                                                          科目代码: 201
Part I Listening Comprehension(1 point each, 20points)
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations. At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you muse read the four suggested answers marked A) B) C) and D) and decide which is the best answer. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Short Conversations
1. A. His car was hit by another car
B. He was hurt while involved in sports.
C. He fell down some stairs,
D. While crossing a street, he was hit by a car.
2. A Satisfied with their price.
B. Displeased with their quality.
C. Pleased with modern mass- production techniques.
D, Dissatisfied with their technological complexities
3.A. $33.66.  B. $50.00.  c. $ 79.95.D. $66.66.
4. A. He went mountain climbing last year,
B. He hasn't traveled round the world yet.
C He's always wanted to climb that mountain.
D He definitely does not want to go.
5. A She thinks the man is joking.
B The man needs to have his eyes examined.
C.The man should get some sleep.
D.The man is wise to study.
6. A.Near an art museum.    B. At a science exhibit
C. At a news conference.  D.Near a paint store. 
7. A. The homework was very easy.
B. The man should go to class,
C. The man should sit in the back of the classroom.
D. She's further behind in her work than the man is.
8.  A. In the street.  B. Over the telephone.
C. At Jack's house.  D. At Jack's secretary's apartment.
Longer Dialogues
Dialogue One
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the dialogue you have just heard.
9. A. To ask for a leave.
B. To register for his course.
C. To bring him some plants.
D. To be transferred to another university.
10. A. It lasts for two semesters.
B. It is too advanced for Jane.
register for
C. Too many students have registered for it.
D. Jane has registered for too many courses.
11. A. Botany  B. Biology  c. Medicine  D. Economics
Dialogue Two
Questions 12 to 14 are based on the dialogue you have just heard.
12. A. The traffic is too heavy,  B The man is driving too fast.
C. The man does not drive well.  D. The man does not listen to her.
13. A. A woman knocked down by a van.  B. A zebra running after a woman.
C. A woman asking for a lift.  D. A car running too fast.
14. A. They wait until the traffic signal changes.  B. They pull the van into the space.
C. They drive on without stop.  D. They stop the car to help.
Section B
Directions: In this section you will hear two short passages. At the end of each passage, you will      hear a number of questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read only once.After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), c) and D). Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Passage One
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
15. A. 10%.  B.15%.C. From 10% to 50%. D. From 10% to 15%.
16. A. Minor damage to the brain.
B. The use of drugs during the mothers pregnancy.
C. Poor nutrition in a pregnant woman.      D. Damage to muscles.
17. A .A lack of nutritious foods.  B. A balance of certain chemicals.C. Lead in oil  D. Alcohol.
Passage Two
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18. A. It means that anyone can enrol in community colleges.
  B. It means that high school graduates can always receive education at community colleges. C.It means that admission to any community college is fee.
  D. It means hat admission to any coll is free if you are a high school graduate.
19. A. Because students can earn associate degrees if they attend evening classes.
B. Because tuition and fees are relatively low for evening classes.
C. Because many students have to work during the day.
D. Because students find it more interesting to attend cases in the evening.
