Unit 1
Section B
教学目标:掌握not always, increase, be born with, find out等单词短语用法
          掌握even if引导的是让步状语从句等句型用法
1. not always
not always 意为“不一定总是,未必总是”。当not both, always, all, everyoneeverything等词连用时,表示部分否定。
Those who have a lot of money are not always happy. 那些有钱的人不一定总是幸福。
Not everyone likes this book.
no  无,没有  no one没有人  nobody 没有人  nothing 没有任何事物  neither 两者都不  none 全无,没有一点儿 
No one was here.
2. increase
increase意为“增加;增长”。此处用作及物动词。它也可以用作不及物动词,常用短语:increase to 意为“增加到......”; 意为“增加了......”。
I’ve heard eating burnt food can increase the risk of cancer.
The price of petrol increased again.
The population of this city will increase to 1,000,000.
The price of the vegetables increased by 10%.
Increase in population caused a shortage of food.
3. ight
get + 宾语 + 宾语补足语”结构通常表示“使某人/某物处于某种状态或位置”。
The work gets everyone tired.
Can you get the car started?
4. be born with
be born with天生具有(某种天赋或命运)
He was born with a good memory.
表示“出生”用be born,并且动词be通常只用waswerebe born后可跟形容词、名词或不同的介词,表达的意思也不同。注意下面句子的意思。
She was born happy. 她生来就很幸福。
He was born French. 他生为法国人。
Tom was born in Hebei Province on February 12th, 1999.
He was born in a worker’s family.
5. not
I don’t know if / whether he is satisfied with my work.
但在不定式前,只能用whether, 不用if
The question is whether to go or stay.
It depends on whether he is ready or not.
or not直接连用时,只能用whether,不用if
I asked him whether or not he was coming.
6. active
active  adj. 活跃的,活泼的,积极地,主动的
China is situated in one of the most active earthquake regions in the world and there have been many terrible earthquakes.
Although he’s quite old, he’s still active.
She takes an active part in local politics.
be active in ......方面积极;积极参与......
take an active part in 积极参加
actively  adv. 活泼地,主动地      activity n. 活动
7. attention
pay / give attention to 注意
Please pay attention to what I am saying.
draw/ attract/ catch / get one’s attention to 吸引某人对......的注意
fix/ focus one’s attention on 将某人的注意力集中于
devote one’s attention to 某人专心致力于
turn/ direct one’s attention to  将某人的注意力转向
distract one’s attention from  分散某人对......的注意力
listen/ watch with attention 注意倾听/观察
Stand at attention! ( = Attention ! ) 立正!
注意:以上短语中的to, on皆为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。
8. connect
connect  v.
( 1 ) vt. 连接,联结
The two cities are connected by a railway.
( 2 ) vt. ......有联系(或关联);把......联系起来
He is connected with the Zhang’s by marriage.他与张家有姻亲关系。
She was connected with the crime.
( 3 ) (话务员)给(某人)接通电话
connect me to Peking University.
connect ...with/ to... ............ 连接
connect up 接通,连接在一起
connection  n. 联系,关联
in ......有关(或相关),关于
9. interest
( 1 ) interest 意为“兴趣;爱好;关注”。表示“某一方面的爱好”时,其后可以接介词in
I developed an interest in the machine.
( 2 ) interest也可以用作动词,意为“使发生兴趣;引起......的关注”。
Chemistry interests him.
He interested me in politics.
interestinginterestedinterest的形容词形式。interesting意为“有趣的”;interested 意为“对......感兴趣的”,构成短语be interested in
I’m very interested in TV plays.
The TV play is very interesting.
Fishing is not interesting. I’m not really interested in it.
find out
find out 发现,到
Find out what the conditions of the contract are.
辨析:find out, discover, look for, findinvent
find out 指经过观察、调查把某事、某物查出来、搞清楚、弄明白。
Please find out when the train leaves.
Who discovered America in 1492?
look for 作“寻”解时,指寻的动作和过程。
Are you still looking for that place?
I’m looking for my pen, but I can’t find it.
Who invented the computer?
10. share
share 常用作及物动词,意为“分享,共享”。
Children should be taught to share their toys.
The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas.
share sth. with/ among sb. 和某人分享/共享某物
Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others. 把恐惧留给自己,和他人分享勇气。
I share a bedroom with my sister.
11. advice
connect to和connect with的区别advice是不可数名词,意为“建议,劝告,忠告,意见”等。
Now you can give me some advice.
I took my father’s advice and went to the station early.
a piece of 一条建议
accept/ ask for/ follow one’s advice  接受/征询/遵从某人的意见
