
1. ________(n.) 交谈;谈话
2. ________(adv.) 大声地;出声地
3._______ (n.) 发音;读音
4. ______(n.) 句子
5. _______(adj.& n.) 有耐心的;病人
6. ______(n.) 表情;表示;表达方式
7._______ (v.) 发现;发觉
8._______ (n.& adj.) 秘密;秘密的
9.______(v.) 重复;重做
10.______(n.& v.) 笔记;记录;注意;
11._________ (v.) 发音
12._________(v.& n.) 增加;增长13.________(n.) 速度
14._______(v.& adj.) 出生;天生的
15._______(n.) 能力;才能
16._______(v.) 创造;创建
17._______(adj.) 活跃的;积极的
18.________(v.& n.) 回顾;复习
19.________(n.) 知识;学问
20.________(adv.) 明智地;聪明地
21._______(n.) 陌生人
22._________(n.) 亲属
23._________(v.) 偷;窃取
24.____(v.) 安置;安放;产(卵) ;25._____(v.) 欣赏;仰慕
26._______(n.& v.) 领带;捆;束
27.________(n.& v.) 款待;招待;请(客)
28._______(v.) 平躺;处于
29._______(n.) (长篇) 小说
30._______(adj.) 死的;失去生命的
31._______(v.) 处罚;处罚
32._______(v.) 警告;告诫
33.________(n.& adj.) 现在;礼物;现在的
34.________(n.) 温暖;暖和
35._______(v.& n.) 传播;展开;蔓延

1.aloud→(同义词) loudly
2.pronunciation →(动词形式) pronounce
3.express→(名词形式:表情) expression
4.discover →(名词形式) discovery
5.repetition→ (动词形式) repeat
6.patient →(名词形式:耐心) patience
7.physical→ (物理) physics
8.chemical→ (化学) chemistry
9.memorize→ (名词形式:记忆) memory
10.bear→(形容词形式:天生的) born
11.able→ (名词形式:能力;才能) ability
12.creative→(动词形式:创造;创建) create   
13.active→(反义词) quiet→(名词形式:活动) activity
14.review→(同义短语) go over
15.know→ (名词形式:知识) knowledge→(形容词形式:知识渊博的) knowledgeable
16.wise →(副词形式) wisely
17.strange →(指人的名词) stranger
18.lay→(过去式) laid→(过去分词) laid
19.tradition→ (形容词形式:传统的) traditional
20.haunt→ (形容词形式:闹鬼的) haunted
21.dead →(动词形式) die→(名词形式) death
22.present→ (近义词) gift
23.warmth→ (形容词形式) warm
1.向老师寻求帮助:ask the teacher for help
2.做笔记:take notes   
3.对……有耐心:be patient with
4.(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑) 查阅;抬头看:look up
5.大声阅读:read aloud
6.逐字地:word by word   
7.……的秘密:the secret to
8.记忆句式:memorize sentence patterns
9.提高阅读速度:increase reading speed   
10.出错:make mistakes
11.天生具有做某事的能力:be born with the ability to do sth.
12.注意;关注:pay attention to
13.把……和……连接起来:connect …with
14.在……方面创建兴趣:create an interest in
15.增加(体重) ;发胖:put on   
16.摆开;布置:lay out
17.不招待就捣蛋:trick or treat
18.最终成为;最后处于: end up
1.—_____ do you learn English 你怎样学习英语?
—I learn _____ studying_____ ______ ______.我通过小组合作来学习英语。
2. _____ ______ listening to tapes?
3.It’s_____ _____ ____ _____spoken English.
4.I _____ that listening to something interesting is ____    ____ ____language learning.我发现听有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀。
5.I often _____ ______ _____grammar.我经常在语法方面出错。
6.I wonder_____June is_____ ____ _____ ___ ____Hong Kong.我想知道六月份是否是参观香港的好时间。
7.______ ______the Water Festival is!泼水节多么有趣呀!
8.I believe ______ April is ____ ____ ____ in Thailand.我相信四月是泰国最热的月份。
1.I had a long telephone ________(交谈) with Jane last night.We both enjoyed the talk.
2.The teacher asked the students to read the text_______ (大声地) in the morning.
3.Will you please make a ________(句子) with this new word?
4.Chinese people usually visit their __________(亲戚) and friends on Spring Festival.
5.They have to wear T-shirts and_________ (领带) on weekdays.
6.It’s boring to ________ (重复) the same work over and over again.
7.Miss Zhang speaks English with excellent________ (发音).
8.The e _________on my teacher’s face showed that she was angry with me.
9.Taking n_______ can help you memorize what the teacher said in class.
10.Mo Yan has written lots of famous n________.
11.You should take __________ (physics) examination twice a year.
