Universal Jobmatch
Universal Jobmatch website has been introduced for people to be able to find jobs.  However, it can be used without registering for an account. An account is useful for: uploading a CV for employers to view, to keep a record of jobs that have been applied for via the website, to keep track of any job search activity..
To register for an account, go v.uk and select ‘Working, jobs and pensions’.  Follow the arrows to reach the registration page.
To do a quick job search that does
not save your searches, fill in the
fields and click on search.
To register on the website click on
“Register with Universal Jobmatch”.
Complete the fields with your detailsand click on Submit.  This will generate your unique login number which you will need every time you login into your Government Gateway account.  A confirmation email will also be sent to you,which you will need to open and follow the instructions.
register for
This box will contain your User ID number which you will need everytime to log into your account. Click onto “Return to universal Jobmatch” to exit the screen. Complete the Profile page by filling in the empty fields.
Skills I want to be matched against:
Use this section to add your professional skills. These skills will be used to help match you to jobs. Predictive text will appear and you can select from a list of skills that appear frequently in job posts. To add more, click Add Skill. You can edit your skills at any time from the Edit your profile page.
By checking this box, DWP can use your basic job data information to search for jobs on your behalf and save them for you. These jobs will appear on your 'Saved Jobs' page, as well as in your 'Job Results'. You can then view, apply or keep them saved for later. While this authorisation is not required, it is highly recommended to help make your job search more successful. Note that DWP will be able to see all your job searching activity, including your notes, feedback and saved searches. Click on Save when finished.
The Home page gives you an overview of your activity.
Click onto the Help
link for further
information what each
section is about.
There are
also?buttonsthat you
can click for further
information if needed. To job search enter the details at the top of the screen in the named fields where a drop down menu will appear with some suggestions and click on the search button.  This will bring up any jobs that
may be available.
To save the overall search then cl ick on ‘Save this Search’.  This allows you look at the vacancies at
a later date at the bottom of the ‘Home’ page.
Before you create or upload your CV, you must select a CV title and privacy status. Since employers will see your CV title first, you should choose a title that describes your skills (e.g. award-winning graphic designer, experienced electrician, detail-oriented QA specialist). If you create and save multiple CVs, the title will help you keep track of CVs you use to apply for different types of jobs. A public CV is searchable by employers but will not give them any of your personal details until you've responded to their message in your account. A private CV is not searchable by employers, and they will not be able to contact you.
Using your CV stored on the Careers Wales website, follow the steps below to upload it into your Jobmatch account.
∙To save the file onto the desktop open it and click on ‘Save as’
∙Select ‘Desktop’ in the left menu, check the file name is in the ‘File name’ field and  change the ‘Save as Type’ field from Rich Text Format to Word Document (.doc or Word 1997 –2003) using the drop down menu
N.B. The Universal Jobmatch website does not support or recognise another format than .doc ∙Click on Save
∙The CV is now available on the desktop.
Go back to the CV page on the Jobmatch website and do the following:
∙Click on ‘Upload CV’ button.
∙Fill in the ‘CV Title’ field.  You can have up to five CVs so make sure each has a different name.
∙CV Status allows prospective employers to view your CV online, so make sure you check the ‘Public’ circle.
∙In the ‘Upload CV’ section clickon the Browse button to opena new window.
∙Click on your CV to select it and click on open.
