除非你是申请EB-1a 或是NIW,这张表格是应该由你的雇主,或是雇主的律师来填的。
同样,先下载I-140 表格Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker (Rev. 10/12/07) Y 和说明书。
Part 1. Information about the person or organization filing this petition.
填表人的情况。个人(EB-1a, NIW) 填姓名、U.S. Social Security #,公司填名称、IRS Tax #. Part 2. Petition type.
a. An alien of extraordinary ability.
- EB-1a
b. An outstanding professor or researcher.
- EB-1b
c. A multinational executive or manager.
- EB-1c
d. A member of the professions holding an advanced degree or an alien of exceptional ability (who is NOT seeking a National Interest Waiver).
- EB-2 (PERM)
e. A professional (at a minimum, possessing a bachelor's degree or a foreign degree equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree) or a skilled worker (requiring at least two years of specialized training or experience).
- EB-3
f. (Reserved.)
g. Any other worker (requiring less than two years of training or experience).
h. Soviet Scientist.
- f,g,h 无关
i. An alien applying for a National Interest Waiver (who IS a member of the professions holding an advanced degree or an alien of exceptional ability).
- EB-2 (NIW)
Part 3. Information about the person you are filing for.
A# 不填(除非你交过I-485 了)
position职位Part 4. Processing Information.
1. Please complete the following for the person named in Part 3
[x] Alien is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status to that of lawful permanent resident.
Alien's country of current residence or, if now in the U.S., last permanent residence abroad.
2. If you provided a U.S. address in Part 3, print the person's foreign address:
3. If the person's native alphabet is other than Roman letters, write the person's foreign name and address in the native alphabet:
4. Are any other petition(s) or application(s) being filed with this Form I-140?
5. Is the person you are filing for in removal proceedings?
[x] No
6. Has any immigrant visa petition ever been filed by or on behalf of this person?
[x] 以前交过I-130 或I-140 的话,并另附纸说明,如“An I-140 filed with NSC/TSC with receipt# ABC-01-234-56789 is pending/was denied”.
提交多份I-140 的同学,不要忘了在这里画叉叉。
Part 5. Additional information about the petitioner.
1. Type of petitioner
[x] Employer (如申请的是EB-1b, EB-2 Perm, EB-3)
[x] Self (如申请的是EB-1a, EB-2 NIW)
下面是公司申请则填2,个人填申请填 3
2. If a company, give the following:
Type of Business
Date Established (mm/dd/yyyy)
Current Number of Employees
Gross Annual Income
Net Annual Income
DOL/ETA Case Number
3. If an individual, give the following:
Occupation - 问的是你的职业,通常是比较粗的划分。
请注意与职务(Job Title / Position) 的区别。
比如,你分管计算机房,职务是Senior System Administrator,而职业属Computer engineer. 如尚未就业,可填Ph.D. Candidate, Ph.D., Post Doc. 等。
Annual Income - 年收入
Part 6. Basic information about the proposed employment.
对于NIW 来说,你waive 掉的是PERM,不能没有Job Offer. EB-1a 如果没有工作,问题倒不是太大。
1. Job Title
职务(在Offer Letter 或Job Description 上)
2. SOC Code
3. Nontechnical Description of Job
4. Address where the person will work if different from address in Part 1.
对于EB-1a 和NIW 来说,填你的工作单位地址
5. Is this a full-time position?
6. If the answer to Number 5 is "No," how many hours per week for the position?
7. Is this a permanent position?
8. Is this a new position?
9. Wages per week
Part 7. Information on spouse and all children of the person for whom you are filing.
Name (First/Middle/Last) - 名前姓后
Relationship - Husband / Wife / Son / Daughter
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) - 月/日/年
Country of Birth - 出生国别
Part 8. Signature.
Signature of person preparing form, if other than above.
Attorney or Representative: In the event of a Request for Evidence (RFE), may the USCIS contact you by Fax or E-mail?
[X] Yes - 提醒你的律师要check 这一条。
I-140 的申请地址,按照申请人的地址,依辖区分别寄到NSC 或TSC.
如果受益人的排期当前,申请人的I-140 和受益人的I-485 (还有附属的I-131/I-765)可以同
时提交,目前EB-1 类总是如此。这时,Concurrent Filing 的地址,NSC 有些不同。
I-140 Only -
P.O. Box 87140
Lincoln, NE 68501-7140
