学年度第   学期GMDSS试卷(四)
班级            姓名_________  学号_____     
1.    On receipt of a distress alert, the SAR units ashore and at sea will _________soonest.
A. coordinate in rescue operations            B. send rescue vessels
C. reach the distress area at once            D. conduct a sector search
2.    It is quite______ for an SES operator to send a distress alert.
A. easy and expensive                    B. simple and certain
C. dangerous and stable                    D. difficult and compulsory
3.    The world’s first communication satellite, Telstar, was put into orbit in ___________.
A. 1962            B. 1960            C. 1957                D. 1975
4.    ________communications are inter ship VHF radio telephone communications for the purposes of the safe movement of the ships.
A. Safety        B. Urgent        C. Bridge-to-Bridge        D. distress
5.    Bridge-to-Bridge communications are inter ship VHF radio-communications for the purpose of ______ .
A. assisting the safe movement of ships
B. assist the ship in distress
C. communicating with other stations
D. obtaining MSI
6.    The system for the broadcast and automatic reception of MSI by means of NBDP is __________ .
A. VHF        B. SES        C. EGC        D. NAVTEX
7.    Among all Navtex transmissions,___________ has the extreme priority.
A. IMPORTANT        B. ROUTINE        C. VITAL        D. MSI
8.    When receiving a relayed distress alert, ships in the area addressed should establish communication with the ________ concerned to enable the assistance to be ______.
A. RCC / given                    B. RCC / rendered
C. SAR / united                    D. RCC / co-ordinated
9.    ________ indicates that a ship is in distress and requires immediate assistance.
A. Distress traffic        B. Urgency traffic        C. Safety traffic        D. Routine message
10.    How long will the SART operate when in stand-by condition?
A. 86 hours        B. 20 hours        C. 55 hours        D. 96 hours
11.    Navex transmitter identification character _______ is used to identify the broadcasts which are to be accepted by the receiver and those are to be rejected.
A. B2        B. B1        C. MAR        D. NNN
12.    The GMDSS has _________ main functions.
A. 4        B. 9        C. 8        D. 5
13.    Locating system is composed of SART and _________.
A. X-band radar            B. S-band radar
C. two-VHF set            D. VHF with DSC
14.    The distance between the two Navtex stations with the same B1 character should be not exceed __________ nautical miles.
A. 400        B. 240        C. 450        D. 180
15. The difference between international and national Navtex Service is limited to ___________.
A. frequency allocated                B. both language and frequency
C. language used                    D. transmission power and time
16.    MSI, which includes____________, is transmitted to all ships in all principal waters .
A. navigational warnings
B. meteorological warnings and meteorological forecast
C. other urgent safety related messages
D. A,B,C
17.    Traditional and terrestrial techniques_____________.
A. can overcome the basic flaws of the radio system
B. are useless today
C. now are out of date
D. are impossible to overcome the flaws in the existing radio system
18.    What information will a distress alert contain?
A. nature of distress
B. type of assistance required
C. course and speed and time at which the information was recorded
D. A, B, C are all right
19.    The GMDSS was adopted by amendments in ______ to the SOLAS convention, 1974.
A. 1992        B. 1988        C. 1999        D. Both a and c
20.    The complying vessels will transmit ship-to-shore distress alert by ______ in sea area A3.
A. MF DSC        B. SES        C. 406MHz S-EPIRB        D. Both b and c
21.    With the assistance of communication, ships in distress, no matter where they are, can be saved as soon as possible.
A. satellite        B. terrestrial        C. advanced technology        D. both a and b
22.    The INMARSAT safety-net service covers ______ .
A. the whole world                    B. all NAVAREAS
C. areas from A1 to A2                D. only four Inmarsat regions
23.    In the GMDSS, MSI broadcast will be made on two dedicated systems providing near-
continuous artomated reception on board ships. The two systems are:
A. INMARSAT Safety-net Service and NAVTEX
B. INMARSAT Safety-net Service and COSPAS-SARSAT
C. DSC system and navigational warning service
D. MF/HF radiotelephone with NBDP and EGC service
24.    Equipment performance and personnel training must be in compliance with the requirements of ______.
A. STCW 95    B. SOLAS 88    C. GMDSS    D. IMO
25.    The purpose of the GMDSS is to ______ safety of life and property at sea all over the world.
A. promote        B. improve        C. guarantee        D. both a and b
26.    When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will ______ soonest.
A. reach the distress area                B. conduct a sector search
C. send rescue vessels                    D. assist coordinately in SAR operations
27.    Ships in areas A3 and A4 will transmit, as appropriate,______ .
A. a ship to ship alert on MF/VHF
B. a ship to shore alert by SES/HF DSC
C. a ship to shore alert by satellite EPIRB
D. all of a, b, c
28.    One of the important advantages of the INMARSAR system,, from___point of view, is the provision of improved distress and safety communications.
A. IMO's                    B. the ship officer's
C. the ship owner's                D. MSC's
