备战2023成都中考英语-语法填空-冲刺练习 1
结构1:不定冠词/定冠词+) _______  +名词(形容词作定语修饰名词
结构2be/get 等系动词 +副词)+__________.(形容词作表语)
结构3make 等使役动词+名词+_________.(形容词作宾语补足语)
结构1:名词+_______  +名词(空格前名词做主语,空格后的名词做宾语,所填词为谓语动词且动词为及物动词)
结构3have /has /had /be +_______.
结构1_______  +动词,或者 动词 +______.
结构1 冠词+n.      结构2:形容词+n.      结构3:及物动词+n.
结构4:介词+n.      结构5:形容词性物主代词+n
结构6: 数词+n.        结构7the+ n.+ of
专项练习 1
1.Do something __________(relax) before going to bed—read a book or take a hot bath.
2.There is a __________ (medicine)college in Wenzhou.
3.They are busy __________ (prepare)for the test on Sunday.
4.Our school is ready__________ (raise)money for the old people in the poor mountains area.
5.About 200, 000 visitors __________ (come)to Ancient Town during last May 1 holiday.
6.She was a lovely        (love)little girl.
7.If you want to speak English __________(good), you need to talk as much as possible with your friend.
8.There are three months in spring,__________(include) March, April and May.
9.With the development of science and technology, more and more         (robot)are used in factories.
10.Drinking tea is a           (tradition)custom in China.
11.Most drivers in our city are polite enough to let people walk         (cross) the street first.
12.January and             (二月)are the coldest months in Beijing.
13.The __________ neighborare always willing to lend a hand_ when we need help.
14.There is a smell of             (fry)chicken in this room. I like it for lunch.
15.It is generally considered __________(wise) to give a child whatever he or she wants.
16.Please walk __________ the street, the bus station is next to the supermarket.
17.If you don’t know the __________(mean)of the words, you can look them up in a dictionary.
18.More and more students are interested in playing the computer games, the parents and teachers are __________(worry)about it.
19.In that way,__________(learn)a foreign language is more fun and interactive.
20.After meeting my friend at the airport, I drove her __________(direct)to the hotel.
1.relaxing 2. medical 3. preparing 4.to raise 5.came 6.lovely 7.well
8.including 9.aditional 11.across 12.February 13.neighbors 14.fried 15. unwise 16. along17.meanings 18.worried 19. learning 20. directly
专项练习 2
1.I want to learn how to eat    ________ (health)
2.The wind often blows strongly in spring in the __________    (north) part of China.
3.She went out of the room, __________(leave) her daughter crying.
4. She wanted to lose __________(weigh), not only because she wanted to look more beautiful, but also because it would make life easier.
5.Thinking about the _________ (connect)between words may help you to remember them.
6.The more you practice, the __________(good) you will use them.
7.Someone advised Lisa __________ (play) the lead role (主演) of the proud Queen during the School Art Week.
8.Everybody knows that it is dangerous to  __________(across) the street without looking both ways in China.
9.Tu's finding of artemisinin(青蒿素)has saved __________ (million) of lives(生命)during the last forty years.
10.Do you have anything ________(value)in your schoolbag?
11.Day after day, thousands of children in poor countries have to spend hours __________(walk) for miles to collect water.
12.Their _______________(confident ) is the result of a new discovery of the mystery animal in Hubei Province.
13.He found it hard ___________ (catch) up with his classmates.
14.All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them __________( laugh).
15.Cultural exchanges are a way of building __________(bridge) between nations.
16.Zhu recently won a televised talent show called The Sound,__________(create)by Hunan TV.
17.It will be interesting __________ (see) what happens when he gets a bit older.
18.Sometimes there's a lot of __________ (compete) between children for their mother's atconnect的名词和形容词
19.I have no idea about this task.Can you give me some __________(suggest).
20.You really require a lot of talent and hard __________ (work) to succeed.
1.healthily 2. northern 3. leaving 4.weight 5.connections 6.better 7.to play 8.cross 9.millions 10.valuable 11.walking 12.confidence  13.to catch 14.laugh15.bridges 16. created 17. to see 18petitions 19. suggestions 20. work
