Application Department 申请部门: Application Date 申请日期 :09. Okt. 2018
Recruitment Position 招聘职位:OP Report to 报告给:生产主管
Recruitment No.:招聘人数:8 Planed on board date :拟上岗日期:
Recruitment Reasons 招聘原因:
1. Replacement 替代 2. New Position 新岗位 3. Project requirement 项目要求
Remark 备注:国庆加班人员不够 Part-time OP for holiday overtime
Requirement 招聘条件 (Additional out of JD, JD外的其他要求) :
Recriut Method 招聘途径:
1. Job Market 人才市场 2. Job agency 劳务公司
3. Internet 网络 4. Headhunter猎头公司
5. Internal promotion 内部调整 _____________________
Signature of the department leader 申请部门负责人签字: Jam.Chen
If necessary, signature of the higher rank leader 如必要,上级负责人签字:
Approve 批准 Deny 拒绝
HR Process 人事流程: Application based on recruitment plan 申请在计划内: Yes 是 No 否 Package budget (before tax) according to structure 岗位工资预算(税前): RMB/M 元/月 Checked by 审核: |
Approval of General Manager 总经理批复
position职位 Approve 批准 Deny 拒绝
Remark 备注: ___________________________________________________________
Confirmed of General Manager 总经理确认:
Date HR receives the approved form:
Interview numbers of the position: Case closed date:
Recorded by 记录: Confirmed by 确认: