Unit 1  How can we become good learners?
Δ by + doing:通过…方式(以达成某种目的)= through + 名词/名词性短语
You will certainly get good grades by studying hard. (hard作为副词修饰动词study)
= You will certainly get good grades through hard study. (hard作为形容词修饰名词study,hard study整体属于名词性短语) 
The lady caught the first train by getting up very early.
The old man kept healthy by keeping early hours. (keep early hours意为“早睡早起”)
Δ have a conversation with sb = have conversations with sb 同某人谈话
Δ Have a telephone conversation with sb 同某人在电话上交谈
I had a pleasant telephone conversation with an old friend last night.
=I felt much better after a pleasant telephone conversation with an old friend last night.
To learn English well, you need to have conversations with others frequently.
Δ aloud, loud与loudly的用法
1、aloud是副词,主要与shout, call, cry, read等词连用
He often shouted aloud to others.
The little boy is crying aloud.
He read her letter aloud to the rest of the family. 
用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh, sing等动词连用,多用于比较级。
Could you speak a little louder, please?
Tell the girl to try singing louder please.
Our English teacher always talks loud.
I couldn't hear what he said because the music was so loud.
I suddently heard a loud bang outside.
Kids, dont talk so loudly!
Δ repeat out loud  大声跟读
When we were middle school students, we often repeated out loud in class.
Δ be patient with 对…有耐心
A kindergarten teacher should always be paitent with the kids.
Δ be impatient with 对…有耐心 (patient做形容词时,反义词为impatient)
The young couple are impatient with their little boy.
Δ patient 也可作为可数名词,意为“病人”
A patient was waiting for the doctor.
Δ discover为动词,其名词是discovery (cn.发现)
His discovery is so great that everyone is interested in it. (sothat意为“如此,以至于”)
Δ the secret to…  …的秘诀 (注意要用介词to)
All of us wish to know the secret to success.
Δ the secret to doing… 的秘诀 (介词to后要跟动词的ing形式)
The secret to becoming a good learner is to have conversations with others.
Do you want to know the secret to playing basketball well?
Δ look up向上看、查阅 (很多固定搭配有两个意思:字面义和引申义)
Why does the girl always look up? 向上看
The hard-studying girl often looks up English words in the dictionary. 查阅
When you meet a strange word, you can look it up in a dictionary. 查阅
例:look the word up = look up the word 对 (look是动词,up在此处是副词) 
    look it up 对    look up it 错!
Δ take notes 做笔记/记录
Students should take notes in class.
Δ take notes of做笔记记下来
Can you please take notes of what the speaker says at the meeting?
Δ memorize 是动词,其名词是memory (cn.记忆,回忆)
I have been away from my hometown for many years, but my memory of it is still clear.
Δ increase to 增加/增长到
The population of this city has increased to 10 million.
Δ increase by 增加/增长了
The population of this city has increased by 1 million.
Δ at a high/low speed 以高速/低速
The man was riding a motorbike at a high speed.
Δ at a speed of的速度
At that time, he was driving at a speed of 120km/h.
Δ be born with 天生具有
The girl is born with a singing voice.
Δ have the ability to do sth.  具有做某事的能力
Everybody has the ability to learn English well.
Do you wish to have the ability to play volleyball well?
Δ create 动词创造, creation  cn.创造/作品,creator  cn.创造者,creative  adj.有创造力的
Δ be active in中/在方面积极活跃
The tall boy is very active in the basketball team.
He was active in creating new things.
connect to和connect with的区别
Δ pay attention to 注意关注
Pay attention to that little boy please.
Students should always pay attention to what the teacher says in class.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? 请注意(拥有你的注意)
Δ Connect …with…  把…和…连接/联系起来 (二者是相互的、平等的)
The boy is good at connecting pictures with their meanings.
A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him.
Δ Connect…to…连接到上 (二者有主被动之分)
please connect the computer to the internet.
The workers will connect this wire to your room.
Δ lifelong
Learning knowledge is a lifelong journey.
又如:Watching TV for a long time is bad for your eyes.
