1.—Could I use your English-Chinese dictionary?
—________. Here you are.
A.By all means    B.It depends
C.Never mind    D.Don't mention it
2.We are deeply impressed by his ________ to teaching.
A.consideration    B.celebration    C.devotion    D.description
3.Our school successfully ________ an English Speech Contest last week.
A.will hold    B.held    C.has held    D.holds
4.I believe you can ________ your goal in the end if you put your whole heart into it.
A.satisfy    B.avoid    C.escape    D.achieve
5.When ________, the two methods can help us save much time and money.
A.being combined    B.combined    C.to be combined    D.combining
6.He often goes to school by bike, ________ helps him keep fit.
A.where    B.which    C.when    D.that
7.I can see the dentist alone. You ________ go with me if you're busy.
A.mustn't    B.can't    C.shouldn't    D.needn't
8.A ________ schedule can help women balance their work and family lives.
A.tight    B.temporary    C.flexible    D.specific
9.Three planes were standing on the runway, waiting to ________.
A.build up    B.take off    C.set up    D.give out
10.People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival ________ a Chinese poet, Qu Yuan.
A.in memory of    B.on behalf of    C.in favor of    D.by means of
11.________ students do at the college matters much more than where they travel.
A.Which    B.Where    C.What    D.When
12.________ ecosystems, we must take urgent measures to protect the diversity of species.register for
A.Rescuing    B.To rescue    C.Rescued    D.Having rescued
13.We will go camping this weekend ________ the weather is good.
A.so long as    B.as far as    C.for fear that    D.now that
14.The chemistry teacher together with some students ________ doing experiments in the lab now.
A.has been    B.are    C.were    D.is
15.— ________! You missed Mary's birthday party yesterday.
—I had planned to attend it, but I was ill.
A.What a pity    B.What a relief    C.No way    D.Well done
    This afternoon I was driving home after visiting my mom. I took the route that was more like a canyon (峡谷) drive with beautiful sceneries.   16  I heard a pop. I knew what happened—a big flat tire! I   17  to the side, but this was a canyon drive with not much shoulder space. What’s worse, it   18  to be around a bend that people couldn’t see me, which made the situation   19  .
Cars were passing me with no   20  of slowing down. I got   21  in the car, feeling very   22  . After what seemed a few hours, I   23  a car stopping at a distance behind me. A gen
tleman   24  out and signaled to other drivers. With his help, I   25  to walk out of the car very carefully. Then he moved my car a bit out of the way while I was   26  AAA to seek help. After much back and forth, they said   27  they gave me priority (优先权) since I was in a dangerous place, they needed at least 20-30 minutes to send   28  . The gentleman offered to check my spare tire while I was making the call.   29  , by the time I was done with AAA, the gentleman had changed my   30  ! I felt a wave of   31  coming over me. I told him if he hadn’t stopped by and helped me, I would have felt   32  . He just laughed.
Even after we   33  , I saw in my mirror that the car just followed me to   34  I was OK. I thought how   35  I was to be the receiver of such kindness in a hot dry afternoon.
Bad things can happen, but life will bend toward goodness.
16.A.Carefully    B.Suddenly    C.Patiently    D.Frequently
17.A.pulled over    B.set up    C.broke down    D.got away
18.A.used    B.seemed    C.ought    D.happened
19.A.dangerous    B.safe    C.wonderful    D.typical
20.A.way    B.background    C.sign    D.reward
21.A.locked    B.trapped    C.fastened    D.injured
22.A.relaxed    B.determined    C.delighted    D.worried
23.A.noticed    B.felt    C.imagined    D.missed
24.A.fell    B.took    C.stepped    D.blocked
25.A.dared    B.failed    C.desired    D.hesitated
26.A.interviewing    B.contacting    C.investigating    D.challenging
27.A.as if    B.if only    C.in case    D.even though
28.A.shelter    B.medicine    C.equipment    D.assistance
29.A.Surprisingly    B.Slightly    C.Unbearably    D.Doubfully
30.A.lights    B.handle    C.tire    D.wheel
31.A.confidence    B.gratitude    C.passion    D.panic
32.A.boring    B.unique    C.worthless    D.helpless
33.A.talked    B.laughed    C.parted    D.quarreled
34.A.ensure    B.defend    C.evaluate    D.support
35.A.satisfied    B.lucky    C.proud    D.reliable
    Micah’s House is a home trying to change generational cycles of poverty. We are not looking for a temporary fix or to giving these men some donations. We teach them skills most of us learned in our teen years.
Micah’s House equips young men who have aged out of foster care (寄养) or who are experiencing homelessness to find hope, identity and a place to belong.
·Services provided:
When a young man comes to live with us, he is provided with a private bedroom and everything from furniture, sheets and towels to food and clothes. We have weekly Thrive Nights where our guys are taught life skills. We invite members of the community to teach everything from sewing on a button to an overview of insurance to pet care and what it really involves to own a dog.
