    1. Genre (文类) - a category of artistic composition, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
    2. Register (语体) - a variety of language used in a particular social setting or for a specific purpose.
    3. Discourse (话语) - written or spoken communication or debate.
    4. Text (文本) - a piece of written or printed material regarded as conveying meaning.
    5. Cohesion (连贯性) - the quality of being united or connected in a logical or natural way.
    6. Intertextuality (互文性) - the relationship between different texts, often seen as a way in which they comment on or refer to each other.
    7. Paratext (旁文) - elements in a text that are outside the main body, such as titles, subtitles, or footnotes.
    8. Style (文体) - the way in which something is written or spoken, characterized by its vocabulary, syntax, and tone.register的名词
    9. Rhetoric (修辞) - the art of using language effectively and persuasively.
    10. Pragmatics (语用学) - the branch of linguistics concerned with language use in context, and how it is affected by the speaker's intentions and the listener's interpretation.。
