position职位高频词汇(英汉对照)      1.hurry匆忙 2.traffic交通3.reach到达4.several几个5.nervously紧张地6.quite相当7.employer雇主8.employee雇员9.different不同的10.joke玩笑11.explain解释12.hardly几乎不13.realize意识到14.emergency紧急情况15.operator接线员16.immed高频词汇(英汉对照)      1.hurry匆忙 2.traffic交通3.reach到达4.several几个5.nervously紧张地6.quite相当7.employer雇主8.employee雇员9.different不同的10.joke玩笑11.explain解释12.hardly几乎不13.realize意识到14.emergency紧急情况15.operator接线员16.immediately立即17.memory记忆力18.information信息19.dial拨打20.diet饮食21.booklet小册子22.victory胜利23.en结束24.understand理解25.oxygen氧气26.volcano火山27.planet行星28.however然而29.expert专家30.scientist科学家31.suitable合适的32.support支持33.process过程34.environment环境35.exist存在36.Mars火星37.condition条件38.connect连接39.no doubt无疑40.educate教育41.patient病人;耐心的42.engineer工程师43pany公司44.frighten吓唬45.tyre轮胎46.space空间47.culture文化48.overseas海外49.uncomfortable不舒服的50.crowded拥挤的51.point out指出 52.behave行为 53.twin双胞胎(之一) 54.observe 观察55.neglect忽略 56.dare敢 57.youth青年 58.experience体验 59.maintain保持;保养 60.courage勇气 61.discourage使气馁 62.encourage鼓励 63.curious好奇的  64.beauty美 65.mention提及 66.fans迷;粉丝 67.false假的 68.recognize认出 69.reflect反映 70.favorite 最喜欢的71.future未来 72.superstar超级明星  73.career事业 74.freshman大一新生 75.famous著名的 76.reporter记者 77.quiz测验 78.weight重量 79.temperature温度 80.liquid液体 81.distance距离 82.energy能源 83.calory卡路里;热量 84.jog慢跑 85.beneficial受益的 86.ticket票 87.absent缺席的 88.grateful感激的 89.
apparently 显然地90.customer顾客 91.discover发现 92.advantage优势 93.prison监狱 94.consumer消费者 95.valuable有价值的 96.judge判断 97.character性格 98.result结果 99.risk冒险 100.assistant助手 ash碰撞;坠毁 ll细胞 ion情感 hnology技术 105.pocket口袋 ade贸易 107.flight飞行 108.pilot飞行员 stant不断的  110munication沟通;交流 111.ancient古代的 112.detail细节 113.ambulance救护车 114.fireman消防队员 115.survior兴存者 116.passenger乘客 117.injury受伤 118.system 系统source资源 120.chat聊天 121.available可得到的 line在线 venience方便 ich丰富 125.unfortunately不幸地 126.profitable 有利润的aditional传统的 dern现代的 129.kid小孩 130.single单一的 131work网络 132puter计算机 search研究 134.individual个人 anization组织 136.especially尤其 137.dangerous危险的 138.personal个人的 139.stranger陌生人 140.pregnant怀孕的 141.cheque支票 vernment政府 dical医
疗的 144.form 表格;形成145.vacation假期 146.insurance保险 147.nursing护理 148.degree学位;度数 lusion结论 150.divorce离婚 151.avoid避免 152.percent百分数 153.marriage婚姻 154.afraid害怕 duce减少 156.stress压力 157.volunteer志愿者 158.publish出版 flict冲突 160.involve卷入;涉及 161.poverty贫穷 162.unemplyment失业 163.knowledge知识 164.society社会 ime犯罪 ager青少年167plex复杂的168.author作者169.magazine杂志170.army军
的304.characteristic特征periment实验306.standard标准ular经常的;规则的308.defeat打败309.classical古典的310.champion冠军311.prove证明ligious宗教的313petition竞争314.dream梦315.lawyer律师al金属dal奖牌in硬币319.inflation通货膨胀pper铜321.financial财政的isis危机sure确保324.cheat欺骗;骗子ely极其地326.damage损害327.disease疾病al正常的329.pressure压力330.anger生气331.anxiety焦虑332pare比较333.heart心334.admit承认335.serious严重的asonably合理地337.atmosphere大气338.passage一段文章339.paragraph段落340.statement陈述341.imply隐含342.infer推断语气344.purpose目的345.attitude态度346.underlined下划线的347.title标题348.main idea中心思想 true不正确 mentioned没提到place替换       
1.succeed in doing sth        2.反意疑问句        3.mind doing  sth          4.look up the word  in the dictionary      5.hand over        6.take over              7.a number of 8.the number of      9.hope to…        10.wish to…      11.expect to…      12.look forward to        13.if only      14.though      15.although      16.as    17.even if/even  though        18.as usual      19.as if/as though        20.despite/in spite of      21.had better do sth        22.in order to do sth      23.so as to do sth  24.besises/except/except for          25.as…as…26.not as/so…as…    27.