已到达基本层。当“关闭灯”的输入端被设置时,会开启行程到达基本层
at parking floor
Explanation: 解释Arrival at the parking floor is indicated. 显示达到停泊层
at readiness floor
Explanation 解释: The lift has reached the designated readiness floor. 电梯到达指定准备层
Attendant Operator
Explanation: 解释The lift is operating under the control of an attendant. 在有司机状态下电梯处于运行
autom. function test
Explanation: 解释The function tests are running. 功能测试处于运行
bed trav. car
Explanation: 解释The lift is handling a bed transport car call. 电梯正处理病床梯内呼
bed trav. landing
Explanation: 解释The lift is handling a bed transport landing call. 电梯正处理病床梯外呼
Explanation: 解释Due to a major fault operation of the lift is blocked. 电梯锁闭由于一个主要的运行故障
bottom floor return
Explanation: 解释The homing journey for a hydraulic lift has been initiated. 液压梯在基本层行程开启
car calls blocking
Explanation: 解释All car calls are blocked because of the activated input ´car calls blocking´. 由于激活输入端“轿内阻止”,所有内呼锁闭
Car Module-Monitor
Explanation: 解释The connection to the car module is interrupted (SLON). 轿内模块连接受阻止(SLON)
Explanation: 解释The absence or failure of a print has been detected. 打印失效或无打印被察觉
cold weather start
Explanation: 解释The cold weather operation is active. (only hydr. lift) 严寒运行激活(仅对液压梯)
construction operation
Explanation: 解释The construction operation is active. 建筑期间运行激活
contactor monitor
active transportExplanation: 解释The contactor monitor has tripped. 接触器监控触发
control voltage
Explanation: 解释The control voltage of the safety circuit is missing. 安全回路的控制电压丢失
correction travel
Explanation: 解释Due to missing or false floor information a correction travel is initiated. 由于丢失或错误的楼层信息使校正行程开启
door blocking
Explanation: 解释The setting "service operation doors closed" is activated. Door reversal is inhibited. 设置“服务运行门关”被激活。门反转开启被限制
door commission
Explanation: 解释The door commission sets the location for the DLON-Reader-R/F-modules. 对于DLON-读卡器-R/F-模块进行门调试设置位置
door hold time runs
Explanation: 解释The door hold time runs. 门保持时间运行
doors closing
Explanation: 解释The lift waits for the doors to close prior to down travel. 电梯等待关门优于向下运行
Down Peak Traffic
Explanation: 解释The traffic pattern down peak is active. 交通模块下高峰激活
emer. bottom floor ret.
Explanation: 解释The hydr. lift drives to the bottom floor and switched off at the bottom floor. (Cause: critical fault) 液压梯运行到底层,在底层关闭(原因 :致命错误)
emerg. limit switch
Explanation: 解释The contact of the upper terminal limit switch has been operated (monitored only on hydraulic lifts). The primary safety circuit is interrupted. 接触器的上限位开关端子运行(仅液压梯监视),最主要的安全回路被阻止
emerg. power contr.
Explanation: 解释The emergency power control is active. 应急电源控制激活
emerg. stop active
Explanation: 解释An emergency stop has been operated. 应急停止运行
emergency travel
Explanation: 解释Emergency travel is active. 应急运行激活
emergency travel floor reached
Explanation: 解释The emergency travel floor has been reached. 应急运行楼层到达
fire detector active
Explanation: 解释At least one fire detector input is active. 至少一个火警检测输入端激活
fire evacu. service
Explanation: 解释The fire evacu. service is active. 火警撤离服务激活
firemans control int.
Explanation: 解释Lift in use by the fire service. Only car calls are available. 通过火警服务电梯使用。仅内呼有效
firemans control out
Explanation: 解释The lift has been recalled to the preset firemans recall floor. 电梯再次被召唤到消防员目前所在层
floor commission
Explanation: 解释The floor commission is active. It sets the location of the floor modules. 楼层调试激活。设置楼层模块位置
Focal Point Travel
Explanation: 解释The car starts the travel to the focal point, detected by traffic pattern with traffic analysis. 通过交通模块的流量分析的侦测,轿厢开始运行至聚集点
Explanation: 解释The load weighting system signals a fully loaded car. 载重系统发出轿厢满载信号
function activation
Explanation: 解释A remote control function is active, e.g. remote control for connection superv. 远程控制功能激活,例如连接管理的远程控制
inspection operation
Explanation: 解释The inspection operation is active. 检修运行激活
land. infrared act.
Explanation: 解释The operation of the lobby monitor is indicated. 指示大厅监控的运行
landing control off
Explanation: 解释The lift has been isolated from landing calls. 外呼使电梯独立
learn trav. is active
Explanation: 解释A learning travel has been initiated. 自学习开启
learn trav. not valid
Explanation: 解释The controller has no valid shaft information and remains blocked until a learning travel is initiated. 控制器发出无效的井道信息并保持锁闭直到自学习开启
learning operation
Explanation: 解释The manual APS learning operation is active. 手动APS自学习激活
lift ready to travel
Explanation: 解释There are no travel commands in the system at present. 目前系统无运行指令
LRV contact inactive
Explanation: 解释The regulator supersisory contact has tripped. 调节器管理联系触发
Explanation: 解释The free progr. input "maintenance" is active and/or in the menue Testing/Maintenance, Presetting the function ´save events´ has the value ´NO´.
minimum load
Explanation: 解释The load weighting system signals minimum load in the car. 载重系统信号发出轿厢最小载重
modem fault
Explanation: 解释The modem operation is troubled. See event log entry. 调制解调器运行遇故障。见故障记录
MPKEasy is active
Explanation: 解释MPKEasy sends parameter to the controller. MPKEasy 发送参数至控制器
no selector position
Explanation: 解释At this time the controller has no floor level information. A correction journey is required prior to the next command being answered.
