l●進入Citizenship and Immigration Canada首頁,並點擊Apply Online a/english/index-int.asp
l●點eligibility to apply,系統精靈會透過一連串的問題評估申請者是否適合線上申請簽證
register for
l 回答完所有問題後,如果適合使用線上申請,即產生personal checklist code。請記住這組code,後面上傳/維護簽證資料需要用到。問題列表如下:
1.What would you like to do in Canada? 要在加拿大做什麼
2.How long are you planning to stay in Canada? 要待在加拿大多久(如果是一年,就選
Temporarily - more than 6 months)
3.What is the country of nationality of your passport? 護照國籍(持有中華民國護照就選Taiwan)
4.What is your current country of residence? 目前居住在哪個國家
5.Do you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is 18 years or
older? 你有家庭成員是滿18歲的加拿大公民或永久居民嗎
6.Will you be using, or did you use a passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan,
that includes your personal identification number, for this application? 你使用的護照是由臺灣
7.Are you a permanent resident of the United States and have your alien registration card (Green
Card) or other proof of permanent residence? 你是美國永久居民,擁有綠卡或是其他永久居住證明?
8.What is your date of birth?: 出生日期
9.Have you been accepted to an approved study program in Canada? 你已經取得在加拿大進修計
畫認可了嗎?(一般來說就是學校入學通知Letter of Acceptance)
10.Do you intend to work off-campus while studying in Canada? 在加拿大期間有校外工作意圖嗎
(如果申請CO-OP program則工作為課程的一部分,要選yes)
11.What is your current marital status? 目前婚姻狀態
12.What is your province of destination? 你要去的目的地在哪一省,跨多省就選待最久的那一省
13.Are you an exchange student? 你是交換學生嗎
14.Is work an essential component of your studies? 工作是你學習的一部分嗎(請依自己申請的
15.Are you a spouse, common-law partner or child of certain skilled worker or of certain full time
international student that has or will have status in Canada? 你是將取得技術勞工或國際學生取可者的配偶、同居伴侶或小孩嗎?
16.Are you:
- A recipient of a Commonwealth scholarship; or 聯邦獎學金獲得者
- A recipient of a full bursary (covering all expenses) from the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA), including Francophonie scholarships; or 公費留學
- A participant in a Canadian aid program for developing countries? 加拿大援助發展中國家計
17.Are you accompanying a family member that has status in Canada, or has recently been approved
to come to Canada? 你將陪伴擁有入境許可,或最近獲得取可的家庭成員進入加拿大?
18.Have you ever committed, been arrested for, been charged with, or convicted of any criminal
offence in any country? 曾在任何國家有犯罪紀錄或被逮捕嗎
19.Have you had a medical exam performed by a CIC authorized panel physician (doctor) within the
last 12 months? 最近12個月你曾經去CIC認可的醫師機構體檢過嗎
20.Have you visited or lived any one of the designated countries for 6 consecutive months in the last
year? 你曾經造訪或居住在任何一個指定國家連續6個月以上嗎
21.Do you want to work in one of the following jobs? 你想做以下的工作嗎
- health sciences worker 健康科學
- clinical laboratory worker 臨床實驗室
- patient attendant in nursing or geriatric homes 看護/老人之家病患照護者
- medical student admitted to Canada to attend university 醫科學生允許就讀加拿大大學
- medical elective and physician on short term assignment 短期醫療選修
- teacher of primary or secondary schools or other teachers of small children 小/中學教師或幼教
- domestics worker, someone who gives in-home care to children, the elderly and the disabled 家
day nursery worker 托兒所
22.Do you want to submit an application for a family member? 你想為家庭成員遞交申請嗎
23.Are you giving someone access to your application? 你有授權他人存取你的申請嗎
24.There are fees associated with this application. Will you be paying your fees or are you fee exempt?
25.Do you have the ability to create a digital image of your documents (through scanning or taking a
picture) and will you pay your application fees online using a Visa, MasterCard or American
Express? 你能夠製作文件數位影像(掃瞄或照相)嗎?你能夠使用威士、萬事達或美國運通卡
l 以上問題回答完成後,若符合線上申請資料,就會得到一組personal checklist code,務必勞記這組號碼!
l 註冊並登錄以完成你的線上申請動作:(線上申請需要一組GCKey)
Register to get a key if you are a new user.  Register here:
3.再設定4組safety question (每次登入都會必需回答其中一組safety question)
5.填入personal checklist code
上傳資料:(每個待上傳檔案最大4MB,接受PDF, JPG, TIFF, PNG, DOC 或DOCX)
1.Application for Study Permit Made Outside of Canada (IMM1294)
下載a/english/information/applications/student.asp 2.IMM1294直接填好PDF並點validate確定資料填寫無誤,不用簽名並直接以PDF
3.Proof of Means of Financial Support 財力證明(至銀行申請,掃瞄/拍照,力求清
4.Passport or travel document 護照個人資訊頁圖檔
5.Digital Photo 數位大照(需符合規範,3.5cm*4.5cm,請自行至網頁下載
6.Letter of Acceptance 學校接受信電子檔
7.Evidence of Work Requirement in Study 就學中工作需求證明(學校會給另一張證
l●上傳完成後的頁面。共分Application, supporting documents, optional documents.