想要做某事  28.决定做某事        29.if虚拟语气    30.部分倒装句  31.强调句32.remember/forget/go on/stop/try/mean/regret +to do sth/doing  sth  33.rise/arise/raise/arouse 34.as soon as/no sooner…than…/hardly…when…/scarcely…when…          35.should do虚拟语气      36.cannot help doing sth      37.非限定性定语从句  38.分词独立结构  39.it作形式主语        40.put off        41.take off        43.sth is worth doing  44.sth needs doing/sth needs to be done      45.in case    46.not…until…  47.unless/if…not…        48.关联连词(主谓一致的就近原则)        49.prevent/keep/stop sb from doing sth        50.the+比较级, the+比较级    51.宁愿  52.因为          53.Here comes the taxi./Here it comes.    54.so…that…/suchthat…  55.so that…/in order that…          56.consist of/be made up of        57.be made of/be made from          58.take sth for granted        59.主将从现    60.as long as/so long as          61.as/so far as sb/sth is concerned/so far      62.be likely to do…
  63.why not do…?/why don't you do…?/what about doing…?/how about doing…?    64.how often…?      65.how soon…?      66.apply  for        67.apply sth to…      68.base sth on/upon…/sth be based on/upon…/on the basis of…        69.look into 
70.adopt/adapt        71.object to doing…      72.must be…/must have done…  73.cannot be…/cannot have done…        74.should/ought to have done…      75.shouldn't have done…/oughtn't to have done…            76.sb be familiar with sth/sth be familiar to sb        77.be able to do…/enable sb to do…        78.it is time…    79. by the time…          80.happen/happen to do…        81.occur      82.sth occurred to sb        83.take place        85.break out      86.break down    87.instead of        88.look up to/look down on/upon        89.be half/twice/three times/four times/five times times as large as…      90.much higher than…/much more expensive than…            91.find/find out/found/set up        92.setout/set off  93.fill in/fill out          94.no matter how difficult/however difficult      95.used to do…/be used to do…/be used to doing…          96.it is no good/use doing…    97.have sb do…/have sth done      98.make sb do…/be made to do…        99.be covered with snow      married to sb      101.borrow…from…/lend…to…      102.steal sth from…/rob sb of sth        103.warn sb of sth.          104.inform sb of sth  105.weather permitting/if weather permits            106.it is well known that…/as it is known to all…        107.as well/…as well as…  108.as a result/as a result of/result from/result in/lead
to        109.in addition/in addition to            110.join/join sb in…/take part in/participate in/attend          111.spend…doing/it takes sb…to do…/cost/pay… for…          112.afford to do…          113.whatever problems/no matter what problems          only…          until…      116.prefer doing…to doing…          117.be keen on…            118.be fond  of          119.be absorbed in…        120.be addicted to…          121.be devoted to…    122.be proud of/take pride in          123.be delighted to do…/take delight in…      124.it is the first/second/third/fourth/last time that…          125.it was the first time that…  126.be blamed for…/be accused with…/be charged with          127.what fun!      128.pick up/pick  out                129.stop/quit/give up smoking            u, he and I/we, you and they              …the other…/some…others…          132.the others          133.another              134.be superior/inferior to…    135.so good a book/such a good book/too good a book
