Schedule for 2nd & Final Roundregister for
Date: 19 November 2011 (Saturday)
Venue: 6/F, CityPlaza 4, 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing (Tai Koo MTR Exit E) Dress Code: Business Formal
All teams must report to the registration counter at the venue at BOTH the reporting time for 2nd Round presentation (stated in an e-mail sent to the team leader) AND at 1:00pm for afternoon session.
Certificate for each member of 2nd Round teams will be distributed after the prize giving ceremony.
Judging Criteria for 2nd & Final Round
o Understanding of the social issue(s)
The team shows a good understanding of the social issue(s) that the team
addresses and the root causes behind.
o Utilization of skills of Elitte’s talent
The proposed project matches the sk ills and expertise of Elitte’s staff in one
or more business service lines.
o Feasibility and sustainability
The proposed project is feasible and can be achieved with Elitte’s resources.
The impact of the proposed project is sustainable, with a potential to scale
up in a cost-effective way.
o Social impact and public awareness
The proposed project has measurable economic, social, cultural and/or
environmental values.
o Innovation and creativity
The proposed project is innovative and addresses the root causes of the
social issue(s)
Presentation skills
Performance in Q&A session
Rules and Regulations (Revised)
1. Eligibility Criteria for uShine Case Challenge 2011
a) Year-1 full-time undergraduate students pursuing major programme offered by Faculty of Business of respective universities. (e.g. BBA, IBBA, Accounting,
BBA(Law), BBA(IS), Management, etc.)
b) There must be 4 members per team
c) Members may be from the same university or from different universities
d) A student cannot be a member of more than one team
2. Registration for the Competition
a) The deadline of the registration must be observed strictly. Any late registration will not be processed, and the team will not be able to join the competition.
b) All the details in the registration form must be completed. Incomplete registration will not be processed.
c) Any registration that violates the eligibility criteria (Rule 1, see above) will not be processed.
d) Successful registration for the competition will be confirmed by e-mail from the event organizer to each team. If a team receives no e-mail confirmation, it is presumed that the team has failed to register for the competition.
3. First Round Proposal Summary Submission
a) The proposal summary submitted must adhere to the requirements stated in Guidelines for Proposal Summary. If a team fails to do so, the proposal summary may not be reviewed and the team may not advance to the second stage.
b) In case of late submission, the proposal summary submitted may not be reviewed and the team may not advance to the second stage.
c) Each team is allowed to submit one proposal summary only.
d) No changes will be accepted after the proposal summary is submitted.
4. Second and Final Round Presentations (on 19 November, 2011)
a) The presentation must be in English.
b) For the second round, the duration for each team is 15 minutes; including 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A from the judging panel.
c) For the final round, the duration for each team is 20 minutes; including 10 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A from the judging panel.
d) One laptop computer (Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2010) and projector equipment will be provided by the organizer for presentation.
e) The presentation must be in form of a PowerPoint (in .ppt or .pptx format) slideshow presentation.
f) The PowerPoint file, either in .ppt or .pptx file format, must be stored in either a CD or a DVD, both of which must be of the participants’ own and provided to the organizer. Participants bear the responsibility to ensure the file can be opened successfully.
g) Each team member must take a speaking part in the presentation.
5. Registration on the day of Presentation
a) You must be punctual for both of the reporting times for 2nd and Final Round as stated in the 1st r
ound result announcement e-mail sent to the team leader. If any team is late, it may be disqualified from the competition immediately.
b) All 4 members of the team must be present for any reporting time. If any member is late, the whole team may be considered as late and subsequently being disqualified.
c) The result of the second round will be announced in the afternoon session. In case any team fails to show up for the reporting time of the afternoon session, it may be disqualified and its result for the second round may be voided.
6. Prizes
a) Prizes for the competition are as follows:
6.a.1. Champion team: HK$6,000 + Internship opportunity at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu + Trophy
6.a.2. First Runner-up team: HK$4,000 + Trophy
6.a.3. Second Runner-up team: HK$2,000 + Trophy
b) The prizes are shared among the team
c) Availability of internships is at final discretion of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
7. Absence for Presentation
a) All 4 members of the team must be present for the second and final round presentation.
b) Absence of any member may result in disqualification of the team, unless due to medical or other approved reasons.
c) In case of absence due to medical reasons, the team must present a doctor’s certificate proving the illness of the absent team member to the event organizer by
e-mail to or hardcopy before their reporting time. For example, if one member will be absent for the second round, his/her team must send or present the doctor’s ce rtificate to the event organizer before the reporting time of the team for the second round. If the team fails to do so, it may be disqualified and its result in the competition may be voided.
d) Changing of team members is prohibited in all circumstances. In case of absence of any member due to medical or other approved reasons, the remaining team members may carry out the presentation. The absent member may lose the internship opportunity.
8. General
a) Participants must adhere to the rules and regulations set by the organizer. Participants failing to comply with the rules and regulations will be subject to disqualification or other penalties.
b) The organizer will not be responsible for any accidents, injuries or damage which might occur to any participant during this competition or any other related activities.
c) The organizer shall own all rights, including without limitation, the copyrights, of any work submitted by participating teams related to the competition.
d) The organizer will not be responsible for any data loss due to computer failures
e) All team members are required to bring their ID cards or student ID cards for identification when attending 2nd and Final round presentations.
f) Any team found to have infringed copyright or engaged in plagiarism will be disqualified.
g) The organizer reserves the right to make final amendments to this list of rules and regulations without notice to participants.
Should you have any inquiries, please contact the organizer at
