register for听力专项训练
Passage one
Hello, welcome to college!
      In high school, you learned 1) _____________________,  including reading, writing, math and computer. For the most part, you and your classmates studied  2)  _____________________.
      This will change now 3) _____________________ college gives you many choices. 4) _____________________ such as how to write business letters or 5)              repair computers. You can also choose certain courses just because theyre fun, different, 6)  _____________________ .
      College can prepare you for your chosen career. It also prepares you for a lifetime of  7) _____________________in school, at work or out in the world. 8) _____________________, the most important skill you can learn in college is how to learn.
If you have this skill, you can 9) _____________________throughout life.The content of this book will tell you 10) _____________________at college and succeed as a freshman.
Passage two
Hi class,
        Have you ever stopped and tried to answer this question about your life: What will  I be? Young people naturally  tend  to  live  in  the present and are used  to  the immediate satisfaction of 1) _____________________. But just because you are focused on today doesnt mean that you cant also have something of a vision of 2) _____________________tomorrow, and what it may take to get there.
    Yes, you all certainly have 3) _____________________. But each of yours will be very different. Likewise, all of you will 4) _____________________. But there, too, many differences will occur. Your future doesnt exist, just like that, as if it were an inanimate  __
___________________thing. Its a  living process, getting 5)            _____________________by you every day, 6) _____________________,so-to-speak.7)                                _____________________today is shaping your  future  in many small and  large ways. In short, what you will be tomorrow, in the future, 8) _____________________right now by what you are doing today.
      So for a future  thats being made 9) _____________________, whats key? The answer  is simple and short, but very powerful: Wake up! 10) _____________________! Each of you  is born with a unique potential. You need  to examine it so that you know 11) _____________________person you are. To know yourself  is  to know your strong points as well as your  limitations. That self-knowledge empowers you as you go 12) _____________________, it lights the road as you shape the future you see for yourself as an adult.
Passage Three
Balancing academic and social life is difficult. Now that you are in collegeyou can no lo
nger rely on your parents for structure, rules, or   (1)  motivation. All of these are now in your hands. Being at college a lot of evening and weekend       2  are open to you, including lectures, club events, and of course, parties. In  (3) , students go to schools in new places where they have not lived before, so a lot of time is spent     4)  your new surroundings. While it is good to explore new surroundings and take      5      of social opportunities, it is important that you take time out to  (6)  on your studies. Some students                 7                             
in the school library,                   8                                . Forming study groups with your classmates and agreeing on a daily study time with your roommates can also be extremely helpful.
Passage Four
The History of Harvard University
  Harvard is the         1            institution of higher education in               2          , establish
ed in        3        by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was named after the colleges first benefactor, the young          4        John Harvard of Charlestown, who upon his death in 1638 left his          5        and       6        of his estate to the institution. A statue of John Harvard stands today in front of             7            in Harvard Yard, and is perhaps the universitys best known         8          .
    Harvard University has 12 degree-granting schools in addition to the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. The university has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than          9          degree candidates including undergraduates, graduates, and professional students. There are more than 360,000 living       10          .       students in the U.S. and over 190 other countries.
Dialogue 1
1.    A. Customer and salesman. B. Colleagues. C. Employee and boss.  D. Classmates.
2.    A. He loves his present job.          B. He is going to open a store.
        C. He is about to retire.              D. He works in a repair shop.
3.    A. Husband and wife.            B. Father and daughter.
          C. Doctor and patient.            D. Teacher and student.
