商标注册程序(Trademark registration procedure)
1, the choice of registration methods:
One is to apply for trademark registration by the State Trademark Bureau of Beijing (China trademark law allows the citizens to apply directly to the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for trademark registration). Another way is to entrust an experienced trademark agency to provide trademark agency service to you. This will save you a lot of time and effort, of course, the other side will receive the corresponding agency fees.
Attached: the trademark agency organization should have the business conditions: can provide accurate legal advice to a client, effective legal services, registration, be familiar with the use of a trademark license renewal, transfer, in the application process of the objection, case analysis, review reply various laws and work flow procedures. Be familiar with the International Classification of goods and services, accurate use of goods and services 34 classified in 8 categories, including 485 groups of similar understanding, grasp the development trends of China's current about 1000000 registered trademarks.
2, trademark re registration right inquiry work:
Trademark inquiry refers to whether the trademark registered applicant or his agent has the same or similar inquiry on whether the trademark applied by him or her has the same or similar query before filing the registration application. It is worth noting that although trademark inquiry is not a
necessary procedure for registered trademarks (following the principle of voluntary inquiry), this work can greatly reduce the risk of trademark registration and improve the grasp of trademark registration. In the query process, it will be affected by the data processing and trademark application review period and so on, so that part of the previous application of the trademark can not enter the database, so it can not query and retrieve the part of the information. Another trademark search and review undertaken by different researchers, and query staff with different review staff review opinions may appear on the different views, so the trademark query results not as a legal basis, does not have legal effect. Therefore, before registering a trademark, it is very important to find a trademark inquiry company or a trademark agency with perfect conditions for trademark inquiry.
3. Preparation for trademark application:
(1) if you apply in the name of a natural person, you need to show your ID card and submit a copy of your identity. If you are to apply for registration as an applicant, you need to show a copy of the busin
ess license and a copy of the business license signed by the issuing authority. Full application of trademark registration with the official seal and personal signature.
(2) trademark drawings 10 (designated color trademark, should be colored drawings 10, black and white ink 1 copies). The trademark design must be clear, easy to paste, with bright and durable paper or photos instead of length and width of not more than 10 centimeters, less than 5 centimeters. The direction of the trademark drawings is unclear, and the arrow is used to mark
the upper and lower parts. The application of cigarette and cigar marks can be as large as the actual use.
(3) prepare the corresponding registration fee: the registered trademark fee: 1000 yuan, if you are entrusted trademark agency organization, need to pay about 1000 yuan trademark agency fee
Two, apply for registration
1, only individuals or groups with the following conditions can apply for trademark applications in china:
Applicants for trademark registration must be lawfully established enterprises. Institutions. Social org
anizations. Individual businesses or individual partnership. And Chinese signed an agreement or China joined international treaties or foreigners or foreign enterprises in accordance with the principle of reciprocity of the country. In line with the above-mentioned conditions. To acquire the exclusive right of trademark, in accordance with the principle of voluntary to apply for trademark registration, the Trademark Office (since November 1, 2001, China's trademark bureau began to accept the natural person applying for trademark registration).
2, according to the classification of goods and services:
At present, China's trademark law is the international classification of goods. It divides more than ten thousand kinds of goods and services into 42 categories, among which the trademark law is divided into two categories,
There are 34 categories of goods and 8 categories of services. The application for trademark registration, trademark use of goods or services shall determine the classification categories according to the classification of goods and services. The applicant intends to use the same trademark on goods in different classes, it should be in accordance with the classification of goods in different categories filed to avoid trademark unfair to expand the scope,
It is also beneficial to the examination and approval of the examiners and the protection of the right to exclusive use of the trademarks
3. Determination of trademark application date:
The establishment date of application is very important, because of China's trademark registration by the first application, once a legal basis to determine the trademark application date has occurred, on the application for the registration of a trademark with the Trademark Office receives the application date (the date for the smallest unit of "day")
Three, Trademark Review
Trademark examination is the regulation of the trademark registration authority on the application of trademark registration in conformity with the Trademark Law
Examination, analysis, comparison, investigation, determination and preliminary approval
A series of activities such as rejecting the application
Four. Preliminary examination announcement
register for
The examination and approval of trademarks refers to the decision on allowing them to register after the application for trademark registration has been examined and the relevant provisions of the trademark law have been approved. And announce it in the trademark announcement. When the trademark has been preliminarily examined and approved for three months from the date of publication of the preliminary examination and approval announcement, no objection is raised, the trademark shall be registered, and the registration notice shall be published.
Five, registration announcement
Trademark registration is a trademark legal procedure. The trademark registration applicant shall be preliminary approval announcement by the Trademark Bureau after examination, no objection or raised objection is not established within three months, the trademark is registered, protected by law, the trademark registrant shall enjoy the exclusive right to use the trademark. It takes about one year to one and a half years for a trademark to be registered from application to approval. The term of validity of a registered trademark is valid for ten years from the date of registration, registered trademark expires, the need to continue to use, can apply for renewal of trademark registration.
Six. To receive the trademark registration certificate
