Roots | Meaning/Usage | |
1 | acro | high,top(acrobat,acrophobia) |
2 | act | to do,to move(action,react) |
3 | agri,agro | farming(agriculture,agrochemistry) |
4 | alt | high(altitude,exalt) |
5 | alter | other(alter,alternate,alternative) |
6 | ambi | both(ambiguous,ambivalent) |
7 | ambul | to walk(amble,ambulace) |
8 | anim | soul,life(animal,animation) |
9 | ante | before(antedate,antecedent) |
10 | anthrop | mankind(anthropology) |
11 | arm | weapon(army,disarm,armory) |
12 | art | skill(artificial,artififact,artist) |
13 | astro,aster | star,stars(astronaut,astronomer) |
14 | audi | to hear(audience,auditorium) |
15 | avi,ava | bird(aviary,aviation) |
16 | bell | war(rebel,belligerent) |
17 | bene | good,well(benefit,beneficial) |
18 | bibli,biblo | book(bibliography,bible) |
19 | bio | life,living(biography,biology) |
20 | capt,cept,ceive | to take(receive,accept,captain) |
21 | cast | to throw(broadcast,forecast) |
22 | cede,ceed,cess | to go,to yield(succeed,excess) |
23 | centr | center(central,concentrate) |
24 | cert | to sure(certain,certify) |
25 | chron | time(chronic,chronology) |
26 | cide,cis | to cut(suicide,homicide,decide) |
27 | circ,circum | around(circumstance) |
28 | cite | to call(excite,recite) |
29 | claim,clam | to speak/shout out(claim,proclaim) |
30 | clar | clear(clarity,clarify) |
31 | clud,clus,clos | to close(conclude,include) |
32 | cogn,cogni | to know(recognize,cognition) |
33 | commun | instruct的词根词缀 to share(community,communism) |
34 | cord | heart(accord,according,record) |
35 | corp,corpo | body(corpse,corporation) |
36 | cosm,cosmo | universe(cosmic,cosmonaut) |
37 | cred | to believe(credit,incredible,creed) |
38 | cumul | to mass,to heap(accumulate) |
39 | cycl | circle,wheel(bicycle,cycle,cyclist) |
40 | dei,div | god(deity,deify,divine) |
41 | dem,demo | people(democracy,democratic) |
42 | dent | tooth(dental,dentist) |
43 | dict | to speak(dictate,contradict,predict) |
44 | doc | to teach(docent,doctor) |
45 | don | to give(donate,donee,donor) |
46 | duc,duct | to lead(produce,reduce,seduce) |
47 | dur | to last(durable,during,duration) |
48 | dyn,dyna | power(dynamic,dynamite,dynasty) |
49 | ego | self(egoistic,egoism,egocentric) |
50 | equi | equal(equation,equator,equitable) |
51 | fac,fact | to make,to do(factory,perfect) |
52 | fer | to carry(ferry,different,perfer) |
53 | fid | faith,to trust(confident,confidence) |
54 | fin | end(fine,final,finally,finish,defind) |
55 | flect,flex | to bend(flexible,reflect,deflect) |
56 | flu,flux | flow(fluent,influence,fluctuate,reflux) |
57 | fore | before,front(forecast,forehead) |
58 | form | to form(form,formal,perform) |
59 | fract,frag | to break(fragile,frail,fragment) |
60 | fus | to pour(fuse,fusible,diffuse) |
61 | gener | to produce(gene,generate,generation) |
62 | grad,gress | to walk(grade,graduate,progress) |
63 | graph,gram | to write(autograph,biography) |
64 | grat | to please(grateful,gratitude) |
65 | here | to stick(adhere,adherent,coherent) |
66 | herb | grass,plant(herb,herbal,herbalism) |
67 | hydr,hydro | water(hydrant,hydrate,hydroplane) |
68 | it | to go(ambition,circuit,initiate,initial) |
69 | jac,ject | to throw(eject,project,reject,abject) |
70 | journ | day(journal,journey,adjourn) |
71 | juven | young(juvenile,rejuvenate) |
72 | just | right(just,justice,adjust,juror,injure) |
73 | lect | to choose(lecture,collect,elect,select) |
74 | liber | free(liberal,liberate,iberation) |
75 | lingu | language(lingual,linguist,bilingual) |
76 | log,loc,loqu | word,speak(dialogue,monologue) |
77 | man,manu | hand(manage,manager,manifest) |
78 | mand | to order(command,demand) |
79 | mar,mari | sea(marine,submarine,mariner) |
80 | mater,matri | mother(maternal,matrix) |
81 | medi | middle(medium,immediate) |
82 | memor | remember(memorable,memory) |
83 | merge | sink,dip(merge,merger,subersion) |
84 | meta | beyond,change(metaphor) |
85 | meter | measure(micrometer,kilometer) |
86 | micro | small(microscope,micrometer) |
87 | mid | middle(midday,midway,midfield) |
88 | migr | to move(migrate,migrat,immigrate) |
89 | mit,miss | to send,throw(transmit,permit,remit) |
90 | mob,mov | move(mobile,movable,remove) |
91 | morph | shape(polymorphic,morphology) |
92 | mort | death(mortal,immortal) |
93 | narr | to tell(narrate,narrator) |
94 | nat | born(nation,national,nature) |
95 | vau,nav | ship(navy,navigate,asrronaut) |
96 | neg | no,deny(negate,negative,neglect) |
97 | neo | new(neonate,neoclassic,neophyte) |
98 | nomin | name(nominal,nominate,nominee) |
99 | norm | norm,rule(abnormal,enormous) |