A.To his office.    B.To a meeting room.
C.To the front desk.    D.To the bus stop.
A.At a school    B.In a hospital.    C.At a restaurant.    D.In a swimming pool.
A.On foot.    B.By car.    C.By bus.    D.By bike.
A.To join a club.    B.To register for school.
C.To organize a charity event.    D.To go on a trip to the theater.
A.It’s clean there.    B.It’s relaxing there.
C.It’s beautiful there.    D.It’s noiseless there.
A.Law.    B.Art.    C.History.    D.Children’s education.
A.Trip plans.    B.Ticket prices.
C.Tourist destinations.    D.Holiday celebrations.
A.She will be busy with her study.
B.She will go hiking with her family.
C.She will meet her new partners online.
D.She will browse through the Internet for fun.
A.She enjoys traveling this summer vacation.
B.She is considering whether to travel abroad.
C.She speaks highly of her experience last year.
D.She had an unpleasant experience in Chicago.
A.How customers could be best served.
B.What kind of stores can offer lower prices.
C.Whether online stores will replace high-street stores.
D.Why some people prefer to buy products in physical stores.
11.A.A host.    B.A patient.    C.A doctor.    D.A volunteer.
12.A.Lawyer.    B.Driver.    C.Researcher.    D.Government officer.
13.A.By reading books regularly.
B.By changing your demanding job.
C.By developing some challenging hobbies.
D.By exercising regularly and eating healthily.
14.A.About 150.    B.About 12.    C.About 15.    D.About 5.
15.A.They have limited access to friends’ updates.
B.They get pressure from their friends in real life.
C.They make virtual friends with their employers.
D.What they post online may offend their friends.
16.A.Online friendship is of significance for teenagers.
B.Teenagers interact with their friends mostly on line.
C.Teenagers’ online friendship is superior to that in real life.
D.A majority of teenagers prefer to make new friends online.
17.A.Repainting the walls.    B.Furnishing the kitchen.
C.Renting an apartment.    D.Discussing the pipe system.
18.A.It is in a rural area.    B.The fridge works well.
C.It is next to the office.    D.Laundry is included in the rent.
19.A.For a week.    B.For a month.
C.For about three years.    D.For at least a year.
20.A.$200.    B.$180.    C.$720.    D.$800.
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.
OpenAI Announces ChatGPT Successor GPT-4
OpenAI has released GPT-4, the latest version of its hugely popular artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT.
The new model can respond to images by providing recipe suggestions from photos of ingredients as well as writing captions and descriptions. It can also process up to 25,000 words, about eight times as many as ChatGPT. Millions of people have used ChatGPT since it _____21_____ (launch) in November 2022. Popular requests for it include writing songs, poems, marketing copy, computer code, and helping with homework, _____22_____ teachers say students shouldn’t use it. ChatGPT answers questions _____23_____ (employ) natural human-like language, and it can also imitate other writing styles such as songwriters and authors, using the Internet as its knowledge database.
There are concerns that it could one day take over many jobs currently _____24_____ (do) by humans. OpenAI said it _____25_____ (spend) six months on safety features for GPT-4, and on human feedback. However, it warned that it _____26_____ still be subject
to sharing disinformation.
GPT-4 will initially be available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, _____27_____ pay $20 per month for easy access to the service. It’s already powering Microsoft’s Bing search engine platform. The tech giant has invested $10b_____28_____ OpenAI.
GPT-4 has “_____29_____ (advanced) reasoning skills” than ChatGPT, OpenAI said. The model can, for example, find available meeting times for three schedules.
OpenAI also announced new partnerships with language learning app Duolingo and Be My Eyes, an application for the visually impaired, _____30_____ (create) AI Chatbots which can assist their users using natural language.
