9A Unit1 Know Yourself
一 单词
1.eat up  吃完,吃光 ate  eaten      give up  grow up  get up  clean up
Come on,you will have to eat up all the potatoes.
All the apples should be eaten up.
2.creative 有创造力的,创造性的 adj.  Do you have any good ideas? You are very creative.
create 创造 v. The purpose of the class project is to create wealth.
The government plans to create more jobs for young people.
3.curious 好奇的 adj. be curious about sth.    be curious to do
They are very curious about the people who live upstairs.
He is such a curious boy that he keeps asking questions.
4.energetic 精力充沛的,充满活力的 adj.
He is such an energetic boy that he can play computer games day and night.
energy  n. a boy full of energy
It’s a waste of time and energy to argue with him.
She put all energy into her work.
5.modest  谦虚的 adj. Students should be modest.
6.organized 有条理的,有效率的 adj.    He is well organized.
a carefully organized party    a well-organized officer  get oneself more organized
organize v. 组织organize a meeting/party.  You should try and organize your time better.
n. organization  the World Health Organization
7.order n.顺序,次序in the correct order  keep sth in good order
        It’s a good habit to keep all your things in good order.
Let’s deal with the problems in a different order.
    命令 give orders to      订单,订购 May I take your order?
      v. 命令 order sb to (not) do
8.show off  炫耀She wanted to show off her new dress to others at the party.
connect to和connect with的区别He likes to show off himself.
9.grammar语法 (注意拼写)pay attention to your English grammar
10e up with 提出,想出  He’s imaginative enough to come up with many new ideas.
Could you come up with a good idea to deal with the problem?
区别 catch up with    He runs fast enough to catch up with others.
11.neither(两者)之一不  Neither answer is right.      Neither of the books belongs to you.
Which do you like better?  Neither, I think both of them ugly.
--I haven’t been to the USA.  ---- Me,neither.
Neither Beijing nor Nanjing will be a good choice for us to travel to, because we only have two days off.
I like neither chicken legs nor meat, because I don’t want to get fat.
Neither my dad nor my mum and I ____(be) interested in games now.
12.accountant    make a good accountant
13.born    出生,天生的a born artist/leader/writer
bear v. 出生  I was born in 1976.    She was born with a weak heart.
              They were born blind.
14.impress  impress sb. with sth.  She impressed him with her kindness and beauty.
The artist impressed the whole country with his creative work.
n. impression  leave sb. a deep impression
15.praise 表扬,赞扬n.  win high praise from  His latest movie has won high praise from his fans.
His teacher is full of praise for the progress he has made .
v. praise sb for sth/for doing sth    she praised the actors for their wonderful performances.
16.general 总的,普遍的,首席的      The general manager of the company
The general idea is that the charity show is a big success.
17.race  n.比赛,竞赛,赛跑      He came third in the 50-kilometer race.
18.either…or… 不是…就是…      Either you or I ______ (be)going there.
Either my father or my mother and I ________(be) going there.
19.lead n. 领先地位,榜样 she took the lead in the race.
n. leader  All the leaders should pay attention to the people’s life.
v. led led 领导,带路,带领,导致 He led us out into the garden.
                              Eating too much leads to too many health problems.
20.challenge 挑战 The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career.
21.connect 连接 connect …to /with…    The high-speed railway was built to connect City A to City B.
City A was connected to City B by the high-speed railway .
The high-speed railway __________(connect) City A to City B was built last year.
22.miss 错误,过失 To us, a miss is as a mile.
                  v.错过 The hotel is the only white building on the left, you can’t miss it.
                      I felt sorry to miss watching such a wonderful performance.
v.怀念 We will miss you greatly when you are away.
missing 丢失的 They found the missing boy easily.
23.attention 注意,专心 pay attention to sth./doing sth.
pay attention to every detail        pay attention to working closely with children
We should pay attention to improving our abilities to get on well with others.
