语法填空讲解之the first后面使用to do
to do常见的特殊考法。
As the morning sun went above the hills, Liu Dachun’s wife was guiding her cow through the wetland, while Liu’s daughter, a college art student, spotted the pair and (36) __________ (pencil) a quick drawing.
Shiyanping, a traditional Tujia village, has 182 wellpreserved buildings (37) __________ (construct) in the typical wooden building style, (38) __________ (most) built in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In 2013, the ancient architecture plex (39) __________ (recognize) as one of the nation’s major historical and cultural sites.
In recent years, the village’s unique building plex, as well as other Tujia cultural activities, have attracted a stream of tourists. The village received more than 100,000 visits and achieved (40) __________ ine of about 5 million yuan from tourism in 2022.
Liu Dachun, a skilled farmer, is hard at work preparing for spring plowing (犁地). He has tried out the ricefish farming system, (41) __________ not only benefits the environment but also local residents. According to Wu, fish raised in rice fields are more popular among consumers as they are environmentallyfriendly—the fish waste can add natural fertility (肥料) to the soil (42) __________ hence promote rice output. Quan Xiping, another 59yearold villager, was among the first in the village (43) __________ (establish) a familyrun hotel. Meanwhile, his son started an online specialty store, capitalizing on the rapid (44) __________ (grow) of rural tourism in the area. His emerce business is working more efficiently due to the village’s (45) __________ (rise) appeal.
pencil 动词 用铅笔写;名词 铅笔construct 动词 建造most 形容词 大多数的;副词 最多、最;名词 大部分、大多数人recognize 动词 认出、认可establish 动词 建立grow 动词 成长、发展、增加、种植rise 动词 上升、增长;名词 上升、增长
1. As the morning sun went above the hills, Liu Dachun’s wife was guiding her cow t
hrough the wetland, while Liu’s daughter, a college art student, spotted the pair and (36) __________ (pencil) a quick drawing.
解题思路:看到提示词pencil,直观反应是题目考查名词,考虑使用名词复数。但是看到空格后面的名词短语“a quick drawing 一幅草图”,你就需要立刻意识到,这里的pencil不可能是名词,要想和后面的名词短语合理组合,pencil只能是动词用法“用铅笔写或画”。
As the morning sun went above the hills 逻辑连词as表示伴随,“当……的时候”Liu Dachun’s wife was guiding her cow through the wetland 句子主干while Liu’s daughter, a college art student, spotted the pair and penciled a quick drawing 逻辑连词while表示伴随,“同时”
2. Shiyanping, a traditional Tujia village, has 182 wellpreserved buildings (37) __________ (construct) in the typical wooden building style, (38) __________ (most) built in the Ming and Qing dynasties.
38题就没有任何难度了,提示词如果是many或much,也许还有more、most这些可能性。但是直接给出most,那么除了变成副词“mostly 大多数地”,没有任何其它选择。这里的副词描述后面的动作built,“大多数建于明清两代”。
3. In 2013, the ancient architecture plex (39) __________ (recognize) as one of the nation’s major historical and cultural sites.
解题思路:39题的句子里没有谓语,所以recognize必然要作谓语。时间有明确提示“In 2013”表示“过去”,空格后面没有名词,说明需要使用被动形式,主语“the ancient architecture plex 古建筑”是单数,所以答案为was recognized。注意,plex指的是完整的一组事物,视作一个整体,所以是单数。
这道题目里涉及的是核心词汇recognize的常见考法“sb / sth be recognized as … 某人或某物被视作……”,如果改成主动形式,就是“sb recognize A as B 某人把A视作B”。比如:
I recognize this event as a precious opportunity.我把这次活动视作一次宝贵的机会。
This event is recognized as a precious opportunity to improve our English level.这次活动被视作一次提高我们英语水平的宝贵的机会。
4. The village received more than 100,000 visits and achieved (40) __________ ine of about 5 million yuan from tourism in 2022.
解题思路:作为无提示词的题目,空格后面没有出现谓语,没有合理的并列关系,“achieve 取得成就”的后面也不需要介词,这里只能填入冠词。ine是元音开头,所以你需要在an和the之间二选一。
在Practice 7里我们见到过“an average attendance rate of more than 95% 超过95%的平均上座率”,这里又见到了“an ine of about 5 million yuan 大约500万元的收入”,两者的结构是完全相同的。希望各位注意,在初次提到具体的数字概念时,要使用不定冠词a或an
5. He has tried out the ricefish farming system, (41) __________ not only benefits the environment but also local residents.
如果填入and,benefits就要和前面的谓语has tried并列,共用主语he。“对环境和当地居民有好处”的不是“他”,而是“他尝试稻鱼养殖系统”这件事。