Explanation: 解释An odligatory doors close signal has been activated. 关门信号被激活
Explanation: 解释The load weighting system signals a overloaded car. 载重系统发出轿厢过载信号
parking timer runs
Explanation: The pre-set parking timer is running
parking travel
Explanation: 解释The lift is travelling to the parking floor. 电梯运行至停泊层
photocell blocked
Explanation: 解释The photocell has become blocked in down travel. 下行时光敏元件被阻止
power save level 1
Explanation: 解释The operation status "power safe level 1" is active in the following cases:
1) A activation time for "power safe level 1" was set in the menu and this time is elapsed and "power safe level 2" is inactive and there is no call in the system. During "power safe level 2" the following components are switched off: indicators, cabine fan and cabine light. Other externe components can be switched off by using the output ""power safe level 1".
2) The "power safe mode" is active. In this case the lift only travels with the speeds v1 and v0.
3) The "power safe mode" was activated via remote monitoring. In this case the lift only travels with the speeds v1 and v0.
4) Emergency power is active and the lift identifies the DCP emergency power information for reduced speed. In this case the lift only travels with the speeds v1 and v0.
power save level 2
Explanation: 解释The operation status "power safe level 2" is active when "power safe level 2" is active. During "power safe level 2" the following components are switched off: indicators, cabine fan and cabine light. Other externe components can be switched off by using the outputs ""power safe level 1" and "power safe level 2".
power save mode
Explanation: 解释During "power safe mode" the lift only travels with the speeds v1 resp. v0. 在“电源节能模式”下的电梯只能以v1/v0运行
Primary Safety Circ.
Explanation: 解释The primary safety circuit is interrupted. 最主要安全回路被阻止
priority trav. land.
Explanation: 解释The lift is handling a landing priority call. 电梯处理厅外优先召唤
priority travel car
Explanation: 解释The lift is handling a car priority call. 电梯处理轿内优先召唤
random call
Explanation: 解释the random cal programme is active. 随机召唤程序生效
readiness service
Explanation: 解释The readiness service has been initiated. 准备服务开启
Regulator Connection
Explanation: 解释The serial data link to the regulator is cut off. 调节器的连续数据连接被切断
regulator fault
Explanation: 解释The supervisory contact of the regulator has tripped. 调节器管理联系被触发
regulator prewarning
Explanation: 解释The regulator informs the controller about a critical module temperature. (only DCP-connection) 调节器告知控制器模块的临界温度(仅对DCP-连接)
Explanation: 解释Relevelling is active. 再平层激活
remote control fault
Explanation: 解释The remote control connection to the office is disconnected. 和办公室的远程控制断开
remote set-up
Explanation: 解释The remote set-up is activated via remote control. The set-up via menu is not possible. 通过远程控制激活远程设置。不能通过菜单设置。
return to group
Explanation: 解释The lift returns to the group after a fault. 故障之后电梯回归控
safety circuit
Explanation: 解释The safety circuit has tripped. 安全回路触发
safety circuit
Explanation: 解释The control voltage of the safety circuit is interrupted. 安全回路的控制电压受阻止
safety photocell
Explanation: 解释The safety photocell has tripped. 安全光敏元件触发
Shutdown Light Off
Explanation: 解释The lift service has been switched off and will become non-operational when at the designated floor. 电梯服务关闭。当到指定楼层时电梯会指示不可运行
test panel control operation
Explanation: 解释The test panel control operation is active. 测试样板控制运行激活
Explanation: 解释Overheating of the drive system or hydraulic oil has been registered. 过热的驱动系统或液压油被登记
Touchdown is active. travel interrupt
Explanation: 解释Travel terminates at the next landing due to special circumstances (i.e. priority travel,
landing call isolation, etc.) 由于特殊环境使运行至下个厅站终止(例如优先运行,外呼独立等)
travel lock
Explanation: 解释The input "travel lock input" is active. 输入端“运行输入锁闭”激活
travel to level: (no.)
Explanation: 解释Normal command processing takes place. The next destination is indicated. 执行正常指令处理。指示下一个目的地
Up Peak Traffic
Explanation: 解释The traffic pattern up peak is active. 交通模块上高峰激活
VIP floor reached
Explanation: 解释The VIP floor has been reached. 到达VIP楼层
VIP travel
Explanation: 解释VIP travel is active. VIP运行激活
voltage monitoring
Explanation: 解释The procesor voltage monitor has tripped. 处理器电压监控触发
waiting for car call
Explanation: 解释After operation of the emergency stop or interruptions to the safety photocell the lift waits for a car call to initiate release to travel. 在释放使电梯运行应急停止或中断安全光敏元件之后电梯等待外呼开启
