Section Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading — Language Points
1.Having spent the whole afternoon playing on the beach without protection, he became sunburnt (sunburn).
2.Many people in this country are dying of hunger (hungry) every day.
3.In just two decades (decade), the village has grown into a fishing port with a population of around 5,000 people.
4.Tom said he had some disturbing (disturb) news to share with me.
5.Mr. Smith borrowed a large amount of money from the the bank to_expand (expand) his business.
6.Your education equips (equip) you to earn a good living in the future.
7.The boss hoped that his products could be_exported (export) to European countries.
8.Henry has German nationality (nation), but he grew up in the United States.
9.My mother would rather I focused (focus) more attention on my study.
10.Susan made it clear that she wished to study abroad.
The oldest desert (沙漠) in the world is in Namibia (a country in Africa). The desert is called the Namib Desert. This desert is believed to be nearly 40 million years old! It is truly an ancient desert.
The Namib Desert has some of the world's biggest sand dunes (沙丘). The dunes tower high into the sky. One dune, called “Big Daddy”, is almost 1,200 feet (365 meters) high! This means “Big Daddy”is bigger than a 100­story building! People can climb“Big Daddy”. One man climbed to the dune's crest, or top. Near the crest, the man had to climb on all fours! He had to use his hands to prevent himself from sliding down.
The Namib Desert's ancient dunes vary in color. When something varies, it changes and becomes different. The Namib Desert dunes vary from orange to red.
During the day, the surface temperature of the sand dunes heats up. The surface temperature can heat up to 54 ℃. What does one lizard (蜥蜴) do to keep its feet cool? It stands on only two feet at a time! It jumps from pair to pair! This allows the feet in the air to cool off. When this isn't enough, the lizard dives into the sand. It digs down to where the sand is cooler.
Little water falls on the dunes. Often there is less than half an inch (1.3 centimeters) of rain a year. What does one dune plant do for water? It uses the morning fog (雾)! The fog comes from the Atlantic Ocean nearby. It rolls across the dunes. The plant's leaves are filled with empty spaces. The empty spaces take in droplets (小水珠) of the water. The plant can survive years without rain by taking in the fog droplets.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了世界上最古老的沙漠——纳米布沙漠。
1.What is the Namib Desert most famous for?
A.Its old age.  B.Its big size.
C.Its location.  D.Its animals.
答案与解析:A 细节理解题。由第一段中的oldest和ancient可知,纳米布沙漠是世界上最古老的沙漠,因此它以其年代古老闻名于世。
2.Why does the author mention the man climber?
A.To show it is fun to climb dunes.
B.To show the popularity of“Big Daddy”.
C.To show“Big Daddy”is the highest dune.
D.To show the difficulty of climbing“Big Daddy”.
答案与解析:D 推理判断题。由第二段中的“the man had to climb on all fours! He had to use his hands to prevent himself from sliding down”可知,攀爬“大老爹”沙丘还是具有挑战性的。
3.How does a lizard in the Namib Desert deal with the heat?
A.It touches the sand with as little of its body as possible.
B.It keeps jumping from one cool place to another.
C.It jumps as high as possible into the air.
D.It stays inside the sand the whole day.
答案与解析:A 细节理解题。由第四段中的“It stands on only two feet at a time! It jumps from pair to pair! This allows the feet in the air to cool off”可知,蜥蜴一次只有两只脚着地,这样轮换着来让脚凉快点。
4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The dune plant lives on the rain.
B.It rains often in the Namib Desert.
C.The Namib Desert is a coastal desert.
D.Plants can seldom be seen on most dunes.
答案与解析:C 推理判断题。由最后一段中的“The fog comes from the Atlantic Ocean nearby”可知,纳米布沙漠是一个滨海沙漠。
“Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!” Mr. Gordo called. “ __1__ , kitty!” He called and called. So did Nina. But no little white cat came.
It was a bad day for Snowflake to get  __2__. The Gordos were moving. A big van (厢式货车) had taken their  __3nation和nationality的区别__ that morning. “We'll just have to go without Snowflake,” said Mr. Gordo. “We'll get you a  __4__  cat.” Nina began to  __5__. “But I want Snowflake!” she said.
