1.If our country is to achieve modernization the biggest obstacle is not the shortage of natural resources,nor the lack of funds,still less the problem of technology,but rather the quality of the more than one billion people,for funds can be accumulated,technology can be created or imported,but the overall quality of the huge population,which can not be imported,must only be improved by ourselves.
2.Today women increasingly leave the home for the workplace.In addition to the normal financial incentives,we find ambition and personal fulfillment motivating those in the most favorable circumstances,and a desire for more social contact in or
der to relieve their domestic isolation.However,for all,working is tied to the desire for independence.
3.Both the party and the government,relying on all quarters of society,will take measures to show concern for laid-off workers,help them with welfare,organize job-training,open up new avenues of employment,and promote reemployment projects.
4.We must foster socialist ideology and socialist ethics by basing ourselves on China's reality,and by maintaining our traditional cultural values flora the past,while assimilating what is good from foreign cultures.
5.The main task of macro-economic control is to keep a balance between total demand and total supply,to curtail inflation,promote the optimization of major economic structures and achieve stable economic growth.
6.A successful lie is doubly a liean error which has to be corrected is a heavier burden thancentering truthonly uncompromising “honesty” can reach the bedrock of decency which you should always expect to find even under deep layers of evil
7.In particular,scientific and technological advances have provided new means of f
reeing man from the shackles in which he has been held.Unfortunately,they have also increased and perfected the means of compromising his personality and his integrity while at the same timerestricting his fundamental freedoms and individual rights.
8.When respecting and providing for the elderly becomes common practice,people of all generations will have a sense of security.For everyone get old some day,and when people feel perfectly secure of a happy and comfortable life in old age,they will devote themselves whole heartedly to work.
9.The world in which we live today is being swept by far—reaching changes.It is un
dergoing swift and drastic transformations not only in its political institutions but also in the ways of life of the various peoples inhabiting our planet.
10.The crisis in development,especially as reflected in the external debt situation of developing countries,is an alarming symptom of the disequilibrium in the global economy.It calls for imaginative solutions.
11. In light of the Asian financial crisis and the changes in the international markets,it is proper for us to continue boosting domestic demand. This constitutes the basic foundation for China's economic development as well as being part of our long-term strategy.
12. Due to their interdependent political,economic,and cultural ties,all Chinese nationalities have shared a common destiny and a common interest throughout their long historical development,creating a strong force for affinity and cohesion.
13. An education reform centering on curriculum and teaching materials is under way.As our main goal,we will try to reform the educational system so that it focuses on the enhancement of the students' abilities instead of training them merely to pass exams.
14. In a sense,people are the key to whether we Chinese perform well domestically,whether socialism,the reform and opening are adhered to,whether the economy will grow quickly and the country enjoy long-term peace and stability.
